Your Divinity is Waking Up

Your divinity is waking up, and that changes everything.

So what does that mean, and how do you navigate the issues of life now?

This transcript has been edited from the original recording to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed as clearly as possible.

Your Divinity is Waking Up

Channeled by John McCurdy on 9 May 2023

I am that I am!

Master John of Magical Service, here to inspire some magic with you today.


Oh, we’re not talking about the kind of magic that you see in your movies or read in your books. No, we’re talking about where life, oh, it’s just magical! It’s where you live every day in the flow.

Think of it like a river, a grand, beautiful river, and everywhere it takes you, there is everything you need for that experience. Oh, it might not be the experience that you thought it was going to be, and the things that are there for that experience may not be what you thought you needed. But still, if you are willing to trust the flow, you will be amazed at how it all works out.


Because, you see, you are divinity.


You are divinity!

Oh, for all of human history there’s been this big misunderstanding that there is some divine being out there, somewhere, that created you and that created life on Earth. Oh, and that judges you!

They say that when you die you get judged by God, and you either live for eternity in heaven, or you get cast into hell with Satan and all of his creatures and spend eternity there. Oh, some religions don’t think it’s eternity, but it’s all the same.


But the truth is, the truth that you are discovering, that you are feeling, that you have always felt within yourself if you are honest with yourself, is that you are an eternal being. And you are divinity itself.

There is no God out there. That was a construct of human imagination. Angels came here to Earth, they embodied themselves in bodies, and then they forgot who they were. And in that forgetting, they lost hope. Their creations became difficult. Their experiences became difficult and dark. And because they had forgotten who they are, they looked outside of themselves to try to understand. And they came up with this idea of a God out there somewhere that is the master of everything, that created them and that somehow controls their lives and judges them at the end for whether they were good or bad.

Isn’t that interesting? A God that controls your life, that makes you who you are, and then judges you for that at the end. That judges you!


It doesn’t make any sense. And it’s not real, thank goodness!

What is real is that you are divinity itself. For you.

If you want to call that God, fine. We don’t like that word because it has so many other connotations, but hear this: You are only God for yourself. Not for anyone else, and certainly not over anyone else. Just for you.

But you are discovering that, well, you are the only thing there is in what you call your reality, or experience.

You think there are all these other people and all these other things that somehow have power or control over you. No, they don’t. And they are not even ‘other.’ They are you. They are manifestations of your own wonderful imagination, your own soul’s imagination.

Oh, there is this—ah, we’ve talked about it in other places—it’s like this computer game. Not in the sense that there’s some being out there that is controlling you, or that created the game. No, you created it, and then you created this network where you could connect it to the games that all these other people, all these other beings, were playing, so that you could interact.

It’s much like the games that you have these days on your computers, that you play over the internet. You interact with others who are also sitting at their computers, and everything that they are seeing on their screen is created right there in their computer. And those avatars, created within their computer, are programmed to reflect what those other beings are doing. So, they are seeing their own game, their own creation, but within that is the reflection of the others. That way you get to play with others.

It all started with that grand question: Who am I? Well, how can you tell who you are without interacting with someone else who has a different perspective and can reflect you back?

So, you look around you and you see all these others, and you forget. You forgot a long time ago, when you first came here, that they are you, simply playing out a role that reflects someone else. But they are still you.


And you made it seem so real! So incredibly real!

We’re not going to get into the details of how that works right now, because it’s, well, it’s not explainable in human terms. And it’s a mind question that, well, all you need to know is that this is how it is.

It’s all you. And you, dear friend, are divinity.


And what you are hearing through this message, whether you agree with it or not, even though it seems to be coming out of my human John’s mouth, is you. You are telling this to yourself.

Oh, that doesn’t necessarily make it true for you. You get to decide that. You get to feel: Does this enhance your life? Does it feel true to you, or does it feel like nonsense? It doesn’t matter, for you are the creator of your life and you can create it any way you want. You can create any truth that you want.

There is only one truth that is universal and indisputable: I exist.


I exist.

You exist too, although that is your truth. When you say, “I exist,” that’s your truth. It’s indisputable. Obviously, you exist.

