Opening to Soul in Troubled Times

Why, as we open up in ways we never imagined, do so many things feel so stuck?

We talked about it in our recent conversation with Yeshua, and in this beautiful message my soul has much more to say about it.


This transcript has been edited from the original recording to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed as clearly as possible.

Opening to Soul in Troubled Times

Channeled by John McCurdy on 11 February 2024

I am that I am!

Master Anna, of Magical Service.


And I am so excited!

I’m excited about being here at this time. I’m excited about what’s going on in your lives. I’m excited about what’s going on in John’s life, and Romana’s life, his beloved wife. Ah, so beautiful!

Oh, the humans are struggling. They’re worrying. “Why? Why do so many things seem to be breaking down at times, or are not working the way we’re used to them working?


But John and Romana both know that that’s just part of what is happening right now, the beautiful transformation that is happening. And so they are breathing and relaxing into it. Letting go of their need to maintain their reputation—oh, that’s a big one—and opening up to gratitude for the beauty in this moment. Because there is so much, dear friend!

Look around you in your life. Oh, it may seem like all the important things are falling apart. But those are illusions. They are not important.

Look around at what there is to be grateful for, and put your attention there. Find the gratitude within yourself.

Oh, look inside yourself. There is so much there to be grateful for there! And one of those things is that your soul, your divinity, is here.

Some if you are still looking for it outside of you and wondering why you can’t find it. It’s because it is here. It is inside of you. It is you, and you are never again going to find it ‘out there’ where you used to experience it.

It is here. It is you.

Look in the mirror and simply make the choice—imagine it—to see into your soul’s eyes.

And then look in the mirror and see your soul looking back at you.

And then, look in the mirror as soul and see the human looking back at you.

It is real, dear friend.

You can look through your soul’s eyes and see your soul’s perspective on your life, any time you want to.

Just look. Imagine yourself looking through your soul’s eyes and feeling your soul’s perspective, and it will be real.


Oh, but it won’t have words.

Your mind might give it some words, just as right now John is translating the feelings coming from his own soul and giving them words. But Soul doesn’t have any words. Words are strictly human things, and souls communicate with each other in feelings.


Not emotions. Emotions are the mind’s distraction. They are like neon lights that distract you from the subtle, quiet feelings that come from Soul, so don’t look for your soul in your emotions. Look for the subtle, quiet feelings. And if there is a whole bunch of words, well, that is your mind.


Oh, I am so excited, because of the transformation that is happening. And it is real, dear friends. It is so real!

It’s hard for the human to see, but it is so real! And one of these days you will look back and you will go, “Wow, what an incredible transformation that was! And look where it got me.” You will be thrilled.

I am also excited because of where our class is going: I Am Divinity

Oh, What a profound statement! What a profound claim!

Will you let that in for you?

Claim it, right now: I am divinity.

Claim it for yourself, your own soul.

Oh, John wants us to be clear that he is not claiming it for you. When John says “I am divinity” he is claiming that for himself, and himself alone.

He is not your divinity. You are your divinity. You!

So claim it right now, for yourself: I am divinity.

And feel your divinity, another layer of it, coming in.

That’s not the right words, for it is really your mind opening up another layer.

Your divinity is already here. It is not coming in. It’s already here, and it always has been. But the mind is opening up to it.

That’s why the human keeps looking outside of itself for its divinity, for its light body, for its magic and its freedom, and it never comes. Because it is already here. It is inside of you. It is you. It is your essence.

It is this human that is the illusion.

It is this human that is coming home. And oh, it brings so many gifts to your soul! It brings so much experience, and your soul takes every bit of it and turns it into wisdom. Wisdom that is available to you.

Oh, it’s not going to tell you, How do I get rich? How do I fix all the problems in my life?

No. The wisdom says, Be still. Take a breath. Be quiet. Feel me, I’m here.

If you let all that noise go, let all those words go—all those questions, all those whys, all those reasons for and reasons against… Well, all those words. Let them all go, and you will know in your heart the wisdom. You will know in each moment what to do, how to be, what to say, because the wisdom is here.

But you’ve got all those words going on, constantly. Arguing, justifying yourself, questioning, “What is the right choice to make here?”

And again, those are… Well, they are emotions. They are bright neon lights that blind you to your wisdom.


Ha! The other day John had an argument with someone. It was his mother, actually, and he got off the phone and he was so angry! He went to bed that evening, and he was lying in bed for hours having an argument in his own mind with his mother. Oh, and then he was having an argument with somebody else that doesn’t agree with him! And at some point, he opened up just enough that I came along and said, “John, you are processing.”


And he said, “Oh, I’m processing…”

Well, so many of you know what processing is about. Analyzing, trying to figure out the causes of all your problems and all your stresses, and all the things that were done to you when you were a child, and all of these things. But John hadn’t yet realized that these arguments in his mind are a form of processing.

