Where Is My Transformation?

What a time this is! So much stuff going on inside. So much transformation going on at levels so deep that, though I can feel ‘something’ happening, my mind cannot make sense of it or describe it.

And sometimes my mind cries out, “Dear Soul, where is my transformation? When will it be done? When will the pain be over, and the craziness in my life? When will my body feel better? When will the money flow again? When will my life feel normal again? When will I learn how to manifest the things I want?

Well, the very definition of transformation is that things no longer work the way they did before. In this message my soul says the transformation is already complete, but we are still so used to the old reality that we’re still trying to make it work. And it doesn’t.

Now it is time to open to the new reality, and we do that first by releasing our human agendas and expectations of how it should be, and then by opening to the discovery of the new reality within our imagination and daydreams. Then, as we allow the feelings and daydreams of the new reality without an agenda of dragging them into the physical, they can actually begin to take form in a new way.

You can watch, listen or read this message at the link below, and I hope you enjoy it!

Also, scroll down to find a very interesting discussion of this message generated entirely by AI!

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This transcript has been edited from the original recording to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed as clearly as possible.

Where Is My Transformation?

Channeled by John McCurdy on 12 October 2024

Greetings, dear friends!

I am that I am, Master Anna of Magical Service. Also known as Master John of Magical Service. But John likes to call me Master Anna, because he feels me, his soul, as feminine. Or at least as relatively more feminine than the human.

In truth, I am all that John is. I speak as his soul, as the wisdom of everything that John is. Every experience that I, John’s soul, have ever had, I am that. And I speak from that wisdom.


John feels strange. He feels me differently than he has before.

Indeed, he’s been wondering where I’ve been for the last few days and weeks, and even months. Oh, he knows I’m right here, but like with so many of you, I am in a different place for him. Just as your souls are in a different place than you are used to.

Sometimes that feels like you can’t find your soul, like she has gone away, but she hasn’t. I am right here, dear John, more present, more connected, more embodied than ever, ever before!

Ah, so many of you, just like John, have been feeling things change lately. Things falling away. And you wonder, “What is happening? What am I getting wrong? My body hurts,” for many of you. Maybe the money is not flowing like you are used to, and all these things. Maybe things have just been falling away out of your life, and you wonder what you are doing wrong.

Well, you are not doing anything wrong.

But you see, you asked for this transformation. And, oh, the human has these ideas that it can go from being the human to being the divine along this linear pathway, from one place to the other, but it doesn’t work that way. You have to let go of so much, because it no longer applies to you.

Oh, many things will come back in a new way as you move forward, but you cannot be the divine human by following the old human pathways and living in the old human ways. It doesn’t work. So you are going through a time—yet again, indeed—you are going through a time of, oh, you could say, purification.

John doesn’t really like that word, but we ask you to feel it. It’s not about getting rid of the evil or the mistakes or cleaning your life up, or any of that. It is about letting go of what you no longer need. Oh, and the human doesn’t always agree with Soul about what you need. But which way do you want it?

Do you want it the human way, or do you want it your soul’s way? Because that is what you are doing right now. You are embodying your soul, here, as a human.

But, in order for your soul to fully integrate you, the human, a lot of the human things have to change. Some of them go away completely. Others change and transform. It feels like they are going away, so that they can become new.


Such a beautiful, beautiful time you are in! Such a beautiful, beautiful transformation!


We ask the human to be patient.

Oh yes, we know. We’ve been asking you to be patient for a long, long time! And now we are asking you yet again.

This process won’t last forever, even though it feels like it has been lasting forever.

You are transforming, and now it is time to acknowledge that to yourself.

Transformation is a difficult thing, and it doesn’t happen on the human’s timeline. Or rather, on the human’s expectation of time. It happens in its own time, and it is happening.

You ARE transforming.

You are not getting anything wrong!

Oh, John has been sitting here on this mountain in Slovenia. Back at the end of June he knew he was coming here for major transformation, and he finds himself mostly just sitting around and wondering where the transformation is.


And I keep telling him, it is happening! But in human terms, it takes time. It is happening on the inside, and the mind can’t define it. All the mind can do is allow it, and know that it has happened.

The human keeps waiting for something to happen, but the human needs to understand that it has happened.

Oh, the manifestation of it might still be a little bit in your future, but it has happened, and you can tune in to that part of you. Call it the future part of you if you want to, but you can tune in to that and bring it here.

Oh, don’t look on the outside for the transformation. You are not going to see it there right away. It will come, but it’s going to take a little more time.

But you can feel into it right now.

You can dream it.

You can daydream it!


Open to your daydreams.

Have you daydreamed since you were a child?