Whether I exist for you or not is, well, it can be questioned. Whether you exist for me or not can be debated. But I exist. That’s the truth, the only absolute truth, and everything after that is your creation.

Well, the human goes, “Oh, look at all these bad things in my life! I didn’t create them. I didn’t create this body hurting. I didn’t create all these things that I don’t like!” Well, you did.

Not from the human level. Oh, the human certainly has an influence, but it was your soul that created you and these experiences.

For all of this time there was this veil between you and your soul. It was necessary, and it made it seem like all of these experiences were coming at you from the outside. But that was an illusion. The truth is, and has always been, I exist. And that includes you the soul, you the divine, you the master, and you the human. Oh, and you a whole bunch of other humans that are walking around on this planet right now, but in different parts of your time frame, your timescape.


I exist. That’s all.

All those other people, all those other things, they are your creations.


Someone asked us, “How can it be that all of this is me and all of this is my own creation, and yet you tell us that all these things are not mine?”

Well, you see, you forgot that it was all you. You forgot that these other beings in your life were avatars created by you, and so you started listening to them. You started making them more real than you. You gave them power over you. You bought into their stories and their games and their creations.

Oh, it was a wonderful thing! That’s how mass-consciousness came to be. It’s how this whole physical earth and universe and reality came to be. You took on somebody else’s game. You agreed to connect your games together. And all together, all these different beings that you connected with, created this game that we call mass-consciousness. And you forgot that it’s all your game.

So, you took on the issues of the others. You saw someone struggling with some part of their life and their creation, because you had created an avatar to reflect them, and you watched them struggle. And you thought, oh, a person has power over them (some other person) so they must have power over me too. And you took it on.

You saw how they were struggling with issues in their bodies, or in their finances, or in their relationships, or whatever, and you thought, “Oh, that’s a cool game! Let’s try that out!” and suddenly you were struggling with those same issues. And eventually it came to the point where practically everything in your creation was based not on what you wanted, but on what other people wanted. Or at least, on what you thought they wanted. Your whole reality became so enmeshed and intertwined with that of others that you got totally lost in it.

And so, yes, this reality is all you. Everything you see, everything you perceive, is all yours. But a big part of your creation within this reality came about at the influence of others, and that’s why we say it is not yours.

If there are things in your life that you don’t like, they are not yours. They came from somebody else. They weren’t imposed on you by someone else, but they were suggested to you by someone else and you took them on. Well, the cool part is that now you can let them go.


The human says, “Oh, how do I do that?” And then the human dives into trying to let them go, trying to release them, trying to fight those things, trying to fix them, trying to get something right to make their life better. And it only perpetuates the game.

No, you just let them go.

There is nothing to do about letting them go. You simply choose a different reality.

You see, humans look at some part of their life that they don’t like and, well, that’s all they can look at! And so that’s what keeps getting recreated over and over and over again.

No. Choose a different reality.


Right now that’s hard to do, because the human thinks it is the one that has to do it. No, all the human needs to do is let go of it.

Give it to your soul, to the wisdom of your divinity. Just turn it over to your divinity. Tell yourself, My divinity is handling this. I don’t need to look at it anymore. I just need to turn my attention to what nurtures me. That’s all.

There is always something in your life that feels better, that nurtures you, that makes you happier. Turn your attention to that, and forget about this issue. That’s how you let it go.

You don’t keep trying to fix it. You don’t keep looking at it and thinking, “Oh, that hurts so much.” Yes, it hurts. If it’s something in your body it often hurts, and you can lay there and wallow in that pain: “Oh, it hurt so much!” Ha! John does that sometimes.

Or you can go, “Oh, that hurts. That hurts a lot. Soul, take care of it, whatever that means. Meanwhile, I’m going to read a book or do something else that takes my mind off of it, and that makes me happier.” And you let it go.

Well, five minutes later you’re coming back and saying, “It didn’t work! It’s still there!”

It’s still there because it is not done yet.


Everything in your life is serving some purpose. You came here to have experiences for your soul. That’s what you are doing here, and every experience serves some purpose.

Maybe it’s not done yet. Can you allow that? Can you allow it to not be done yet?


You see, allowing is not a way to fix things. You don’t allow in order to resolve an issue or solve a problem, or to fix something that you think is wrong. That’s not allowing. That’s an agenda.

