To request a Personal Channel please fill out this form and submit your payment, then check your email for further instructions to schedule the session.
These will replaced by product specific details in live view.
Personal Channel
A private conversation with your own soul.
Subscription Terms With VAT : %%TRIAL_AMT%% %%CURRENCY_CODE%% for the first %%TRIAL_PERIOD%% days then %%RECUR_AMT%% %%CURRENCY_CODE%% for each %%RECURRING_PERIOD%% days.
Personal Channels
Product Description
%%TRIAL_AMT%% %%CURRENCY_CODE%% for the first %%TRIAL_PERIOD%% days then %%RECUR_AMT%% %%CURRENCY_CODE%% for each %%RECURRING_PERIOD%% days, for %%TOTAL_RECURRING_PAYMENTS%% installments.$150.00