Nature Speaks – by John McCurdy
From my human perspective it always seems a little strange when my soul asks me to channel a “thing” like Mass Consciousness, or in this case Nature, or like Devine Feminine or the Dragon, which are not beings like us but archetypal energies or facets of our consciousness. But everything has consciousness and its own unique perspective, and sometimes that perspective can bring a new clarity.
In this case Nature has been wanting to speak through me for a while, to offer her perspective and bring hope to those who feel like she is being destroyed all around them. But her message is controversial and can only be understood by those who are beginning to see life more from the perspective of Soul, and it felt like a really big message that I wasn’t sure I could translate clearly, so I put it off. But recently I started to receive questions about nature, and about how one could possibly release the battle to protect her, and I knew it was time to let her speak.
Enjoy, and please don’t shoot the messenger!
This message was channeled by John McCurdy on June 13, 2020. The following is a transcript of the recording, edited only for readability.
Greetings, dear friend.
(birds singing in forest)
Such an amazing thing to be in a human body here on Earth! To be able to hear the birds singing in the trees, to look around and see the green of the trees, the beauty of the land, and all the sounds of me.
Dear friend, I come to you today as the voice of nature.
Oh, you think of Gaia, and yes indeed, what an amazing being! But I am much more than her, and much less.
Dear friend, nature is everything that you perceive as physical. From here to the far edges of your universe and beyond, that is me. Gaia is that amazing being, one just like you, who came in service to you and embodied herself in a part of me, in this part that you call Earth, this little rock in space.
Ahh, what an amazing creation! And dear friend, let’s make no mistake here: I am your creation. Yours! Let that in.
You’ve heard that you are a creator and you keep trying to learn how to create. Dear friend, you already know how. Just look around at nature. You created every bit of it!
“Oh, but what about all those others?” you ask. Well, we’ll get to that. Right now I want you to let it in: You created it. Just you!
No, let’s close the mind down for right now. It’s trying so hard to figure it out, to put logic to it all. It doesn’t fit, dear friend! But that doesn’t change the truth. You created it all.
To understand that, let’s go back a ways along your journey. There was a point where All That Was asked itself, Who am I? And out of that question arose all that is. Because of that question All That Was exploded into all of you. Each one of you, not just a fragment of All That Was, but all of All That Was. Can you imagine that? You are all of All That Was, and so is each and every other being in all of creation.
And no, you are not all one. Each one of you is one unto yourself. You are whole and complete unto yourself, each one of you. Each one embodying All That Was, each one of you unique and individual. And you never, ever go back to what was, because you wouldn’t fit. You’ve grown so much that you wouldn’t fit there all by yourself, and when you bring everybody else together, well, it just can’t happen. And it won’t happen, because the greatest gift of Spirit is your unique, individual identity and sovereignty and creatorship.
So All That Was suddenly became all of you. You began to discover each other. You began to play together like little children, because, well, that’s what you were. You had no experience. You had no idea of who you were, but you were driven to answer that question, who am I?
So you set out. You began to play together, to bounce off of each other. Creation happened in a blink of an eye. Something popped into your imagination, and suddenly there was in front of you. You can have that now, dear friend, except that you don’t believe it.
So you created something. Somebody else created something else. Sometimes they conflicted, sometimes they added—one creation added to another made it even better. Sometimes someone’s creation destroyed someone else’s creation. And off you went, this whole playground of beings, new beings—in a sense, new. We use human words here, which are highly limited. In truth you never had a beginning. You always existed and you always will, and this is just one of your many, many experiences.
So battles began. These angels as you call them, but really they were just you, began to fight over their creations. Someone wanted what you had. You wanted what someone else had, and battles began. It was really all just big game, because no one could ever actually be hurt or destroyed. But you could feel like it for a little while, and you could trick someone else into feeling it for a little while.
So battles began. Intense, huge battles. They became so intense that everything started to slow down. Creation no longer happened in the blink of an eye because there was too much tension. Finally you all got together and said, “We need to understand this. We need to understand what is happening. It happens too fast and we can’t catch it. We just can’t understand what’s happening, but it’s getting out of hand and we’re afraid that it’s going to destroy us.” Because you didn’t know yet that a souled being cannot be destroyed or hurt in any way.
But you got together and you said, “We need to understand this,” and someone proposed an idea. They said, “Let’s create a theater, a magical stage, where we can slow everything down into a very slow, dense system that we can observe and study, where we can play out our games and see what’s really happening. So Earth was created, and here you are.
Only it wasn’t quite that simple. For you see—and this is a really key point for understanding your own creatorship—in your universe, in your creation, there is only one of you. Just you. Just you!
Everything you see around you is your own energy, shaped by your consciousness.
Oh, it looks like it’s everyone else’s energy and their consciousness, and so often like they are conspiring against you. But dear friend, hear this carefully: It is all yours. It is all your creation. It is all your energy.