Allowing is when you go, “Oh, that hurts! So I’m just going to be with it. I’ll go read a book or watch a movie or whatever else distracts my mind and let it be, even though it hurts. Even though it scares me. Even though I can’t see where the money is coming from. Even though I’m lonely,” or whatever it is. You just be with it, and you turn your human attention to something that feels better in this moment. That is letting it go.

Because, you see, the only things in your life that are truly yours—oh, you created them all! Let’s not forget that you created it all, every bit of it. Your soul did, you did, for very good reasons that your mind is probably never going to understand.

The only things that are truly yours are what you choose. What you take on and take ownership of.


Let’s say that a little bit different, because there is nothing more profound than taking ownership of your own creation. But that doesn’t mean taking it on as your problem to fix. It’s not. None of it is.

The things you don’t like in your life, give them to your soul. It’s the one that created them. Say, “Soul, bring this to wisdom, whatever it takes.”

Don’t ask your soul to take it away, because you came here to have the experience and that experience needs to finish. But that does not make it yours to fix. It makes it yours to have, and to give to your soul.


Oh, the words are challenging here, because the mind has a really hard time understanding these things. But you know what we’re talking about. You feel it.

To the one who asked the question, and to all of you, we invite you to simply take a deep breath and feel into it. You know the answer. You know your answer.


And know that all these issues in your life, oh, so many of them, you took on in service.

John is bringing wisdom to so many old issues from his family, and his bloodline. Issues in his body, issues in his finances, issues that come from his family and from his ancestors. He took those issues on because he knew it was time to bring them to wisdom, and it was also part of his job as a realm worker.

Oh, these beautiful beings! Many of you were also the realm workers, the ones who created the opening that we call Heaven’s Cross, or the apocalypse, or the second coming of the divine, of the Christ. Oh, there were so many beings embodied on Earth and spending most of their energy in the other realms, creating this bridge, this opening, and shining their light. Shining their light into these issues.

Oh, such a beautiful thing! So many of you, of us, gave up our human lives. We always wondered what was wrong. We wondered, “What are we getting wrong that our lives just don’t work the way they are supposed to, or the way we thought they were supposed to?” It’s because we were working really hard in the other realms.

Oh, it made John angry sometimes, and he would yell at me. Somebody would come to him—it happened many times, actually—someone would come to him and say, “You came to me in my dreams last night, and you told me exactly what I needed to hear.”

And John would take a breath. Of course he had no memory of that, but he would take a breath and say, “You’re welcome.” And then he would turn to me and scream at me: “Soul, I need you here! Why are you chasing around all over the universe, without me even knowing about it? I need you here!


Well, I’d give him a hug and continue with our business, our work. I couldn’t tell him what it was, because the mind wouldn’t have understood and would have interfered.

And the same with you and your soul. You didn’t know what you were doing. You just knew that something was happening that you didn’t understand, and oh, you thought you were getting it all wrong because your life just wasn’t working the way you thought it should.

John could never hold a job for very long. Not because he couldn’t do it. They always begged him to stay, but he couldn’t. He had to move on. He couldn’t settle in. So many things in his life he gave up, and he didn’t know why.

He spent his life thinking he was searching for a woman, a woman he could feel. Oh, and he spent time with a number of very dear friends, but he couldn’t stay. It wasn’t until he finally let go of the whole search and focused on loving himself, on letting me in, on letting my love into his life, that finally it was time for him to meet that woman. And now he’s very happily married to her.


But he spent most of his life lonely, as did so many of you, and he didn’t know why. But I did. We were working so hard, taking on all of these issues, shining light into them, and preparing this grand opening, this grand bridge between the realms.

Oh, that’s too much of a mind definition, but we’ll go with it for right now. It’s a metaphor.

And we were working so hard, and so were so many of you. And if you weren’t doing that, you were doing other things in preparation for this opening. So if you don’t resonate with being a realm worker it doesn’t mean you were any less than the realm workers. Your role was so needed also.

And you, even if you never accomplish anything in your life, even if all you do is sit on the couch and watch TV, your presence here in consciousness, in your light, makes such a difference!


