Facing the Shadow of Death

Note: Registration closes for A Headbander’s Guide to Opening Your Intuition on Wednesday, June 7, before our first session. We’ve already got a good sized group signed up, so click here for more information or to register.

So, it’s been two months since Heaven’s Cross. Why does it hurt so much? Why is everything so intense? Why do my body AND my mind feel like they are falling apart?

In this deep and profound message Master John (my soul) says it is because we are going through the deepest and most profound integration ever. We are facing the very shadow of death, the Grim Reaper itself, that we have been running from for all of our existence on Earth. And to get through this time and move forward, we have to let it in.


This transcript has been edited from the original recording to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed as clearly as possible.

Facing the Shadow of Death

Channeled by John McCurdy on 30 May 2023

Hello, everyone! My name is John McCurdy.

Ah, I’m still new at this video thing, but I’m having fun with it. I hope you are enjoying it too!

I channel my soul, and that’s the best way I can describe what I’m doing here. I channel my soul, that part of me that is beyond the human, that is so much bigger than the human, that is the essence of who I am and what I am, which is so much more than the human.

Ah, and your soul, oh, if you feel into it right now, you’ll find it joining in. Because you, too, are so much more than this human that you know of, or that you see in the mirror. You are so much more than that!


Sometimes I do private channels for people, and my soul connects with their soul, and they have a conversation with their own soul through me. I’m just a translator in that situation. You can find out more information on my website, but oh, every time I have a session with someone and channel their soul, at the end of it I feel like I have the best job in the whole world! There is nothing like feeling the love that a soul has for its human. And the privilege of feeling that, and of channeling that for the human, oh, it’s just incredible!

Oh, you can communicate with your soul directly, right now. But most people don’t recognize it, because the soul doesn’t speak so much in words. It speaks in feelings. It communicates in feelings. And I’ve learned to open up to those feelings and to translate them into words, to make a bridge between you, if you choose, and your soul.

Mostly, the purpose is not to teach you something new, or to give you all the facts and figures about your future. It’s to help you connect with your own soul, and it’s to validate those feelings you’ve had so often, that your mind tended to discount but were actually your soul showing you the way.

Oh, every one of you have had experiences where you had that sudden intuition, that little feeling inside that said, “Do this instead of that,” or “Go this way instead of that way.” And when you trusted it, it worked out like magic. It took you to a whole new place, or avoided trouble that might have been on the other way. But it’s difficult to trust that, if you don’t understand what it is.

So, in my private channels for people, the purpose is mostly to validate that part of you, and to help you realize that you have actually been feeling your soul all along, and now you can begin to trust it.


I have a class coming up, that begins in just a few days, on opening the intuition. We call it, A Headbander’s Guide to Opening Your Intuition. Because, well, we’ll go into the details in the class, and also, in our last message we discussed it some, and I’m sure Master John—which is just the handle, the name, I give to my own soul—I’m sure he’ll talk about it more in this session.

Or ‘it,’ as my soul is not really a ‘him.’ Our souls don’t have genders. They have facets, masculine and feminine facets, and many others.


So, I’m rambling, which means Master John is ready to take over.

So once again, welcome to my channel! Ha! A YouTube channel, as well as channeling my soul!

You can find more information at my website at johnmccurdy.com, and the link is below the video. There you can sign up for the class if you want to, or for a private session.


Now, let’s take a couple minutes just to breathe. Feel into you, as I feel into my soul and allow its consciousness to come forward.


Yes, it has a very special message for today! So let’s take a couple of moments just to breathe.


Feel your soul.

It’s right there.

It’s you.

It’s not separate from you. It seemed like it for a very long time, but that’s an illusion that is going away now.

So, feel into your soul. It’s right there.


And let’s just breathe.


[breath for a couple minutes, and feel your own soul]





I am that I am! Master John of Magical Service, here to inspire some magic with you!

Oh, not the old kind of magic that’s all about power over yourself and your environment and things around you and other people and all of that. No, that’s old. It’s based on power. It never did work. It always backfired onto the one using it.


And as they say in the fantasy books about magic—and oh, even back when we used it quite often—it always had a cost.

Real magic has no cost. It’s simply who you are. But it doesn’t follow the human agendas.


And yet, if you allow it, oh, it brings so much real magic into your life. Things just work out. What you need comes to you, in the moment that you need it. Joy comes to you. Beautiful experiences come to you.

Oh, sometimes the experiences don’t feel so beautiful, but if you step back a little bit—and you are learning to step back a little bit—and just allow the experiences, then you see them from a whole different perspective. You begin to see them through your soul’s eyes.


You see, your soul doesn’t judge experiences as good or bad. It just wants to have the experience! And when you allow that to happen, oh, the uncomfortable ones get over very quickly. And the beautiful ones, oh, they are so beautiful!

