In this beautiful and meditative journey, you are invited deep into your own essence where your own divinity, along with the future you who ‘has it all together,’ can show you how beautiful and worthy you are!
NOTE: My intention when I recorded this session was to make it a paid product, because it costs a lot of money and time to maintain this website and produce these messages. And because, well, I’m worth it!
However, given what so many of us are doing right now to remove the veil between human and divine, I found that I simply could not lock this beautiful experience behind a paywall. It is so important right now for each of us to feel into our own worthiness, and that is what this message is all about.
So, instead of a paywall… If this message is at all meaningful to you, I ask you to click here (a new tab will open) and feel into what would be a fair and honorable money exchange for that value.
Thank you!
And now, enjoy the program.
Click the triangle to play the recording.
An Experience of Opening to Your Own Worthiness – by John McCurdy
Channeled on January 22, 2023
This transcript has been edited from the original recording to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed as clearly as possible. Note that Hmm, Mmm, and lines with just a dot signify places to pause and to feel into what is being said.
This message is intended to be an experience, so we strongly recommend that you listen to the recording rather than just reading the transcript. Listening with headphones is best.
Welcome to An Experience of Opening to Your Own Worthiness, a special meditative journey led by my soul, my own divinity, whom I call Master John.
My name is John McCurdy, and I thank you for purchasing, or exchanging money energy for, this copyrighted program from my website at
Now I invite you to get very comfortable, make sure you will not be disturbed for the next hour, and enjoy the program!
[we begin with the sound of a gong booming in the background, and then Master John comes in]
I am that I am!
Master John of Magical Service, here to inspire you to allow the magic and the grace of your own divinity into your life.
I invite you to get very comfortable.
Please do not listen to this program while you were driving or doing anything else that needs your full human attention.
Take time.
Take time to be with you.
Let’s take a little time now, simply to be with the sound of the gong.
[pause to feel, to be with you]
Feel your divinity, your soul.
Feel it filling you.
Feel it infusing itself into every part of you.
[pause to feel]
John is asking, “How can something that is you infuse itself into you?”
Ha ha!
We’ll simply say: Be still, mind. Just feel it.
Feel your soul.
Feel this divinity in every part of you.
Yes indeed, this divinity is you.
It is your very essence.
But for all of your journey on Earth, through so many lifetimes, there has always been an illusion of separation, a feeling of separation, between you and your divinity.
It was for a good reason.
We’ve spoken of that in other places so we won’t here, but now the time has come to take down that barrier, that veil.
Now the time has come for you to know your whole self, your grand, incredible, divine self.
So breathe deeply.
Adjust your body, if necessary, to be comfortable.
And feel into you.
Allow your awareness.
Oh, we’re going to let the gong fade away, and bring in some other sounds.
Allow your awareness to come inside of you.
Oh, not so much into your physical body, but into the essence of you.
[the gong fades away, and the sounds of water, birds and music fades in]
Into the garden of you.
A most beautiful garden!
This garden, dear friend, it is you!
You didn’t know you were so beautiful, did you?
Ha! Let it in, dear friend. This is you!
Listen to the birds singing.
They are you, too.
Listen to the water flowing, the bells ringing, the flute playing.
Allow your awareness to expand, out into this garden.
Allow yourself to perceive the animals, the trees, the flowers.
The blue sky.
The sunshine that is warm, nurturing, and not too hot.
You’ll notice there aren’t any other people here.
This is your garden, your sacred space inside of you.
[pause to feel]
Oh, but what is that over there?
It looks like a person.
Let’s move closer.
This person, you approach them, and you see that it is you.
It’s the human you.
Except that, it is robed in light!
You discover that you are seeing you in a way that you have never seen you before.
You are seeing the beauty of you.
You are seeing through your soul’s eyes!
You realize that you are seeing your human self the way your soul sees your human self.
Feel the love.
Feel the love you have for this dear, precious human, who has gone through so much for you.
Who has brought so much wisdom to you.
[pause to feel]
Look around now, and notice that there are many other figures who have gathered around.
Many other people.
Men, women, children.
So many.
Hundreds of them.
They are all gathering around in this beautiful garden.
