Personal Channels

I channel Soul.

By “soul” I mean all that I am, and especially the part of me that is beyond the perception of the physical human senses. Soul is my essence, my source, my divinity.

My soul is the wholeness and fullness of ME.

Your soul is the wholeness and fullness of YOU.

When I do a personal channel for someone, I first connect with my own soul. Then, after requesting a spoken invitation from the client, my soul connects me with their soul, I feel the energies shift, and I find myself speaking with the client “as” their own soul. Then it becomes a conversation between the client and their soul, and I am simply the translator between the language of the soul (feelings) and the language of the human (words).

For me these sessions are among the most profound and beautiful experiences of my life. To feel, and try to put into words, the incredible love that a soul has for its human is simply …. beyond. And such an incredible honor!

The feedback I have received is that these sessions help the client to feel and trust their own soul more. And that makes me very happy, for that is the whole point of everything I do.

What others say:
My personal session with John in which he channeled my soul was a deeply moving experience. —Lisa from New York
Click the quote to see another one. — Click here to read the full reviews.

Some people are afraid to meet with their soul. They are afraid their soul is disappointed in them and will judge them and tell them all the things they are doing wrong, but nothing could be further from the truth. Only humans do that, and in more than three years of doing these sessions no soul has ever expressed anything but the deepest love and unconditional acceptance, and the greatest of honor, for their human.

You may bring a list of questions, or not, as you feel. This will be a natural and free flowing conversation between you and your soul, and from Soul’s perspective there are no rules and no questions that are too foolish, silly, or mental to ask. There is just you and your soul getting to know each other again, after a very long journey.

The cost of a personal channel is €150.00, and the session usually lasts about an hour. After a session my clients usually tell me it was priceless.

To request a Personal Channel just make your payment below, then check your email for instructions on how to schedule the session. If you have any questions beforehand, feel free to contact me here.