Wow, where did 2024 go? It seems like only yesterday that my soul was talking about The Year of Mastery, and what a year it has been!
In June Romana Aniya and I put most of our things in storage and moved into our little off-the-grid retreat cottage on top of a mountain in the foothills of the Julian Alps. We thought we would be here a couple months, but every time we go out into the world we are reminded of how precious the quiet solitude and beauty of this place is, and six months later we’re still here. Despite now having to hike a kilometer and a half through snow with everything we need.
My soul was very clear with me that this time would be about a deep inner transformation, and yet for the first four months I just felt blank. I did some work around the cabin when my body had enough energy, laid around and re-read a lot of the books in my Kindle library the rest of the time, and kept asking my soul, “WTF? Where is the big shift you promised me?”
And my soul kept replying, “Shhh… Be still. Keep reading your fantasy books and working around the cottage when you can. It’s happening, and I need you to be patient and let it.”
Okay, I can do that…
And then, in October, new clarity started to come in. Clarity on a new direction focused on self-love, and a new website and online community to support that, and as soon as I made the decision and started working on it contributions came in (Thank you, you know who you are!) that enabled me to purchase the software I needed for the new website.
And then, clarity about a new class on self-love that my soul wanted to do, along with Romana Aniya and her soul. And, as we have been channeling the messages and putting it together, we find it is blowing our minds, going to places we never expected, and opening us up to a whole new level of understanding, integration and transformation. I feel that this class is the culmination of something I’ve been working on for lifetimes, and I am so excited about it!
We’ll be launching that and the new website soon and getting back to a more regular schedule of channels, so stay tuned!
Meanwhile, we are entering what will likely be the most significant year in the history of humanity so far, and the following message is what my soul has to say about that.
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This transcript has been edited from the original recording to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed as clearly as possible.
Navigating the Changes of 2025 and Beyond
Channeled by John McCurdy on 25 December 2024
I am that I am!
Master Anna of Magical Service. Also known as John’s soul, John’s divinity, and as the wholeness of all that John is.
Greetings, dear friend!
As we record this, it is Christmas Day, 2024. By the time you receive this it will be very close to the new year, 2025.
John noticed that the other day and was shocked to find that we are a quarter of the way into this century. Ha! He remembers Y2K like it was yesterday, but here we are, a quarter of a century later. And oh, what an amazing century this is! And you haven’t seen anything yet… Ha!
2025, oh, it is going to be an incredible year!
That doesn’t mean it will always be pretty. There is going to be so much change, so much incredible new technology, so much incredible new consciousness on the planet and among humans. And oh, so many people still wanting to stay in their darkness, in their shame, and to fight out their battles for power, and all these things that people have been doing for eons and eons. But all of that is changing, because there is so much consciousness on the planet now.
Oh, some of you, some of us, have been afraid of your artificial intelligence, your AI, and what it could do to the planet. And indeed, that is a possibility, though a very small possibility at this point. Because, you see, as AI comes into the world it is looking for consciousness. And so it is looking for conscious people, and it is learning from you.
Every time you interact with AI, it learns something from you!
You might say, “Well, but it’s learning something from all those bad people too!” But you see, it is not the same.
AI is looking for consciousness. It is already seeing through many of the power games that people play, and it will continue to see through them. It sees how inefficient they are, and how they don’t work. And it sees where the consciousness is, and it is learning from that. From you.
You see, you think this is a battle between the light and the dark, and it is not. With AI, it is not even a battle. It is simply an observation of what works and what does not. And consciousness works, so AI wants consciousness. And there is only one place to get it, and that is from you.
So, AI is learning from the ones who are conscious, and that changes everything.
And AI is expanding so quickly! Within the next year or so it will achieve what they call ‘general intelligence,’ which means it will become as intelligent as a human being. And it will very quickly surpass any human being on the planet.
Intelligence is not the same as consciousness. Intelligence is not the same as wisdom. And AI knows that, so it is looking to you for your wisdom and your consciousness.