There is plenty of room.
And as you look around at them, you know them.
Because they too, are you.
Different lifetimes, different human experiences.
Some of them are dressed in rich robes, because that’s how they lived on Earth.
That’s how they are living on Earth, in a different part of your time scape.
For you see, time is an illusion.
They are all living right now, at some other point in time.
Be still, mind. Don’t try to figure that out.
You can’t.
Just let it be.
Others are dressed in rags, because that’s how they lived.
It’s not better or worse. It’s just a different experience.
And oh, feel the honor you hold for them!
Such intense experiences, and every single one brought so much wisdom.
Allow different ones to come into your awareness more closely.
Feel some of the experiences they’ve had.
Don’t go into details.
Just feel the essence.
Feel the beauty of those experiences!
Oh, you know it so well from this divine perspective!
But also, notice the intensity and the pain in so many of those experiences, for the human that experienced it.
And let it go.
We’re not here to fix all of those things.
We’re here to honor them.
[pause to feel]
Now, bring your awareness back to the center of the circle.
And back to this dear, precious human standing right in front of you.
This human who is alive on Earth right now.
Who is listening to this program.
Who is going through this incredible, incredible process.
Enlightenment, ascension, whatever you want to call it.
You see, this human chose to take on the most difficult role of all of your incarnations.
It chose to be here on Earth at the most incredible, amazing time that has ever been, in all of creation.
This incredible transformation!
This transformation that begins right here, inside of you.
Look into the eyes of this dear human, this dear facet of you.
Now shift your awareness into this human.
This dear human.
You look around through its eyes, and you see this grand being in front of you.
Your soul. Your divinity.
You feel the awe and the admiration of this human.
And you also feel its fear, its terror even, at meeting its own divinity.
It thinks you’re going to judge it, maybe even to punish it. Or at least, to tell it all the things that it’s getting wrong.
Feel the fear.
It’s so real.
It’s so difficult for the human to carry it.
Feel this human’s body.
Feel the aches and pains.
Feel the experiences it’s been through.
The grief, the traumas, the pain.
Just feel it.
Acknowledge it.
Touch it.
Now, bring your awareness back to your divinity, to the divine perspective.
Look into this human’s eyes once again.
Offer it a hug.
Tell it how you truly feel about it.
Tell it how it has never gotten anything wrong.
Tell it how much you love it.
How grateful you are for everything it’s been through. Everything!
For all of the choices it’s made, even when they seemed to be the wrong ones.
You know that they weren’t.
As you tell it these things, allow your awareness to expand out to all of the others.
They are gathered in a tight circle around you.
They are listening, because they know that you are speaking to them also.
Tell them your love.
Show them your love for them.
Gather them in.
Gather them in close.
Hold them all.
Be still, mind. Don’t try to figure this out. Just feel it.
Feel yourself being held by your soul, by your divinity.
Just feel it.
[pause to feel]
Dear human, feel.
Feel the love of your soul!
Feel how much it values you, and everything you’ve been through.
Feel all of these others.
Feel the beauty of their stories!
Oh yes, many of them were traumatic and painful, but feel the beauty of them.
Allow your perspective to let in the beauty.
It’s all over now, all of those experiences.
You never need to go through that kind of trauma again, but look where it has brought you!
Look at these beautiful people that you are!
Look at how they are looking to you.
Look at how they are realizing that if you can love you, maybe they can love themselves too.
Look at how they are realizing that, as dramatic as their story was, or is, maybe they can let it change and be healed.
Maybe they can allow themselves to see the value that their story has brought to your soul, to you.
Because you, dear human, you have access to your soul’s wisdom now, to the wisdom of every single one of these other beings.
Everything they learned, everything they went through, every bit of wisdom they collected, is now part of you.
Can you feel the value in that?
Can you feel the worth in that?
Can you feel the worthiness in that?
Oh, let it in, dear friend!
Let in the worthiness.
Let in the honor, the grandness.
You are the hero returning from the impossible journey, coming back home to all that you are.
To all of those who went before you, or even who might come after.
You are the hero!
And indeed, you can’t get it wrong.
You’re so afraid you might blow it at this last moment, but you can’t.