Yes, there are many, many other beings in creation, but each one is creating their own universe, their own world.
You see, part of the problem in the beginning was that you had so many different creations, and they didn’t blend together. They were fine until you wanted to interact with someone else, but your creation didn’t match their creation and you ended up with no common point of view, no frame of reference within which to interact. You were in different dimensions, and your dimension made no sense to someone else in their dimension, so you began to develop this thing called mass consciousness.
What is mass consciousness? It is simply a template, dear friend. A template.
You began, kind of by accident in the beginning, to develop a template. Oh, you developed many templates. A few of you would get together—you tended to feel things and sense things similarly and have similar creations, so you began to observe each other. And kind of by accident, you discovered how you could create a template, and then each of you could create according to that template, and because of that your creations would be similar. Similar enough that you could interact.
Oh, the human words are so inadequate here. But feel, feel what we’re talking about.
So you began to create templates. You began to create group templates, and the templates expanded into what you might call family templates, and angelic families began.
So now here you were, contemplating how to understand what was happening. You said, “We need to create this place where we can slow everything down and make it really real and really slow, so that we can learn, discover, how this thing of creation works.”
So some of you got together and said, “We have to start with a template,” which you did. You created a template of the universe. Hm, scientists think they know so much about it now, but they’ve barely scratched the surface.
Then you picked a spot in that template. You picked a rock, off in an unknown corner, so to speak. Your Earth is kind of in a barren place in your galaxy, and even your galaxy is on the edge of a great void in the universe. It needed to be a place that was kind of hidden away, so it wouldn’t be interfered with too much. Then one of you, whom you call Gaia, a being just like you, just one of you, volunteered to infuse herself into that rock, and she did so. With the help of many of you she infused herself into that rock and breathed life into it.
In human time it took millions, even billions of years. In soul time, which doesn’t exist, it was the blink of an eye. She infused herself into that rock. She breathed life into it, and all of what you call nature sprang forth, from the little single-celled bacteria all the way up to the trees and to the animals and the birds and—oh, there were many experiments along the way. You can see them in your fossil record, some of them anyway. Some species came and flourished and then died out to make room for others, until finally the human species began to come into being and to be developed, and at some point you chose that human form, that human body, as the thing that you would inhabit.
Now, up until that time they didn’t have souls. Well, they did, but it was Gaia’s soul. Every single one of them, and everything that you see in nature today, is an expression of Gaia’s soul, of her consciousness and her essence.
Dear friend, maybe that can give you some idea of your creatorship, because you are no different from Gaia. She was simply the one who chose that role. She created all of this, what you call nature. Oh, many of you helped to nurture it, helped to shape it. Many of you played with her. Even before you ever put yourself in a body, you played with Gaia and helped her to nurture and expand this creation, until a point came where the bodies were ready and Gaia said, “Come! Come join me here! Come embody into these creatures that are walking around on the planet! They’re part of me, but you can take them over. You can merge yourself into them and make them your own!” So you did.
Mmm… You went through lifetime after lifetime in these creatures. They were a little bit fragile, easy to kill, easy to hurt, but that was just all part of the game. It was all new to you. It was all new to all of creation.
Someone asked, “Why did everything get so painful on this planet, so intense? Was that really necessary? Well, the first of anything is always intense, and this was the first time that anyone had done anything like this, so it became very intense.
It took a long time to begin to understand what was happening, many, many lifetimes. Most of you listening to this message have embodied on this planet more than a thousand times, some of you a couple thousand times, and you’ve been to the very depths of hell and to the heights of joy multiple times. Now, at last, you’re coming to understand how energy works, how creation works.
What you’ve done here has changed all of creation, and creation is far, far bigger than the universe that you can see through your telescopes. Even if you could see the edges, it’s far, far bigger than that! It includes many, many dimensions, many, many different universes!
(pause, as loud airplane flies over)
Ahh… You hear the sound of an airplane passing over and you think, How sad! How sad to mess up the sounds of nature with that machine!
Dear friend, that machine: It too, is nature!
I’ve been wanting to speak through John for several months, but he was afraid to let me, because he knew I was going to ruffle some feathers. But here we are, and yes, I’m going to ruffle some feathers.
You see, in order to create this shared experience you had to create a big template, a more detailed template than had ever been created before. And that’s what I am, dear friend. I’m not a being like you, but in a way, you’ve infused life into me. I am the template that you created.
Another name for me is “mass consciousness,” and you already know the story with mass consciousness: It’s time to step out. But you probably didn’t realize that nature is mass consciousness.