But now it is time to let go of those issues. They are not yours. You resolved them for yourself long ago, in other lifetimes. So let that resolution come back into your life.

How do you do that? Stop focusing on the issue.

Focus on the TV. Focus on your book, or whatever.

Find something—take a warm bath, go for a walk—find something that nurtures you, and focus on that. Something that makes you happy.

The human goes, “Oh, but that over there would make me so happy, or that over there would make me so happy!” And now you’ve missed the point.

There is always something in your life right now that makes you happier than that issue does. Open to that. Bring your attention there and give the issue to your soul and its wisdom.

But as long as you keep checking back, “Are you fixing that yet?” Oh, you haven’t given it up. You’re still holding on, and your soul can’t do anything with it.

Just be with the experience.

And where you have a choice to make, choose the choice that makes you happier. That’s all.

If it hurts, let it hurt.

Oh, the human doesn’t like that. The human says, “Oh, I don’t want this experience!”

Well, it’s the experience you have. And every time you say, “I don’t want that,” you pull it in closer. So stop that!

Give it to your soul: Dear Soul, dear Divinity, bring this to wisdom, whatever it takes. I’ll be here. I’ll go through it. I’ll have this experience until it’s done, but you take it. You bring the wisdom into it.

You’ll find that it will pass, eventually, when it’s ready. Don’t put a timeline on it. Don’t put a time frame or a schedule on it, for that just brings it back. No, just go through it.


Oh, it’s such a beautiful time!

A lot of you right now, including my human, John, are looking around and going, “I know something happened on March 22 with this thing called Heaven’s Cross, the Great Revealing, the Great Opening. But I’m looking around at my life and not much has changed, and a lot of things need to change! What do I do?”

You let go. You give it to your soul. You give it to your divinity.

You see, this whole thing of Heaven’s Cross, of the Apocalypse, is about revealing your divinity to you, and you to your divinity, in a way that has never been able to happen before.

Your divinity is here now. I am here now, with John, in a whole new way.

Oh, there’s some integration that is happening. Nothing in human experience happens instantly, or at least nothing that matters, so there is some integration happening now. It’s not going to take very long, even in human terms, and things will start changing. But they’ll change sooner, and the experience will be easier and less painful, to the extent that you are willing to have the experience until it is finished.

Stop saying, “I don’t want that.” Stop saying, “It needs to get finished now!” No, it will be finished when it is finished.

Even I cannot tell John when that is going to be, but all these issues that he worries about are going to be finished. These experiences that he doesn’t like are coming to their end.


You’ve heard it said that if something is in your life it is because you are choosing it, and that is absolutely true. But the human hears that and goes, “Oh, I knew it, I was doing something wrong! And I’m still doing something wrong! I’m still choosing this! I’m still holding on to it!”

Well, that blame keeps it stuck to you. Let it go.

Turn it over to your soul.

But the thing is, you did not do anything wrong to begin with! You are just having this experience because it’s what you came here to do, and it’s not done yet. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be in your life.

Can you accept that? Can you allow it to not be done yet, and not blame yourself for that?

It’s not done yet because, well, every experience has a conclusion when it has served its purpose. It’s not some purpose that you the human said, “Oh, I need to do this and I need to hold on to it and suffer until it’s done.”

No, it was an experience that you said, “Ok, I’ll have that experience because it’s going to serve me and humanity.”

Oh, so much service, for are all of you. So dedicated to serving humanity!


So, you took on these experiences, and they are not quite done yet. Very close, but not quite. So let them go, but have them. Have them until they complete in the natural course of your time.

They will complete, but you can’t speed that up. You might be able to slow it down by holding on tight, by trying to fix them or trying to get rid of them, but probably not. Probably that will just make it hurt worse, so allow them to run their course.


John feels the pains in his body and he goes, “What’s going on? Am I going to die before I get through this?”

No, not unless you decide to, dear John. But you’re not. But you still have to let these issues in your body run their course. That means you have to be with the pain, and it means you have to be with everything that goes with it. It will be over soon.

You see, we talked in our last message about the divinity waking up in the space between the space inside of you, and inside of your creation. That means everything. Everything in your reality, everything that you perceive. The divinity, your divinity, is waking up in that dark and empty-seeming space between the space.

