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This message from my soul is dedicated to those of you who are experiencing the joys and the intense challenges of the greatest transition ever. It is exactly what I needed to hear, and I hope you enjoy it too. Read more…

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Have you ever wanted to have a chat with your own soul?

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I literally could feel how the veil was lifted which separated me from Soul for such a long time. —Claudia from Germany

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Releasing the Wounds Part 2: Opening and Feeling

Releasing the Wounds Part 2: Opening and Feeling

You’re feeling a lot these days, but those feelings can’t always be defined so well as before. And that’s a good thing. It means you’re opening up to things beyond your mind, and you’re finally beginning to taste true freedom. Read more…
Releasing the Wounds Part 1: Forgiveness

Releasing the Wounds Part 1: Forgiveness

I felt this message coming for a couple days, and it came through with a lot of feeling. It’s about one of the most difficult passages that every being makes on their journey home: the forgiveness of self. You can’t be free without it, but the human cannot do it. Read more…
Which world will you choose?

Which world will you choose?

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Mother Mary on the Coronavirus

Mother Mary on the Coronavirus

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Out of Control

Out of Control

I slammed on my brakes, but the sliding wheels had no effect in the space I had. The only thought in my mind was, “I’m out of control and there’s nowhere to go!” Then something deep inside took over, and I learned one of the most profound facts about life and enlightenment. Read more…
What Is Freedom?

What Is Freedom?

Freedom is in the discovery that everything around me, including my perception and experience of you, is my own energy in manifestation of my deepest beliefs. And those energies are always serving me. Read more…