A Discovering Freedom Course

Living As Soul: Understanding the True Nature of Reality and Creating
When the butterfly comes out of the chrysalis, it finds itself in a completely different reality from the caterpillar it used to be. It lives in the same world, but nothing works the same as it did for the caterpillar.
So too, as Human and Soul blend together and become the Divine Master, you enter into an entirely new reality where nothing is what it seemed to the human. If you try to continue living the way the human lived before, it will hurt. But if you open up to the true nature of reality, as seen through your soul’s eyes, you may discover a whole new life filled with Grace and Magic!
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Comments From Attendees
NOTE: The comments below are from people who have enrolled in this class. Comments from others are appreciated, but will be removed from this page to maintain its focus. If you have questions about this class, please ask here. Thank you!
El curs és magistral per entendre la realitat i la creació des de qui som realment.
Va tocant punts basics a tenir en compte en les diferents clases.
I es desplega amb magnificencia en la ultima d’elles, Magia Real.
M’ha agradat molt.
Ho recomano, per la seva manera d’expressió, tan clara, amigable i tan intensa de contingut.
Es un plaer per a mi, formar part d’aquest curs.
Thank you so much John, from me and my mind.
Dear John,
I was sooo happy and grateful with your class , I think – now I have what I need to be one with my soul … finally.. I also have a question.. and then
came 04.05.22 and I fell and broke my leg …then I was 10 days in hospital.. never before.. what the f’k I just want to experience now at the end of my journey I asked myself.. now I have time to love myself – it is maybe the answer
thank you John for all you do for us – silly humans..
I’m so grateful to know you and your beloved Romana
with love anna
Oooooh… I’m glad you enjoyed the class Anna, and I am so sorry to hear about your accident!
We call those a bump-and-fill: You unexpectedly bump into something, or break something, and the shock opens you up to a huge infusion of energy from your soul. It’s painful but effective, and I’ve had a few of my own along the way… I hope you feel better soon!
And yes, loving yourself is the most important thing you can do. Ever. Most of my bump-and-fills happened when I was stuck in some rut of putting other’s needs ahead of my own, or even of putting what I thought were my own needs and responsibilities ahead of my soul’s love and inspiration.
All the best to you!
sooo true .. thank you from my heart for all..
Wonderful work dear John, thank you very much for the material. Unfortunately I can’t find the words to explain myself more at the moment, but I have found myself in the course, it corresponds to me, even though I am being shaken up again mightily at the moment. I’m glad you created this space. Thank you !!!
Muchas gracias por todo este material , es una grandísima ayuda todo este recordatorio. Quedarse después de la realización es muy fuerte , indescriptible y leer todo esto me está sirviendo mucho, la mente parece que va cediendo poco a poco, más y más a su ritmo para no colapsar sin volver como un boomerang otra vez como tantas veces ocurre durante esta travesía a ilusiones y fuertes resistencias.
Muchas gracias Maestro John
Google translation: Thank you very much for all this material, all this reminder is a great help. Staying after the realization is very strong, indescribable and reading all this is helping me a lot, the mind seems to give way little by little, more and more at its own pace so as not to collapse without coming back like a boomerang again as it happens so many times during this journey to illusions and strong resistance.
Thank you very much Master John
I have read and listened to this series of sessions twice already. I’m calmly astonished at its quality and its efficiency. My mind is quiet since an insomnia yesterday. It simply shared, during the night, these “words“ from my Soul: “I carry the rising sun within me.“ These channels vibrate with the clarity, the purity – pure awareness- of the reasons for being.
Deep and joyous thanks, John. It’s changing my life!
Your materials are unique, John: You are actually experiencing all of this yourself, as human&Divine, not holding back, being so candid, even about the challenges your human goes through. I’ve not encountered anything quite like it, in other channels / channelers. It resonates at a deep level, feels so “close to home”, to me. It actually feels / is my Soul talking to me.
As you say: “The idea of this class is not to tell you how to do it. Because, well, you are doing it! Rather, it is to help you understand, to help your mind understand what you are doing, so that you can allow it to be a little easier…” – and it certainly has helped me / my mind… – still “reeling”… expanding… – slowly, slowly “sliding” into this experiencing as avatar&player or rather: human&Divine. BEING Awareness.
Thank you, John human&Divine, for expressing what I had no words for (though I’m usually not without words ;-)). – If you, reader, are looking for something to support you in actually Living as Soul: Well, this is it!
Complimenti anche per il software John ,e’ perfetto
Google translation: Congratulations also for the John software, it’s perfect
Ti ringrazio dal profondo della mia Anima Master John per questa Meravigliosa classe.Questa classe mi ha aiutato molto ad essere piu’ consapevole della natura della realta’ quindi di Me.ha aiutato molto la mia mente a comprendere meglio come stanno veramente le cose e quindi arrendersi alla mia Anima.Questa classe la consiglio con tutto il cuore.E’ un dono d’Amore della priopria Anima,non ci sono parole.GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE ……..
Google translation: I thank you from the bottom of my Soul Master John for this Wonderful class. This class has helped me a lot to be more aware of the nature of reality therefore of Me. It has helped a lot my mind to better understand how things really are and therefore surrender to my Soul. I recommend this class with all my heart. It is a gift of Love from your Soul, there are no words. THANKS THANKS THANKS …… ..