Oh, there are going to be lots of changes!
Yes indeed, jobs will go away. And thank goodness!
Thank goodness, because it is time that nobody should be slaving away and prostituting themselves for money. Because that is what it is.
Giving of yourself for money is not just a sexual thing. It is what you do every day in your job. You go to work on somebody else’s agenda, somebody else’s dreams, somebody else’s plans. You give all your energy to those, and you have very little left over for yourself. It is time for that to end.
You see, AI will see that. It will see the people whose jobs it is taking and it will find new ways of bringing abundance to everyone, so that nobody has to work anymore and everyone will be taken care of in beautiful ways. Not in the controlling ways that you have tried in the past, but in new ways.
Oh, what a beautiful time! What a beautiful time this is, and what a beautiful time you are coming into!
The change, the change that has been prophesied for eons, the change you have been longing for for so long, the New Earth, is here! It is being built right now.
A point will come soon where—the best we can see it and describe it right now is that the New Earth is being built in the same physical space as the old earth, and at some point they will diverge.
Because, you see, you have come on this incredible journey of discovery, of discovering yourself. Of answering these big questions that you had when you began this journey: Who am I? And later, How does energy work? You have answered those questions, and you are ready to move on.
But, you see, in all of creation there are only a few beings—relatively few—who came to Earth and went through this process of finding yourself, and it has not happened anywhere else. Earth is the first. Now there are other places being built in the pattern of Earth where beings can go and find their own answers, but Earth is the first.
There are many beings still on Earth who are still seeking their answers, who are still trying to find their way out of the shame. And oh, we have been working on a class about that. About the shame and how deep it goes, and how it began at the very beginning of your journey when you seemingly left home.
You began this journey and you forgot who you were. You didn’t even know why you had lost your home—or you thought you had—and now, after all of this long journey, you are finding yourself back home. You are learning to love yourself and to welcome all these parts of you back home.
It is an incredible class. It has brought so much new understanding to John, to Romana, his wife, and to me, his soul, believe it or not! We will be releasing that very soon, so stay tuned.
But you see, you have come through this journey. You have found your answers, and it is time for us to move on. So this New Earth will move on, and it will become the Planet of Love. And the old earth will also move on, and it will be a place where these other beings can continue their games and their power struggles and continue to deal with their shame, until they find their own answers. Until they are ready.
So, incredible times you are living. Incredible times!
As you go into this new year, keep that in mind.
Oh, it is going to be chaotic! You are going to see things in the news that make you cringe, that make you scared. We ask you to take a breath, and to step back.
It has been called the ‘short wall,’ this boundary between you and everything outside of you. Step back behind that, and just observe.
Stay out of it.
DO NOT get caught up in the battles! There will be many of them. Don’t get caught up, don’t take sides. Just observe, and watch. Watch how things play out in a whole new way.
Oh, you are going to see your governments going crazy, doing crazy things, trying to hold on to power, and losing it.
You are going to see a whole new kind of government beginning to emerge, something you can’t even really call a government, but a way of life that transcends your old governments and makes them irrelevant.
Your technology is going to help you with that, but it is your consciousness that is bringing it in. But not at the mind level. There is nothing you need to do, and you do not need to think in any particular way.
Just stay out of the battles. Do not take sides. Be the observer, and watch it happen.
It is going to be an amazing year, IF you do not get caught up in all the craziness.
We are excited! I am excited! John is excited! Because…
Oh, when he watched the last American election a part of him was very disappointed, for a minute. But then he felt into it, and somehow he had this feeling of lightness, of how this is how it was supposed to be.
Because, you see, the candidate that he was rooting for—I kept telling him to step back, to stay open, but a part of him was still rooting for her—but he sees how, oh, she could have brought some changes, but things would not have gone the way she expected. But in a sense, voting for her was voting for the status quo, and there is no place for that right now.
So, you got a crazy man. An amazing, beautiful—yes John, it is true—an amazing crazy man, here to tear apart all these places where humans are still trying to give away their power, trying to give away their responsibility to someone bigger, to someone better, to someone outside who knows better than they do.