You see, in creating this template, it was a more involved and more detailed template than you’d ever created before. You needed a way for everyone to create the same reality so that you could share with each other, so that you could have a common experience, so that everything would look about the same in each of your creations. Because remember, everything that you see around you is your own creation. You created it, no one else. It’s your energy. But you created it according to this template and you connected it, you created connections—we’re not going to go into the details of how that works right now, but you created connections so that you could bump up against the energies of others and have this illusion of interacting with each other. Ah, the experience of the interaction is real, but everything you’re experiencing is still your own creation.
So this intricate, detailed template was created. You needed it to be something that each of you could pattern your creations after. You also needed something to remind you—in every moment to remind you of it, otherwise your creations would drift off into something else. You needed something to hold your attention, so you created this thing called Nature.
Then you began to experiment with nature, to work with nature, to work with the energies. You found that you could shape them and manipulate them in your human body, still all within this template. And yes, everything you have created is nature.
You think of nature as the trees and the animals and the beautiful things of life. But dear friend, nature is also in the dirt and the mud and the machines. Oh, and the truth is, I love when humans take me and shape me and mold me into all these grand creations! It brings intense joy to me, and to Gaia, believe it or not, because that’s what she’s here for. That’s what I’m here for. For you—God also, divine creator also—to experiment, to play, to put yourself into hell or into heaven or whatever other experience you choose, and to discover who you are in that. That is what I was created for! That is my purpose, to facilitate that!
Some of you, you look around at the world right now. Oh yes, there are a lot of people in the world right now, and there is going to be even more before it starts to taper off. And it will. The population will continue to rise for a while, and then it’ll start to fall off, because you’ve changed everything, dear friend.
But you look around at what’s happening and how what you perceive as nature is being destroyed, and you worry about it and you feel sad about it. You cry for it and you fight for it. Mm, dear friend, I’d like you to look deeper into how nature is. This forest where John is sitting, oh, there are birds singing in the trees, the sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing. It’s so beautiful! And also, there are briars and thorn bushes, dead trees laying on the ground, brush, chaos, destruction everywhere, right along with the beauty. That’s me, dear friend. That’s nature!
So you look around and you see people destroying the beautiful places, and you worry about it. You think that somehow they could destroy me. Dear friend, they can’t! They can’t destroy me and they can’t destroy Gaia. If they become too aggressive, we know what to do about it. We know how to reset things. We know how to bring in a storm or a fire to cleanse and purify the land, and we do, when it is necessary.
You look at the beautiful trees. Someone decides they’re in the way or they don’t like them, so they cut them down. You treat them as though they were souled beings, and they are not, dear friend.
Hear this clearly: they are not souled beings. They are in the sense that they are part of Gaia’s body, so you could say that they are part of Gaia in the same way that the hairs on your body are part of you. Sometimes it’s necessary to cut some of them away, sometimes they die of natural causes and fall out.
Yes, we know those trees mean a lot to you. You see, part of nature’s purpose is to be a place where you could rejuvenate yourself, where you could feast on the beauty and rejuvenate yourself and your body, so you feel a lot of sadness and grief to see some of the beauty destroyed.
But dear friend, you need to understand that neither Gaia nor I feel that same sadness or grief. Some say that we do, but they don’t understand what they are hearing or what they are sensing. Oh, we feel many things, Gaia in particular. As a souled being she feels many things. Sometimes she cries out, but it’s not in grief, dear friend. It’s in the ecstasy of life, the orgasm of life, the simple beauty and joy of being alive.
Gaia—you may have heard that Gaia is beginning to leave. Not soon, a few hundred more years, perhaps. She is beginning to turn her responsibilities over to humans, to human consciousness.
Mmm, that scares you! You look at the chaos in the world and wonder, how could you possibly manage the earth?
Well, dear friend, you are so much more than you realize. This isn’t being turned over to the human mind. It’s being turned over to those who—ahh, you could say—to the souls of humanity. The words don’t really work, but that’s closer.
It’s a bigger, deeper, wiser consciousness, dear friend, that has the wisdom that has come from every, every experience you have ever had, and collectively you are more than able to manage this planet. And you will, you are. You are beginning to, more and more.
Gaia is not leaving because of how the planet has been treated. She is leaving because she’s been so successful. And just like you: your time has come. If you’re here, your time has come to wrap things up on Earth and to move on to your next adventure, because you’ve completed what you came here to do.
So too, along with you, Gaia is ascending. It’s a silly human word for it, but she is coming into her enlightenment, her realization, as some of you call it. It’s time for her to let go of the old, to let go of her old job, to move forward in her own experience. So things are changing, but in beautiful, wonderful ways!
Oh, we feel your sadness when you watch your favorite places or your favorite trees be destroyed. But you have to understand, dear friend, that life is change. And as nature, the essence of nature, I’m just as happy as a board in the wall of your house, or as a chunk of firewood that keeps you warm, as I am standing in that tree. Because it’s all serving you, dear Creator, and that, that, is my purpose.
