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Where Is My Transformation?

Where Is My Transformation?

If you can ask that question, then it is already here. Here is my soul’s take on how you can begin to experience it. Read more…

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I was touched so deeply. —Claudia from Germany

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I Am Divinity

I Am Divinity

When you begin to recognize your own divinity, that’s when life becomes, oh, so magical! That’s when you begin to discover the flow of your own divinity. Read more…
The Seed of Hope

The Seed of Hope

As divine beings we came to Earth to answer that grand question, Who am I? In order to do that we needed to forget what we already knew about ourselves, so that we could dive fully into the experience. In that forgetting we lost hope, and without hope it became almost impossible to find our … Read more


“Allow, allow, allow!” they say. “It’s the key to everything!” And life goes on, and the human gets tired of hearing about it… So, what is allowing, and why is it so important? Read more…
You Are So Worthy!

You Are So Worthy!

The Apocalypse, the Second Coming, is here. Can you allow your own worthiness? Read more…
Preparing for the Apocalypse

Preparing for the Apocalypse

The great revelation of Divine and Human to each other is upon us, along with the chaos that comes with great change. In this simple message Master John talks about how you can make this incredible transformation easier for you. Read more…
An Experience of Opening to Your Own Worthiness

An Experience of Opening to Your Own Worthiness

In this beautiful and meditative journey, you are invited deep into your own essence where your own divinity, along with the future you who ‘has it all together,’ can show you how beautiful and worthy you are. Read more…