A New Birth!
Ahh… Spring has sprung in the mountains of Slovenia! And, after our two month summer retreat turned into a nine month birthing process, my beloved Romana Aniya and I are proud parents of:
A new website, community space, and vision:
And a very special new class on self-love:
Do check them out!
Important: This website is retiring. It will remain here as a library, but all new content will be published on the new Fellowship of Divine Humans website. If you would like to keep up with what we are doing please open a free account or purchase something on the new site, and that will put you on the new mailing list.
We hope to see you there!
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Navigating the Changes of 2025 and Beyond
The coming years are all about change and transformation. What will they be for you? Read more…

In Stillness It Comes to Me
One of the most profound truths I have ever come to know, spoken at a time when I literally could not see my path ahead and had no idea how to take care of myself or solve all my human problems. Read more…

Where Is My Transformation?
If you can ask that question, then it is already here. Here is my soul’s take on how you can begin to experience it. Read more…

I Exist: Seeing Self Through the Eyes of Soul
“I Exist.” We’ve heard it before, and it is said to be the key to everything. But what does it mean? Words are inadequate, but in this message/experience we feel into it through the perspective of Soul. Read more…

Letting Divinity Drive the Train
How do we navigate through a world gone insane, when the road ahead disappears, and when our bodies feel like they are self-destructing? Read more…

This message from my soul is dedicated to those of you who are experiencing the joys and the intense challenges of the greatest transition ever. It is exactly what I needed to hear, and I hope you enjoy it too. Read more…