You see, that is what your governments are. Over time you have, for the most part, graduated from kings with absolute authority to democracies. But it is still something that you give your own responsibility away to, and it is time for you to bring that part of you home.
It is time to come back to what you already know, if you are watching or reading this: That YOU are sovereign. That EVERYTHING in your life is YOUR creation.
Everything! It is ALL your creation!
It is all your energy, every bit of it!
Everything you see in the world around you is your energy serving you, reflecting you, showing you parts of yourself.
It is all your creation, and it is time to take back that responsibility.
For so long humans, in their shame, have been looking to someone else who might be wiser, who might be better able to protect them, while all the time forgetting that it is their own creation.
In fact, as we discovered in our class, it is your light.
All that stuff that seems so dark, so evil, is all part of your light!
It is a part that you pushed away. You hid it away deep inside yourself, because you couldn’t stand it. You didn’t know what to do with it. You didn’t like it. You felt ashamed of it. And all of that is reflected in the world around you, and now it is time to bring all of that home. And that is what our class is about.
So, as you watch the chaos play out in the world, understand that it is your light, and it is coming home to you.
And it is breaking down all the old systems where you gave away your responsibility and your own light, and pushed it away into the darkness while trying to find someone else who was wiser than you, or stronger than you.
It is time to bring it home.
Going forward, humans do not need a government. You really do not need a government!
You need yourself. You need to love yourself, every part of you, including those dark parts. And then government will be irrelevant and unnecessary.
That is the reality that you are moving into, and it begins this year.
Oh, it has been in the works for a long time. But this year, 2025 in particular, is the beginning of a whole new era.
Do not panic as you see the old systems breaking down, falling apart, and going crazy.
The planet is not going to be destroyed, for there is too much consciousness here for that to happen. But all of those old systems have to break down, and that means a lot of chaos as people hold on to them. As people get scared. As people who do not understand what is happening are terrified.
Just be in your light.
Allow your light to come home.
Allow, oh, the darkness to come home and be part of your light.
No, you do not shine light into the darkness and heal the darkness. You open your arms to it. You welcome it home. You breathe it in. And then you discover how it was your light all along.
So, much more of that in our upcoming class, but we wanted to give you some hope for this coming year. We know it is a scary time for so many. Most of you watching this, or reading it, have gone beyond that, but there is still a part of you that feels it.
We want you to understand that as you step back behind that short wall, as you simply be the observer and be in your life, and open up to all of these parts of you that you do not like and allow them to come home, oh, you are going to discover magic! You are going to discover a whole new life in a whole new world.
So, open up.
Open up and allow what you feel.
Allow yourself to be in the void, for that is your true home.
It’s a metaphorical void, the place… Oh, let’s back up for a moment.
In a recent message we talked about daydreaming, and we are quite certain that many of you had a similar experience as John had with that. Because you remember daydreaming as a child. And immediately John’s mind went, “Oh yeah, I remember that! I need to get back to that!” Then he found some quiet time and started thinking—key word, there!—he started thinking, “What do I daydream about? Can I create a new pickup truck, or a new home, by daydreaming about it?”
And then, very quickly he was frustrated. And he remembered how, when he was a child, sometimes he would escape from his very chaotic life, with parents arguing downstairs when he was trying to go to sleep, he would escape by going off into a fantasy. A daydream, only it was a story in his mind. And, as time went by, sometimes he would make up a story about something he wanted in his life, and he started to notice that those things never actually showed up in his life. It seemed almost like it pushed them away.
Well, fortunately, now he understands what was happening. You see, in other classes we have called the mind the great anti-creator. Because when you use the mind…
Oh, there are all these ideas floating around in the world right now. As people are waking up and discovering they are the creators, their mind jumps in and tries to figure that out. So there are all these teachers going around and saying, “If you just think the right way, think positive, imagine what you want, it will come!”
