An I Am Divinity Class

I Am Divinity

I Am Divinity

An Ongoing and Interactive Discussion of What It Means to Embody Divinity

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In these ongoing and interactive group sessions I’ll channel my own divinity/soul, and maybe you will too. Together we will dive deep into the experience of our own divinity, and also discuss the practical implications of living our divinity here on Earth. Each session will include a channel from my soul, plus questions and sharing from participants.

Embodying divinity while staying here on Earth is not an easy thing, and yet it is the grandest adventure there has ever been. The masters of the past could not do it, at least not for very long, but here we are. Doing it.

Registration is closed for this class.

Class details:

  • The declaration I Am Divinity goes right to the core of everything I am about, and this is my core class for those who want to go deep into understanding and embodying their own divinity.
  • Each session is lead by my soul, as channeled by me, the human called John. For a long time my soul came through as Master John, to signify the mastery of integrated human and divine. Now it usually comes through as Master Anna, to signify also the integrated feminine and masculine.
  • Questions and Sharing: The live sessions are interactive, and any participant may ask questions and share. Also, participants who can’t make the live sessions may submit questions or short sharings via a form on the class home page, and they will be included in the next session.
  • Ongoing: The live sessions will be conducted via Zoom at 4:00 PM CET every other Wednesday. The next session will always be listed on the class home page, along with a countdown timer, a time zone conversion link, and the Zoom link for the session.
  • Attending the live sessions is encouraged, but not required. We have people from around the world and some time zones just don’t work well, and we have people who don’t speak English and thus are unable to participate live. No matter how you participate, your energy and consciousness will be part of the sessions.
  • Recordings and transcripts: The audio and video recordings and the text transcript of each session will be posted on the class page a few days after the session. The text transcript takes longer to prepare, but is usually posted within a week.
  • Language: These sessions are conducted in English. However, a number of non English speaking participants have found them valuable enough that they wait for the text transcript and translate it into their own language with Google or Deepl. You may also send questions or comments in your own language, and I will use Google or Deepl to translate them to English for the class.
  • Discussion: There is a private Facebook group for participants, where you can discuss anything relevant to the class. You will receive a link to the group after you register, but you do not have to join it if you do not want to.
  • Price: €99 per month subscription, and you can join or cancel at any time.
  • Access: You will have access to the class material for as long as your subscription is active.

Registration is closed for this class.

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