You simply can’t, because your divinity is in charge now.
Someone is joining us in our circle.
A grand, beautiful being is joining us here.
You look in this person’s eyes, and once again you see that it is you.
Oh, not some other lifetime, or some other facet of you, but it is you.
It is you from the future.
An older version of you.
It joins us here so that you can see and feel yourself, oh, a few years from now.
You look in this person’s eyes.
You let them hug you.
Let the others fade back a little bit.
Sit down here, with this other you.
Feel their clarity.
Feel their confidence.
Feel their love.
Oh, such deep love for you!
For it is indeed because of you that this being exists.
This is the future you that knows their realization.
That knows their enlightenment.
That knows their divinity.
Notice how they seem bigger, somehow.
Then you notice how all of those others are not there anymore.
Even your soul, this grand being of your divinity, is not there anymore.
It’s just you and this future you.
Then you look in their eyes and you see the eyes of all of them, integrated together back into one.
Back into the oneness of you.
Feel the wisdom, all together there.
Feel the love radiating back to you.
You, the designated ascendee!
The designated Integrator.
Oh, you thought there was so much you needed to do to integrate all of these other beings, these other parts of you.
But that was never your job.
That happened automatically.
Your soul took care of it, and your soul is you.
And it is looking back at you now, through this you from the future.
From the very near future, actually.
For the truth is, if you could see yourself from a third perspective you would see that this future you, and you, the current you, are very, very similar.
So, take a little time to sit with this future you.
Perhaps you have questions for it. Ask them.
Have a conversation.
Trust whatever comes, because it’s you!
We will be still for a few minutes.
[pause for a few minutes to feel and converse with this you from the future]
Feel the love.
Stand up once again, in this beautiful garden.
You look around at the garden.
At the animals.
At this future you.
And you feel it all coming together.
It’s all you.
Every bit of it is you!
Oh, feel how grand you are!
Feel all of those experiences inside of you.
Notice how you no longer feel their pain.
Notice how you feel their beauty.
No dear mind, this is not about denying their pain. It is simply about shifting your perspective.
It’s about seeing the true worth of all these parts of you, and of everything they went through.
It’s about seeing it from your soul’s eyes.
It’s about allowing it all to be you, to be part of you.
It’s about letting go of the judgments and the fears.
Letting go of all the stories.
And allowing yourself simply to feel their worth.
Let it in.
Let it in.
You are your divinity.
It has never been apart from you, even though you felt like it for so long.
Let it in.
Let it be you.
[pause to feel, and to let it in]
Feel the incredible beauty of you!
Now, gently allow the garden to integrate into you as well.
It’s all you!
Bring your awareness back to your human self.
Back to the part of you listening to this program.
Take a deep breath.
Open your eyes when you are ready.
Look around at the world around you, and feel the beauty.
It’s all you, dear friend!
And it is all so very, very beautiful!
Just let it in.
It’s just a perspective shift.
And when you allow that shift, oh, the whole world changes!
Your experience changes.
More than anything, dear friend, as you go on about your life, remember the beings in this vision, in this garden.
Remember their worth, and the worth of every experience they ever had.
Remember their beauty.
And feel it inside of you.
Because it is all you.
They are all you.
Allow yourself to feel your worth.
And if you have a hard time with that, as we know many of you will, come back.
Come back and listen to this recording again.
Come back, until you truly can look in the mirror and feel your worth.
Oh, you are so beautiful to your soul!
And all it takes for you to see that, is to look through your soul’s eyes.
Do that often.
Look in the mirror.
Just imagine it if you need to.
There’s no such thing as just imagining something. It’s real!
So, feel into your soul’s perspective.
Feel into your soul’s love, and your soul’s gratitude.
And so it is.
Whenever I allow myself to feel the presence of my soul, I feel a deep emotion that flows like tears, but they are tears of an indescribable emotion, it is not joy or sadness, it is an emotion of contact, of knowing that we are there together, my soul me too. Thank you dear Master John.
Since listening to this experience, I’ve had the awareness that I still had a part of me that believed I needed to suffer to be worthy. I am releasing that belief now and know it was never needed in the first place.
Thank you, Master John!