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Navigating the Changes of 2025 and Beyond

Navigating the Changes of 2025 and Beyond

The coming years are all about change and transformation. What will they be for you? Read more…

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I highly recommend this experience to anyone who wants to deepen their connection to all they are, in such a tangible way. John provides a safe and compassionate place for this to occur. —Sheri from Arizona

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Allowing Soul’s Magic

Allowing Soul’s Magic

Everything in life comes down to how we perceive it. We know that, and we try so hard to think differently so we can perceive different and create something new, but it rarely works. In this passionate message Soul talks about how that works and what the solution is. Read more…
Your Light – A Special Solstice Message

Your Light – A Special Solstice Message

The Great Change is here, and what the world needs now is your light. Not your sword, not your call to arms for the forces of good, but simply the light of your soul. Here’s what that means and how to let it shine. Read more…
Allowing Soul’s Imagination

Allowing Soul’s Imagination

We’ve all heard about how we need to use our imagination more, but how does one do that? For me, it usually became a useless mind game of trying to project thoughts and images to conjure up what I wanted. In this special experience, recorded by the Mediterranean Sea with gentle waves lapping against the rocks, Soul presents a beautiful new perspective on imagination and how to use it. Read more…
Allowing Embodiment Part 3: Feeling Soul’s Senses

Allowing Embodiment Part 3: Feeling Soul’s Senses

One of the big questions that come up in Private Channels is, “Why am I getting SO sensitive?” In this message Soul says it is because you are integrating your soul’s senses, which are very different from your physical senses, and discusses how you can allow this very sacred transformation to happen more easily. Read more…
Allowing Embodiment Part 2: An Experience

Allowing Embodiment Part 2: An Experience

The human wonders why the process of embodiment hurts so much sometimes, because it forgot how much shame and how many old and stuck energies the body has taken on. In this beautiful experience Soul takes the human on a journey of releasing those old energies, and of receiving the unconditional love and forgiveness of Soul so the body can finally transform. Read more…
Allowing Embodiment Part 1: Why it Hurts

Allowing Embodiment Part 1: Why it Hurts

As more and more people come into their realization, or enlightenment, many are surprised to find their bodies hurting and struggling more than ever. Wasn’t realization supposed to fix all that? Where is the long-promised Light Body? How can I be realized and still hurt so much? In this message Soul talks about what is happening, why it often gets worse before it gets better, and what you can do to support this natural process. Read more…