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Where Is My Transformation?

Where Is My Transformation?

If you can ask that question, then it is already here. Here is my soul’s take on how you can begin to experience it. Read more…

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I highly recommend this experience to anyone who wants to deepen their connection to all they are, in such a tangible way. John provides a safe and compassionate place for this to occur. —Sheri from Arizona

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The Return of Divinity

The Return of Divinity

No introduction I can think of feels right for this message, so I will let it speak for itself. Read more…
This is Why You Are Here

This is Why You Are Here

This short and profound message from Jeshua came as a surprise to me, and I am still in awe… Read more…
Allowing the Opening

Allowing the Opening

You’ve noticed the chaos in the world and in your own life and body. But did you know that, far from being the end of the world, it is the direct result of the opening and change you’ve been longing for, and working so hard to create, for so long? Read more…
The Tree of Life: An Experience

The Tree of Life: An Experience

This deep, beautiful, and multi-dimensional experience is the promised follow-up to our last message, The Roots of the Pain. Read more…
The Roots of the Pain

The Roots of the Pain

Why do our bodies hurt so much, especially now that we are integrating our light-bodies? Why is there so much suffering and violence in the world? My soul’s answer is that we are still falling for a very old misunderstanding. Read more…
How Much Are You Willing to Trust Your Own Soul?

How Much Are You Willing to Trust Your Own Soul?

In these times of intense and confusing chaos, are you willing to let your soul carry you? Read more…