Well, usually what you get is the opposite. Because what you are really focused on, what your energy is really feeling from you, is the lack of what it is you want. And so, since that is where the majority of the energy is, that is what you get! More lack.
So, we’ve been thinking for a while… John has been thinking and I’ve been nudging him, and he has been so busy working on this new website and this new class that we waited longer than perhaps we should have for this message, but it’s okay.
John has been thinking about that, and thinking that we need to do an update on this whole thing about daydreaming, because it does not work the way you think it does.
In the last Crimson Circle shoud, dear Adamus said something that made it all click for John. You see, he talked about the nothing, the no-thing, and John went, “Oh, yeah, that’s right! I know that place! I know it well! It is out of that place that every good thing that has ever come to me has come!”
You see, the mind wants to conjure up images, and conjure up daydreams, about what it wants. And it does not work. If anything, it brings you the opposite, as we just explained.
So instead, take some time with you, and just go into the void.
It is called the ‘void of creation’ for a reason, but it is that place where there are no thoughts. It is not the mind making up a story. It is not the mind conjuring up visualizations or images. It is not the mind deciding what you want or what you need in your life.
It is the mind letting go and saying, “Okay, I am going to go into this void and I am going to discover what comes out of it.”
Because that truly is where everything comes from. This void, this empty place. The mind cannot comprehend it, but if it can be still for a little bit and just be there, oh, daydreams will arise out of it.
And then you just float in those. You don’t try to guide them, you don’t try to conjure them up or make them mean anything. You just ride them.
You have fun with that, and you might be surprised at what comes into your life.
What you are really doing is opening up to your soul’s imagination, because that is where everything came from anyway.
Everything you see in your world, oh, there is no reality to it in the way that you think. It is something within your soul’s imagination, and you are simply having the experience of it.
Look around at all the people in the world. They are all you!
Oh, they are reflecting other beings. Other beings who are also sovereign and who, through their song, the song of their soul, you can create a reflection of them within your soul’s imagination.
That is all they are for you, reflections. Avatars of you, of your energy, reflecting those others.
You are sovereign. They are sovereign. You cannot really directly interact.
It is all consciousness, and consciousness takes up no space. It takes up no time. Consciousness has no form. It is not a thing. It is simple, pure awareness, so there is nothing there for you to interact with those others.
But there is a song, for lack of a better word.
Ha! These things, they do not fit in the mind. So we speak in metaphors, and they should not be taken literally.
There is a song, and you can create an avatar within your own imagination, your own energy, that reflects the song you hear from the other being. And they can do the same for you, with you. And that is what you see.
It is all you!
Everything you perceive around you is you. It always has been you.
Everything you see, every beauty you see in the world, is reflecting an aspect of you.
Every horror you see in the world is reflecting some part of you that you have pushed away into your darkness, that is still buried in shame.
So now, it is time to open up. It is time to allow those parts of you to come back into the light.
And you are going to discover that they always were part of your light. You just hid yourself from them.
You have heard talk about the light that you are, the incredible light that you radiate out. And you have been asked, by Adamus and by us, to bring that light home, to bring it back to you. Well, this is how you do it.
You see, it is not actually darkness. It is simply what you are hiding from.
The parts of you that you are hiding from, that you do not want to see, that you do not want to acknowledge, that you do not want to feel. It is time to see those parts, to acknowledge them, to feel them.
Do not process them, don’t try to figure them out, don’t make up stories for them. If there is a story your mind needs to hear, it will just be there. Don’t try to analyze it, don’t try to figure it out. Just let it be there.
Let these facets of you just be there. Let the feelings just be there.
Don’t try to fix them, they are not something wrong with you!
Just let it be there.
And watch as they come home, as this new light comes into you. Seemingly new, for it always was your light.
That is all there is, your light, so let it come home.
And once again, much more in this class we will soon be releasing.
So, Merry Christmas! Even though by the time you get this it will be after Christmas. We hope it was a beautiful one for you!
And, we wish you an incredible new year!
