~ Scroll Down for Recordings and Text Transcript ~
Wow, what a summer!
In the spring I felt some big changes coming for me, so as Romana’s son finished high school and moved in with his grandparents for the summer, Romana and I moved to our tiny weekend cottage in the mountains of western Slovenia. It’s a remote and beautiful place and felt like just the place we needed to undergo another level of transformation.
Of course my mind expected some big dramatic shift to happen. Like maybe my body would stop hurting, or I would start floating in the air, or not need to eat food or take showers anymore… But, well, that’s not how transformation works.
Real transformation brings up all the old issues that still make us feel unworthy and ashamed, so that we can feel them and our souls can bring them home. And that, as you know, hurts! Both emotionally and physically.
And then we think to ourselves, how can I be a master when I’m still feeling all this shit and my life is still such a mess? Which just piles shame upon shame, and suddenly we’re spiraling down into yet another pit of despair and doubt.
Well, as I fell into more than a few of those pits over the past few months, I found that I had something I never used to have: I Exist. And no matter how dark and deep and painful the hole I found myself in, feeling into my knowing of I Exist always brought me right back to myself. It didn’t change the physical pain or the circumstances of the situation, but it brought me back to a place where I could bear it and still smile.
And then I could open back up to the incredible beauty all around me! Of nature, of my relationship with Romana, of this beautiful place, and of my life as a true master. I Exist!
But what does that mean?
The mind hears those words, I Exist, and immediately tries to figure out what they mean. And that’s fine, but if you stop there it leaves you empty. It’s not something to think about or to analyze, but to feel. To know.
Lately I’ve been feeling that I needed to channel an experience about this, because it needed to be more about feeling than just words. And, as I prepared for the channel, I had a sudden impulse to ask Romana to join in. The result was such a beautiful experience for us! It was completely unplanned and unscripted, and the flow between us was so perfect and easy.
Here are Romana’s words about the experience:
“Dear friends, we are very happy to be sharing with you this video that John and I recorded together, along with our souls. It’s a deep sacred experience entitled, I Exist: Seeing Self Through the Eyes of Soul.
“I felt so much love pouring into my body during the experience, I couldn’t help crying. I was feeling my consciousness expanding more and more. My mind was freaking out as I was diving into the simplicity of stillness and finding my self exposed in, as Rumi said, naked consciousness, melding into the bliss of seeing myself through the eyes of my own soul. Some would call it craziness, but in this lifetime, luckily, we can freely open up to divinity beyond the limitations of mass consciousness and the fear of losing our minds. In this experience I certainly was taken by surprise by how much I allowed myself to open to blending my human and divine in front of the camera.”
So, from our hearts to yours, we wish you the best and hope you enjoy this beautiful experience!
Dearest John & Romana,
So much gratitude for timing of this channel and the reminder of receiving and feeling into I exist. I began listening to this last night and fell asleep. I woke early this morning with much anxiety and listened again deeply feeling the energy and knowingness that all is well! Thank you!❤️