Do you remember how it was then?


Feel back into that.

Open up your daydreams. What else do you have to do right now?


So many of you find yourselves just passing time, too tired to do anything that feels important.


Take some time and daydream.

Don’t worry about the details of it. Just have fun!


Imagine a life that feels good.

Don’t try to figure it out.

Don’t try to figure out what it looks like.

Just feel it.

Feel the joy.

Feel the anticipation of the discovery.

Feel the beauty.

Allow yourself to enjoy the daydream, just for its own sake!

Oh, don’t start trying to manifest it! That misses the whole point, and it hijacks it.

No, just have fun in your daydream. That’s all!

You see, a daydream is as real as any other experience in your life! So open up to your daydreams and have fun with them.

Do not try to imagine them into reality, or what you call reality, because they already are real. They are real experiences, and when you try to force them into the physical it just messes everything up. Many times it inverts them, because then you are focused on how they are not there and so that’s what you get.

So, open up to your daydreams and have fun.

You see, everything that you can imagine is a potential reality, and you can be in that reality right now within your imagination.

And as you feel into that imagination you will begin to understand what we call the AND, because you can be in this human reality right here, just the way it is, AND you can also be in any of those other realities that you can imagine. And as you allow yourself to feel those other realities, and allow yourself to have that experience within your daydream, ahh, more and more you might find them filtering into your everyday human life.

Because they are real.

They might currently be in another dimension, but they are still real! And part of this transformation you are going through right now is the bridging together of all of these many, many, of what you call dimensions.

They are really nothing more than experiences that you are having.

That is all a dimension is. It is an experience.

Oh, you have many of them, because you can’t have them all in the same space. It wouldn’t work, so you have many, many different experiences going on all the time in different… Oh, how to say it… You could call it different ‘head spaces,’ but that’s a little too human, a little too heady, for us.

But you are having all of these different experiences, all at the same time! And you can choose which one to focus on.

Oh, don’t try to change it! Don’t try to drag it into this particular reality, for that won’t work. But as you allow yourself to daydream, some of the elements of those other realities will start to bleed into your human life here on Earth.

So, instead of looking at this life and all the things going on in it, and freaking out because it’s so much different than what you want, just smile and go:

Wow! Look at what a grand creator I am! I created this, and I am going to enjoy it! Or at least, be with it and feel it.

And at the same time, I am going to open myself up to all these other versions, all these other dimensions, all these other experiences, and allow them to blend in. Even if, for now, it is only through my imagination.

And I am going to enjoy these other versions, even if it is only through my imagination.

And when this version that I am living as a human scares me, I am going to hold myself. I am going to hold that scared part of me, and I am going to comfort it. I am going to remind it that I am Soul, I am divinity, and all is well.

Because how could it be any other way?

It can’t!


Oh, the human agendas can certainly get messed up. Most of them are getting messed up right now, because they don’t work anymore. They are no longer appropriate for you, so they are not working out the way you expect them to. So now is the time to let them go.

Let go of the human agendas.

Allow your Soul agenda to come through.

That’s not really the right word for it, but we’ll use it for now in order to contrast it with the human agenda.


Can you do that?

Can you trust yourself so much that you can let go of those human agendas?


Oh, agendas are… Sometimes they are very obvious, sometimes they are very subtle. And the human goes, “I just need to pay my rent at the end of the month, and I don’t know how I’m going to do that!”

That’s an agenda. Can you let go of that?

The human goes, “But then I’m going to get thrown out and be out on the street!”

No, probably not, unless that is what you choose. Something will work out.

Oh, it could be that this place you are renting no longer serves you. It could be that there is some place better. It could be that there is some other experience that you are ready to have, that your human mind is not yet aware of. And it won’t be aware of it, until you have the experience.

Can you trust that?

Can you trust your divinity, your soul, your All that You Are?

Can you trust that to arrange everything in the most appropriate way for you?

After all, it always has been.

You thought it was up to you. You thought it was your doing that got you here, your human doing.

No, it wasn’t. Your human was just flailing around in this experience. It was your soul, your divinity, that made it all happen and that guided you along the way.

You were confused, because it didn’t make any sense. You thought things should go certain ways, and they didn’t. Or sometimes they did. But when they didn’t, you thought you had failed. And you didn’t.

But you see, each one of those experiences brought you closer to here, brought you closer to your soul and to being able to embody your soul, your divinity.

So, maybe it is time to open up to your soul’s perspective of your life, and to lighten up on yourself.

You never got anything wrong!

You were never foolish or unwise, even though it looked like it sometimes.

You were simply going through some experiences as best you could, in order that your soul could gain the wisdom from them and bring it back to you. And it is here right now, if you simply open up to it and allow it.