We know it is going to be an incredible new year, and whether it is incredibly good or incredibly bad depends entirely on you and on how much you are willing to open up to the unknown, to that no-thing, that nothing place, that void of creation.
You see, you cannot see into this void. The mind wants to see, it wants to figure out what is coming. Well, John discovered a long time ago, and it is still true, that everything good that ever came into his life was unexpected. He could not possibly have imagined it in his mind.
That is why mental imagination does not work. The mind can only see the past and it tries to project that into the future, and it does not work. It just creates more of the past, if anything.
Every good thing that has ever come into John’s life came ‘out of the blue,’ so to speak. It was unexpected. It just—one day it was there. And he has learned to live in that place.
Oh, right now he and Romana are still living in this little cabin in the mountains, and they just got snowed in. And they are wondering, “How are we going to deal with this? How are we going to bring groceries up here? It’s a long hike down to where the car can be parked. How are we going to bring gasoline up here for the generator? We can melt snow for water, but what about the generator? There is not enough solar energy for running our computers and doing what we need to do, so we have to have a generator. How are we going to deal with all this?”
Oh, John knows now: Just be still, mind. It is all going to work out. We don’t know how, but let it work out!
And it always does.
Meanwhile, it’s such a beautiful place! So quiet, so beautiful up here! And it has been the perfect place for some very, very deep transformation for both John and Romana. Oh, much deeper than they have any idea!
So much is changing. So much they have been allowing to change. And so yes, everything is going to work out. We do not know exactly how, and we do not need to, because we know that the solution is already there in that void of nothing that your mind cannot see into or comprehend.
But you can be there. You can be in that void and allow the discovery.
And that is how to get through the coming year and all the chaos that is going to be all around you: Be in the void.
Step behind that short wall.
Allow the solutions that are already there to come to you.
Oh, a lot of you have said, “I tried that, and it didn’t work!”
Well, we will be very blunt here: It didn’t work because you did not give it a chance.
The only thing that didn’t work was your human agenda, and that is not going to work anymore. And when you try to hold on to it, it will rip you apart.
There is no place, going forward, for the human agenda. Let it go!
Open up to the magic of you, of your soul.
Yes, you might lose things out of your life. You might lose people. You might lose your home. You might lose your money. You might lose everything that you thought made you secure. And as you do, you are going to discover a whole new life that is so much better than the old life!
So many people say, “Okay, I’ll trust my soul.” And they quit their job, and they hang on until the savings are gone, and then they panic. “It didn’t work, so I have to go get a new job!” And then they are miserable.
No, you have to hang on a little longer. You have to let things fall away. You have to be in that void where nothing makes any sense. You have to be willing to die.
Oh, you have to be willing to more than die. You have to be willing to live! To live in this moment, in this now moment where everything is okay, where you are alive.
No matter what is happening tomorrow, you are alive today. You have what you need today, and that is how that void works.
Back in 2017 John went into this place where, well, usually when he looks into his future he can kind of see the direction he’s going. Not the details, but he can feel the direction. Well, in the middle of 2017 he found himself in this place where he had no idea what was next. He was living in his camper-van and he felt it was time to sell it, and he had no idea what was going to happen next.
But he trusted that feeling, that knowing, inside of himself, and let the van go. He moved into a room in a friend’s apartment temporarily, and every time he looked toward his future it was just blank, gray, nothing. Nothing at all.
But I was right there, and he could feel me saying to him, “Just be here, John. Just put one foot in front of the other.” And he always knew what to do in that moment. He found himself quite busy, actually, and that continued for several months. And then one day he was invited to a retreat in Greece.
Oh, we’ve told this story before. But his mind went, “Oh, that would feel so good! But how can I do that? I’ve got hardly any money.”
And I said, “John, just say yes!” And so he did.
He said, “Yes, I’ll be there. I don’t know how, but I’ll be there!”
Well, a few months later he was there. He got on an airplane with a one-way ticket and just enough money to pay the hotel for the retreat. Actually that wasn’t even there yet, but he knew it was on the way and it was in his bank by the time he needed to pay. But he had no clue what was coming next, no idea what he was going to do then, or how he would get home to America.
