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Where Is My Transformation?

Where Is My Transformation?

If you can ask that question, then it is already here. Here is my soul’s take on how you can begin to experience it. Read more…

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I am very happy I listened to the nudge I felt to ask for a personal channel, because I feel much more confident now in the contact with my soul.
 —Ellen from Spain

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Allowing Your Light

Allowing Your Light

The world is at war. Chaos is everywhere. Our own bodies often feel like they are at war with us. What is the solution? Your light! Read more…
A Day of Inner Union

A Day of Inner Union

A very special message for a very special day: 22 February 2022. (And for any day.) Read more…
It’s Time to Tell the Truth of You

It’s Time to Tell the Truth of You

The news is in, for masters everywhere: Everything you perceive is YOU. Everything you perceive is your own energy, serving you by conforming perfectly to your perceptions of you. Including the illusions that you hold. Want to change something in your life? It starts with telling yourself the truth about you. Read more…
Navigating the Intensity, Transcending the Fear

Navigating the Intensity, Transcending the Fear

I don’t think I have ever felt such intensity as I’ve felt in the past weeks and months. So many people I know are feeling it too, and along with it intense fear as everything we’ve known in life seems to be falling apart. Today Romana and I sat down together with our souls to ask for some clarity, and this is what came. Read more…
A Whole New World!

A Whole New World!

Happy New Year! It’s 2022. So why does everything seem so crazy in the world? Where is this New Earth that is supposed to be coming in now? Well, according to Soul it’s already here, but we keep looking for it in the wrong place. Read more…
Living As Soul

Living As Soul

The veil between human and divine is coming down, and realization is dawning within the human that it and soul are one and the same. It can be confusing, disorienting and even painful at first, but now comes the time to consciously walk the earth AS soul, AS divinity. Read more…