Living As Soul: Understanding the True Nature of Reality and Creating

1. Introduction
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And so are you! – Exploring the Magic of Who We Are with John McCurdy
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Hello Guest! You may listen to the recording or read the text transcript here.
I’ve been following your channels for quite some time, John, and of course always paid for each one. I simply don’t understand why those, who consider themselves shaumbra, or similar, would grab it for free, as long as it is possible, technically. – So let me congratulate you on the decision to post this class, which can only be accessed after one paid. It is well worth the fee!
Your materials are unique, John: You are actually experiencing all of this yourself, as human&Divine, not holding back, being so candid, even about the challenges your human goes through. I’ve not encountered anything quite like it, in other channels / channelers. It resonates at a deep level, feels so “close to home”, to me.
As you say: “The idea of this class is not to tell you how to do it. Because, well, you are doing it! Rather, it is to help you understand, to help your mind understand what you are doing, so that you can allow it to be a little easier…”
– Exactly! I don’t need any guru or Ascended Master (any more) to walk by my side, every step of the way, because that is the “job” of my own Soul. But I sure appreciate the company of a “fellow traveller”, who also lives and experiences in this crazy 3D-reality.
Grazie per il tuo Grande Dono