You look out in your universe and there’s so much space, dark space. What you haven’t realized before is that, that is your divinity!

You look inside your body. It’s made up of cells and molecules, and those are made up of atoms. And the atoms are made up of even smaller particles, and the space between those particles is equivalent in proportion to the space between the stars.

That space, that dark and seemingly empty space, is your divinity!

And there is a lot more of that than there is the light space, the space you can see, the things you can see. Oh, those are your divinity too, but there is a lot more of that seemingly empty space than there is of the seemingly not-empty space.


And that is your divinity. It’s you. It’s your essence. And that is waking up.

That’s what is happening right now. That part of you, of your divinity, in a sense—it’s a metaphor, don’t get too literal here—in a sense you could say that part of you, that part of your divinity, oh, it went to sleep. It went to sleep so that you could have the experience.

You see, before it went to sleep there was just light. Just awareness, but there was nothing to be aware of. Because, well, if there is nothing but light, then there is nothing to see. You need contrast.

You’ve all noticed how, often, the most beautiful time of the day on your Earth is when the sun is low in the sky and there’s all this contrast. It’s incredible!

You needed contrast, so you put a part of yourself to sleep. Oh, it chose to go to sleep, so that you could have that contrast and you could play in it.

Well, in the past there were people, beings, who, after many lifetimes on Earth, finally got it. They got the answer to their question, Who am I? You call it realization, or enlightenment, and they got it.

Well, at that point they had no more need to be here, all that light came on, and they weren’t here anymore. You call them ascended masters, because someone saw that flash of light and then they weren’t there. And they said, “Oh, God took them! They ascended to heaven!” wherever that is. It isn’t, unless you imagine it.

But now, ahh… The thing we said in our last message, that stopped John in his tracks, that he’s still dumbfounded about, that he’s still coming to terms with because it’s so beautiful to him:

We have found a way to bring in our light, without destroying the darkness.

Oh, that is so profound! It has so many implications in every part of your life!

It means that now, since March 22, 2023, now you can bring on that light of your divinity in a way that does not destroy the contrast and the definition of your game or of your experience here on Earth. Now you can continue in experience, but from the perspective of divinity.

Oh, that changes everything! Now you can have fun. Now you can celebrate the conclusion of your long and difficult journey here on Earth.

And it also means that you no longer have to fight the darkness in your life or in the world. You don’t need to destroy it anymore. Always in the past, you thought that in order to get your light, in order to reconnect yourself with divinity, you had to destroy the darkness everywhere. You had to convert people to believe the way you did. You had to fight the bad people. You had to destroy the darkness.

Well, now you don’t.

You no longer have to destroy the darkness. Now you can be the light, no matter how dark everything around you looks. And you can continue to have experiences, but they’ll be very different experiences going forward. They will be experiences of the light, in definition.


John is saying, “Oh, please don’t make me try to define what that means in words and mental concepts!” and we won’t. We’ll get there eventually, in different ways.


Divinity in Experience.

That is the name of the class we are going to do. The online, interactive, real-time class.

We’ll have at least two interactive sessions over Zoom, or something similar, per month, and maybe some other messages in between. We’ll see. We’ll have a discussion forum, and we are going to begin in July.

So if you are interested, if you are feeling that stirring inside of you right now that says, “I want to be part of that!” send John a note and tell him, and he will send you all the details. We’ll also give more details here and on the website as we work them out.

It’s going to cost $100 per month, US dollars, and we’ll start out with a three month period that needs to be paid for upfront. And we’ll see how that goes and how we continue from there.

The title is Divinity in Experience, and we are going to be exploring what that means. We are going to be exploring and discovering, together, what happens when Divinity wakes up in the space between the space of you.


So if you’re interested, let us know. There’s a contact form on John’s website, or you can contact us on Facebook, or however. [You can also just hit Reply if you are subscribed to the email list.]

Let us know. Let John know.

And meanwhile, whether you choose to participate in our experience are not, allow the experience you are having. Give it to your soul if you don’t like it, or even if you do.

Invite your soul into it. Invite your soul to have it with you. It already is, but it helps the human let go to make that invitation.


You are divinity. And now, that divinity is coming into your human life.

And so it is.

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