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Navigating the Changes of 2025 and Beyond
The coming years are all about change and transformation. What will they be for you? Read more…
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I want to thank you so much, because through your beautiful voice I heard my soul speaking to me again. It was an incredible experience and I'm grateful to you for this! —Maria from Greece
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Letting Soul Drive the Train
In 1997 a series of events and a dream completely changed my life and set me on a path of discovering how creation really works. In this channel my soul, the one who created and orchestrated the whole experience, tells the story as only it can and talks about what it means and why it is so important. Read more…
Does Focusing on a Desired Outcome Make It Real?
It’s a common New Age teaching, but does it work? Not really, Divinity says. In fact, it usually creates the opposite of what we want. Here’s why, along with a beautiful invitation to what DOES work. Read more…
Releasing the Wounds Part 5: Sensual Release
In this beautiful experience, Mother Mary blends her divinity with mine to lead us deep into an experience of emotional release, and of sensuality beyond emotion and story. Read more…
Releasing the Wounds Part 4: Emotions
Emotions, and the stories behind them, are what lock in the old wounds. And, like bright, flashing neon lights, they block out our real senses and the true sensuality of life. In this moving, loving, maybe even disturbing message, Divinity discusses why that is and how we can be free. Read more…
Releasing the Wounds Part 3: Identity
Why do we suffer so much from all those old wounds? Perhaps it’s because the human is so attached to its human identity, and those old and painful stories help it to hold on. But going forward there’s no pace for that, so how do we get free? Read more…
Releasing the Wounds Part 2: Opening and Feeling
You’re feeling a lot these days, but those feelings can’t always be defined so well as before. And that’s a good thing. It means you’re opening up to things beyond your mind, and you’re finally beginning to taste true freedom. Read more…