And processing… Oh, there was a place for it. At a certain point in your journey it was a very valuable thing, but not anymore. You are way past that, and it is time to let it go.

And John thought, “Oh, okay. Let me stop the words.”

He realized that this whole argument inside his own mind was all in words, and in a class he channeled a couple of years ago we talked about how, if it’s words, it is the mind.

And now he finally realized that, if it’s words in my mind, it is processing.

And he found that it’s not so hard to just say, “Mind, be still. No more processing. No more arguing. No more words. Save the words for when we actually need to talk with somebody!” And it wasn’t that hard, and very quickly he fell asleep.

So, dear friend, the mind can be so noisy! But you can ask it to be still.

Don’t argue with it. Don’t negotiate with it. Just tell it, Dear mind, rest now. Be still. Let the words go. You’re not going to stop feeling, or knowing, or anything else. Just let the words go. You don’t need them. You don’t need to keep running them, going on and on and on. Let the words go.

Oh, John still finds himself chattering away inside now and then, but it’s so easy now to just take a breath and say, “Mind, let it go,” and go on through life.

The next day he sat down in an easy chair by the fire to eat his lunch, and he looked outside at the beautiful nature. And he just felt how quiet it is, how quiet it can be, to look at nature without any words.

Oh, the mind wants to chatter about this and that, and what kind of bird is that, and all these things. It wants to give names to everything. It wants to analyze everything. What’s the weather doing? How cold is it? How hot is it? And he just said, “Mind, be still. Let’s just feel here for a little bit. Just open up to the feelings.”

And the mind said, “Okay!”

Actually, it just became still for a little bit, and he just sat there and enjoyed nature for a little bit. And then he picked up the book he likes to read while he’s eating his lunch, and just enjoyed himself, so grateful for a new perspective.

So, notice the words in your mind.

It’s not that words are bad. You need them to communicate with other humans!

Oh, that will change, but right now you need them. So they are not bad, but you don’t need to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on in your mind. That does nobody any good! Nobody! It doesn’t do any good at all.

You think maybe it brings you clarity if you think about it hard enough. No, it doesn’t. It brings you confusion. It brings you mental stress. You don’t need those words, and as you let them go you will be more open to feel your wisdom, to feel you’re knowing.

Knowing does not come in words. It’s just knowing.

Even to say it’s a feeling is… Well, it’s a word. And words never, ever tell the whole story or paint the whole picture. But your wisdom is there, in your knowing. And in order to access it, all you have to do is stop the words.

Oh, please don’t make words a bad thing! You’ll find yourself, often, with your mind chattering away. Don’t shame your mind. Don’t go, “Oh, there I go again! So busy in my mind! How do I stop it? What’s wrong with me? This must be why nothing seems to be working!”

No, let’s go beyond that.

You just say, “Ah, dear mind, there you go again. Why don’t you rest for a while? Just be still. You’re trying so hard, trying so hard to get it right. Just take a breath and rest.”


It’s not wrong to chatter away with words in your mind. It just keeps you stuck, but that’s okay too. There’s no deadline here.

You are becoming more aware of these things, and your job is not to punish your mind into stopping. Your job is to love your mind into resting, into resting in the love of your soul. Into turning over what it thought were its responsibilities to your soul. They’ll get done, one way or another, the ones that need to be. They are not your mind’s responsibility anymore.

So, shine the love of your soul into your mind.

Hold it gently.

Welcome it home.


And let the words go when you don’t actually need them. They won’t bring you clarity, they’ll only confuse you.


Oh, it’s such an exciting time!

And if you would like to explore these things at a much deeper level, join our class, I Am Divinity. It’s on the website.

And the website itself is changing. Soon the domain will be That will get you there right now, and soon it will be changing from to, because this is what we are all about.

So, come and check out the class and see if it calls you, because this is what we are doing there.

Oh, and if you are hearing this any time close to when it was released, well, we have another event coming up on April 19-21, 2004, called Opening to Soul – Realizing Freedom.

We are holding it at John and Romana’s house in Slovenia. It’s a beautiful place!

[dog barks in background]

Ha! Even the dog… It’s a beautiful dog and she’s saying, “Come! Come join us! Come join us for a deep dive into Soul, into who you really are, and into the freedom and magic that is you!

It’s not coming to you, it is you.

We are going to dive deep into letting it in, into the human opening.


That’s on the website also, but sign up soon because we have limited space.


And in the meantime, enjoy this incredible transformation!

Find the gratitude inside of you.

Find the gratitude for you.

Find all the things around you that you can be grateful for, and that will help to distract you from all the things you think you should be responsible for, or that you think you are failing at. You are not.


John was looking at some problems in his life the other day and going, “Why? I thought I had gotten past all this stuff. Why is it in my face again?”

And I said, Dear John, it is not about you. There are so many dynamics in this, so many energies!