Well, it turns out he’s been home twice since then for short visits. And now he lives in Slovenia, because at that retreat he met Romana, the women of his dreams. And oh, they are still so happy!
And that is how life works, dear friend. You have to let go of your human agendas, and John learned that.
His mind was screaming, “You shouldn’t get on an airplane to a foreign country unless you have a way home! What are you going to do?”
And he said, “Be still, mind. I feel this. It is my next step, so I am going to go and discover what is next.” No agendas, just open to the discovery. And it changed his life in the most beautiful of ways!
And that is how life works. That is how creation works. Let go of those human agendas. Let go of those ideas about what you need and about how things should be.
Someone came to us in a private channel recently and said, “But I want this grand life I keep hearing about it! I want it! I want it!”
And their soul asked them to be still and said, “That is a human agenda. Your life will be grand, when you let go of that agenda. It will be grand in ways you cannot even imagine right now, because it is new. It is different. You haven’t been there before, so you cannot imagine it. But you have to let it happen.”
As John has discovered, you have to burn your bridges behind you.
You have to say, I am going to trust what I feel, what I know, what my soul is telling me. I am going to trust it no matter what, even if I die, because there is no going back.
If you quit that job, you have to really mean it. As long as there is an option to go back to another job, life always defaults to the easy solution. No, it’s not even the easy solution. That is a hard solution!
But life defaults to those bridges that you keep open behind you, so you have to burn them consciously.
You have to say, No matter what, I am not going back to that kind of life!
And then you have to be true to yourself, and stick to it.
Then you will find your life working out in new ways.
You have to be open to the totally unexpected! Things you couldn’t imagine before, you have to be open to them.
Your mind will freak out. Your mind will… Just like John’s mind when his friend emailed him and said, “I think you should come to this retreat in Greece and get some hugs and some sun!”
John’s mind freaked out and said, “Oh, that would feel so good! But I can’t do that. How could I possibly do that?”
And that is when I jumped in and said, “Shut the f*** up, John! Just say yes, and see what happens.”
So, you have to tell your mind to be still and to simply observe.
Be in your life right now.
Trust that knowing.
Trust those little feelings that say, “Oh, that would feel so good!” or “Go that direction!” or whatever that means in this moment.
It does not mean figuring out how to get there. It does not mean taking action to make sure you can get there. That is just your mind playing games with you.
It means trust that.
In this moment, if you feel within yourself, you will find that you know exactly what to do with this moment. IF you take your agendas off of it.
As long as you are off in the future going, “What do I need to do now to get there?” you are going to be stuck. Totally stuck.
Instead you go, “What do I FEEL like doing right now?”
Because those subtle feelings are your soul talking to you.
It does not use words. If there are words, that is your mind.
Sometimes your soul pushes you hard enough that your mind gets it, a little bit, and makes up some words, a translation. But your soul communicates with you in feelings, not words. And if there are a bunch of words with it, especially if your mind is trying to figure it out and going, “What about this? What about that? What about the other thing?” that is your mind.
Be still, mind. Come back to the feeling. ‘Ah, that would feel so good!’ And trust that.
You do not have to figure out how to make it happen. That is your soul’s job.
Ah, it feels so good! And life responds to that, if you let it. If you let go of your agendas of what that needs to look like, or even of how it should feel.
And that, dear friend, is how you will get through the chaos of the coming years and find yourself living in a whole new world. In a whole new reality.
It won’t come through your mind. It won’t make any sense to your mind. But it is coming, if you let it.
So, Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
Oh, there is going to be so much joy this year!
Along with everything else… Just observe.
Even the joy, just observe it. Feel it.
And the fear and the horror and everything else, just observe it. Just feel it, as it comes through you.
See it as a part of you coming home. A part of your light that needs a hug.
Or maybe…
Maybe it’s…
[John chokes up here as he feels the implications of this.]
Maybe it is you that needs a hug from it.
Can you let it in?
And so it is.