Let go of your human agendas.

Some say, “Let go of your human desires.” We don’t like to say it that way, because those desires are good things, until you get stuck in them. Until you turn them into an agenda.

Instead, take those desires into your daydreams and feel them there.

Feel the reality of those desires, there in your daydreams, and let that be enough.


You can do that.

Some of you, oh, when you were a child you were taught that it was wrong, that it was evil, that it was foolish to daydream, and so you turned it off.

It is time to bring it back.

It wasn’t foolish.

It wasn’t wrong.

It wasn’t evil.

It was simply the knowing of who you are.

You were simply feeling into your soul’s imagination, and your soul’s imagination is where your reality comes from.

Every one of your realities, oh, there are so many, and they are all real!

You can’t just reach out and drag them into the human experience, but you can imagine them. You can daydream them, and that does bring them into the human experience. And if you allow it, some of them will actually begin to show up in your physical reality.

But not if you make it an agenda. That short-circuits it and holds it out.

We’ve talked at other times about how the mind is the great anti-creator. Because the minute you turn something into an agenda, suddenly you are focused on the opposite and that is what you get more of.

Oh, you see people, those who are still asleep, having their own daydream of life that they think is real. And some of them take their agendas and they focus on them with all of their human ability, and they make them real to a certain extent. That is because that is the only reality they know. So instead of feeling all of these other realities and wondering why they are not showing up here, they are simply focused on that one agenda and on creating it. And so it works for them.

Until, one day, they start to wake up. They start to feel all of these other realities, and they start to feel what they are missing. Then they get all confused, and suddenly their creating stops working, just like it has for you.

You have been in that place. Maybe not in this lifetime, but in others. You have been there plenty of times, where you focused really hard and you did it. You accomplished what you set out to do.

But in this lifetime, oh, maybe that worked at first. But then you woke up, and then it didn’t work anymore.

You keep trying to go back there. You keep wondering why it doesn’t work. But it doesn’t work because now you feel all of those other potentials, and you keep trying to turn them into agendas. And that doesn’t work.

You cannot focus that clearly anymore, because that kind of focus is about the mind and the mind is not the creator anymore. It never really was, but for a time, for most of your journey on Earth, the mind was… Well, it kind of took on that role, because you asked it to. But now it doesn’t work anymore, so now it is time to let go of those human, mental agendas.

Open up to your soul and its agenda.

It’s not going to destroy you. It might feel like it at times when you can’t see how things are going to work out, and that’s the time to take a deep breath and come back to your soul’s perspective.

Let go of the agendas.

Feel into the life you would love, and have some fun in some daydreams!

It’s not foolish.

It is the wisest thing you can do right now!

You don’t have to tell anybody else about those daydreams, they are just for you. But feel into them. See what makes you happy there.

Your soul is feeling it with you, and your soul only wants the best for you.

Can you trust that?

Can you trust yourself enough to let go of those agendas and to let your life be a discovery of your creation, instead of trying to force creation to be what you think you want? Force doesn’t work. It makes you miserable.

Stop trying to force it.

Let those agendas go.

Feel into your daydreams.

Feel into your present life, and simply be with it.

Be with the beauty in your life that is right now. Oh, in every moment there is so much!

So much of what you dream of most is in your life right now!

The beauty, in so many different ways. Find that! Feel that!

Take it into your daydreams, and feel it even more there.

Bring in some other facets of it, and just have fun with it.

Have fun in your imagination, if nowhere else, and you might find yourself starting to have more fun in your life.

Oh, you can have fun even when your body hurts. Even when you don’t have very much energy. Even when you don’t know how to pay the bills. There is so much there to have fun with!

When you stop trying to fix the problems and open up to that fun, you are going to have a whole different experience of life.


You see, your soul has a dream. Open up to that dream, for it is your dream!

Your soul is you, your divinity is you, so open up to that divine dream.

Ask your soul to show it to you, to help you feel it, to help you imagine it.


It is not about surrendering to someone else’s agenda.

It is about opening up to your own deepest dream. That dream is not what you think it is, but it is a lot better.

Open up!

Feel it.

Ask for it.

And see where it takes you.

And so it is.

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Note: The voices in this AI recording are not human, and the script was not written by humans. This discussion was generated entirely by the Artificial Intelligence at Google’s NotebookLM project. Though I am surprised at the level of understanding and awareness in this discussion it is still ‘just’ AI in a computer, and it should be taken as that. As Google says, “it still makes mistakes” so it should not be taken as a fully accurate representation of my perspective or theirs. And I include it here because it is an excellent and insightful discussion of my soul’s message above.

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