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Where Is My Transformation?

Where Is My Transformation?

If you can ask that question, then it is already here. Here is my soul’s take on how you can begin to experience it. Read more…

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I feel immensely grateful and love in my heart again. —Grace from the Netherlands

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Freedom From Meaning

Freedom From Meaning

Have you ever wondered, What is the meaning of life? What is my purpose? Who hasn’t, right? Well, here is my soul’s take on that. Read more…
Bask In Life!

Bask In Life!

Do you want to claim your light body? Do you want to change the world? Do you want to change your life? Do you want to help those who are suffering? Do you want to stop your own suffering? This is how you do it. Read more…


I’ll let this short and direct message speak for itself. Read more…
The New Love – Part 3: All of Me, In Love

The New Love – Part 3: All of Me, In Love

In this message Johannes brings together all the parts, pieces, aspects, facets and lifetimes of me to continue our discussion of The New Love. Read more…
The New Love – Part 2

The New Love – Part 2

In this message, Anna, an expression of my own soul, dives deeper into the nature of this new love, this Real Love as I call it, and shares some of my own journey in finding it. Read more…
The New Love – Part 1

The New Love – Part 1

What is love, really? How can we say that love was discovered by humans here on Earth? And why does that matter? In this message Anna, the feminine facet of my soul, does her best to explain, and to describe what is without doubt the greatest and most amazing discovery of our sojourn on Earth. Read more…