So, my dear friend, it’s time to let go a little bit. You already understand that you need to let go of mass consciousness, to step out of its limitations. What you didn’t understand before was that nature is perhaps the very heart and essence of mass consciousness. Nature is the structure, the essence, that makes this whole experience of Earth possible, and it is also the structure that keeps you here, that keeps you embodied in your old, limited human body, instead of moving forward into your light body.
Ah, that seems strange. You go into nature in order to find yourself, in order to connect more deeply with the essence of you, with that light body, and that’s wonderful. That’s beautiful. But when you hold on too tight it keeps you stuck. It locks you into that old human body, into the limitations of mass consciousness, so I ask you to step back a little, to let go.
That doesn’t mean to stop enjoying me. But open up, and realize that I am taking care of myself. With Gaia’s help, with your help (at the soul level much more than at the human level), I am taking care of myself and you don’t need to worry about all those other people.
And dear friend, when you stop worrying about them, when you stop trying to protect me from them, you’ll find that you are able to create beauty in many new ways, and that you are able to create experiences of me in many new ways. A point will come where you’ll be able to create nature in your own way without any template at all, and it won’t matter what anybody else does because they won’t even have access to it. Although, you’ll know how to share it with them if you want to.
But dear friend, it’s time to let go of the battle. It’s not yours. It never was yours. I can take care of myself just fine, and I am doing so. But you have to understand that my perspective is different from yours, from the human’s, and you have to let me take care of myself my way.
And, as long as you are involved in mass consciousness, you have to understand that other people have just as much right to this template as you do, just as much right to change the template, to adjust it in their own ways. Your job in that case, if it’s a way that you don’t like, is simply to take your attention away from what they are doing, because that’s how you connect. That’s how you connect your template to theirs: when you get upset about what they are doing, you hook your template into theirs and your template begins to look just like theirs.
So step back. Step back and allow them their own creation within their own world, and realize that you are the creator of yours. You can create yours any way you want, no matter what anybody else does. The hard part is, you have to take your attention off of what they are doing and focus it entirely on what you are doing.
When you engage in a battle, when you engage in protecting anything, all you’re really doing is hooking your creation into somebody else’s. The solution is to step back and lay down your weapons.
I do not need to be protected!
You will bring me the greatest joy when you step back and allow me to serve you in a whole new way, in your own way, even while I serve those others in their way. That is what I’m here for! That is what brings me joy! That is what brings Gaia joy too!
And oh yes, she is right here with us, and she is smiling. She is so happy with how this whole experiment has worked out, and with what you have done here!
Mmm… Your world is not in any danger. It’s going to be around for a long time to come, and it’s just going to get better and better. It’s already an amazing place!
When you look out at the creations of mankind, don’t see it as damage or hurt, because I don’t see it that way and Gaia doesn’t see it that way. We are so proud to be able to host humanity here, to be the host for what you have done here that has changed all of creation. Your industries, your experiments, your—ahh, even coming close to destroying everything you created! Oh, you wouldn’t have destroyed Earth, not at all, but you came close to destroying everything that humanity had created. Even that wouldn’t have been such a disaster for me, but we’re so proud that you came through that, that you got past that.
We look on your cities, on the amazing machines and the amazing things you’ve created, that humanity has created, and we revel in it. Oh, we know that a lot of you, especially now as you are letting go of mass consciousness and even of nature, you have a hard time being in the city with all that old human stuff. And that’s okay dear friend, that’s where you’re at right now. It’s a normal part of the process. But don’t turn that into there’s something wrong with it, because there isn’t. You are simply moving on.
So step back. Enjoy me, but let go of me as well. Please, please let go of me!
Let me serve those others, even as you move on, and I’ll still serve you in your own way.
You’re going to be able to recreate me everywhere you go and anywhere you want, but only if you let go of me, put down your weapons and stop trying to protect me. I don’t need it. I don’t want it.
Oh, I love how you care. I truly, truly love how you care! But I don’t need you to protect me. I need you to let go of me so you can recreate me in your own way, and allow me to serve the people who are not yet ready to move on in the same way I served you through so many lifetimes.
Let me go, dear friend. It doesn’t mean don’t enjoy me, it just means let me go. I am not your responsibility anymore.
Come back to this grand truth that you know in your heart, that all is well in all of creation!
ALL is well! All, all, all is well in all of creation!
Feel that, dear friend.
If you let yourself feel that, it will change everything in your life. Everything!
I am complete, for now.
Thank you deeply, John, for allowing this to come through you! It would have been a great loss if you had resisted further! Equally, of course, everything in its own time…so never mind the “loss” part. Just, Thank You!
We are in nature and nature is in us. Each person creates their own reality, by consensus, each unique. I suddenly understood that when I was maybe 7 years old. Beautiful message

This message is very meaningful to me, thank you.,dear John, fellow traveler.