You chose to be in service to others. You chose to be here as a human and interact with others, and to shine your light. Well, that affects others, and there are times when things just need to go a certain way in your life because that facilitates something for them.

And oh, please don’t get involved in trying to figure that out or analyzing how that works or what it is! Because it is beyond the human’s comprehension.

Just understand that it is happening for the best.

It is always happening for the best for you, and for everybody around you, because that is the choice you made when you came for this lifetime here, in this time.

It wasn’t just to get your own realization and pop out of here. If it was, why don’t you just pop out?

But no, you chose to stay here and to be human, even as you come into your realization, your enlightenment, and your full mastery. Why do you think you did that?

Well, whatever the reason, it means interacting with these other people in a way that both assists them in their journey, not by taking it on or giving up yourself… But you care. You have compassion. And part of your reason for being here right now… Well, in order to be here you have to have some compassion for the people around you, and that means being open to your life going in a way that is good for them too.

Oh, If you suddenly were able to teleport yourself anywhere you like, or do all these things that you think of as magic, it would freak them out. You would push some of them back lifetimes from their realization because it would scare them so badly, and you are not here to do that.

You are here to be free, and you are opening up to all this magic. And so is the world, so are the people around you, but it takes time.

So, when you look at the things going on in your life, understand that THEY ARE ALL FOR THE BEST.

It wasn’t that you got anything wrong. You didn’t!

Hear that, dear friend. You did not get anything wrong! You are not doing anything wrong! There is no part of you that needs to be fixed!

When you see these things in your life that look like you got something wrong… Oh, people will tell you, “If you only thought different! If you only acted different! If you only….whatever, it would be better!”

Well, no, it would not, because it is not your responsibility anymore.

Your responsibility is simply to be present here, and to watch your life unfold.

Yes, you created it. But you are creating it at the soul level, and that does not make a lot of sense to the human. Can you allow that?

Can you allow that, from the soul perspective, EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE IS FOR THE BEST?

Every word that comes out of your mouth, every action you take or don’t take, is coming from your soul now, and it is for the best.

You can fight with that, or you can allow it to be and ask your mind to be quiet. And that will change your experience of it.

Because it is happening. It is a natural process, and it is happening.

When you fight with it, it hurts. So stop fighting with it and let it happen.

The human says, “But I didn’t tell my soul that it could do all this stuff to me!”

Mind, be still. You actually did. You may not remember it, but you did, just by choosing to be here this time.

The human is just throwing a tantrum like a little child, and you know the truth. So let it in.

This life is about your divinity, your soul. Can you turn it over to your soul?

It is not to some other entity. It is to you!

It’s like your little toe screaming, “I didn’t give you, body, permission to bump me against that rock!”

Yeah, well, it happened.

The bigger part of you, the human, is doing what it needs to do to get through life, and your little toe can’t tell you how to do it. It doesn’t have the perspective to even be able to understand what is happening.

So your little toe says, “Ouch, that hurts!”

And you go, “Oh, sorry toe!” And you go on. And that’s what is happening with you.

You look around at your life and you’re like, “Oh, that hurts!”

And your soul is like, Yeah, I know. I hear you. I feel you. We’re doing the best we can, and some of these things we’re doing right now are going to hurt. But you can hurt less if you fight it less.

And someday—not now, but someday—you will understand. Someday you will look back at this from my perspective, and you will see how perfect every bit of it was. And how necessary.


Well, John says, “That’s a big word!” And it is, so we’ll just go with, you will see how perfect it was.

So open up, and ask the mind to be still.


And if you would like to join a group of people going deeper with that, join our class.

It’s €99 euros a month, with at least two sessions per month live on Zoom. You can come and ask questions or make comments or participate in the discussion, or you can just wait for the recording to get posted. We have people who don’t speak English, and so they wait for the transcript to get posted and then they translate it through Google, or whatever.


This is what we are feeling our way through.

And oh, don’t think we are any different from you! John is going through his own transformation, his own process with me, his soul, and he is learning as much in this class as anybody else is. So come and join us. Be part of it.

It takes a lot of money to make it all available and to facilitate it, but it’s such a beautiful thing!

And the workshop here in Slovenia… Ah, the last one we did, last October, was called Receiving Me, and it was such a beautiful and transformative experience for everybody involved! And in this one, we are going to go even deeper.

Opening to Soul. That is what it is all about!

And realizing your freedom and your magic.

So join us, if you dare! And if it draws you.


And so it is.

Blessings to you!

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1 thought on “Opening to Soul in Troubled Times”

  1. When I am at the end of my rope, I always watch your channels. They give me hope and encouragement. I can’t thank you enough John/Ana for the clarity, comfort, beauty and wisdom of this channel today especially. All your channels are wonderful and your heart felt voice is so soothing and helps me connect with my own soul. Wishing you and Romana every happiness.


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