They come in ways you never imagined they could possibly come, and you find yourself having fun in ways you never thought you could. You find life unfolding for you in such beautiful ways!


Oh yes, I’m excited about our upcoming classes!

A Headbander’s Guide to Opening Your Intuition.


The headbands, the metal headbands, were something we used to shape and mold the human mind. We used them to teach it to conform, so that we could, hopefully, create a society of equal beings.

Oh, it didn’t work out. We did that long, long ago in human terms, in an era, a civilization, that you have called Atlantis. It was more of a time period, a civilization centered more in the Central American region of today, but not exclusively there. It was a time of great cooling on the earth, so it was centered mostly in the tropical regions where it was warm enough. But, we’re not here to talk about those details.

A lot of work was done there to choose a form for the human body. Before that, in what we call the Lemurian period, oh, angels, you, were coming into all kinds of different creatures that had been created on Earth. Oh, you were the dinosaurs! And that’s one reason why you have so many memories of dragons.

You would dive into a dinosaur body and ride around for a little bit, until you got eaten or got scared, and popped out. Then you would dive into a bird’s body or a fish’s body, or some animal, and you tried out all these different bodies. It took a long time, in human terms, to learn how to do this.


And then came the time of Atlantis and you said, “This this isn’t working so well. We keep eating each other! So let’s pick a body to be human, to be angels walking on Earth.”

So, a body type was picked, in the general shape of modern humans. It went through a lot of evolution and adaptation and changes. Oh, conscious changes. Not just what you call natural selection, but real conscious changes. Not by some God or deity out there, but by you. By you!

Many of you were there. You don’t remember it so much right now, though some of you do. But many of you were there, helping with this project of creating a body that was worthy of an angel.

So, the body was standardized, and then there was the question of the mind. In order to have a functional society you needed to be somewhat equal, not just in your body but in your intellect. So the mind also—the brain, but also the mind—you see, your brain is not your mind. It thinks it is, it thinks it’s who you are, but it isn’t.

Your mind is not physical. It’s a part of your soul. It’s a part that we designated to be the interface between spirit and human. Oh, and it’s so much more than just your brain! Science, oh, they try so hard to find, “Where are the memories? How do we access them?” and they are looking in the wrong place.

The brain is just an interface mechanism. It’s a processor that handles a lot of the automatic functions of your body, like a computer. It stores some short-term memories and impressions, but most of your memory is not in the brain. It’s outside of the brain. It’s in your soul.


So, we used metal headbands to conform the mind. We thought, if you’re going to have a society of more or less equal beings, you need to have some leaders. And so we trained this mind to look to others for the wisdom, and we gave it the job, a very specific job, of forgetting its own soul and of actively distracting you from your soul through whatever means. Even to the point of killing off the body, if that was necessary to keep you from remembering your soul and the other realms that are beyond the physical.

You see, that’s your home. This is not your home. This is a playground. It’s a game.

So the mind, besides being the interface between spirit and biology, is also what you call the veil that separates your human consciousness from the nonphysical realms that are your real home. And it was necessary.

In order to fulfill the original purpose of Earth, it was necessary to set up this veil, this programming in your mind, to distract you from the real you and to make you forget who you are, and to make you look to external authorities for your wisdom.


It was brilliant in a way, how we set this up, but oh, like everything in life, there were unintended consequences. In forgetting who you were, you could say that you went into a deep, dark depression and a lot of confusion. You lost hope. And an angel without hope is truly a miserable being.

But you lost hope. You forgot who you were. You looked around and you saw your friends getting old and dying, or getting eaten by someone else, and you didn’t remember that there is something beyond that. So as far as you were concerned they were dead and gone, and you knew it was going to happen to you at some point. And so you lost hope.

You began to create mythologies. Sometimes someone would feel a little something beyond, and a whole myth would be created around that. At first you thought there were what you call gods, oh, in everything, and they were all in competition with each other. Gods, many, many gods of nature. Many, many gods of, well, for everything you could imagine there was some god associated with that. A god that you had to appease, who was angry and vengeful and in competition with all the other gods. And you had to appease all of these gods, and sacrifice to them, and all these things.

Meanwhile, our souls were watching. Your souls—oh, I am one of those souls as Master John—we were watching and going, “Hm, this isn’t going quite like we thought!”

And then you began to play with this thing called power. You began searching. In a way, you were just searching for home, for that something that you knew you had lost, but you couldn’t understand what it was.

You began trying to get power over others. If only you could control everybody else and make them think the same way as you, well, maybe together you could find the solution. It didn’t work, but it created some very interesting experiences.


You began to battle with each other. You began to build societies based not on cooperation, so much as on power. On protection. You formed groups to protect yourself from others, and the groups got bigger and bigger.

So your souls watched and said, “This isn’t going quite like how we expected. What’s wrong?” And over eons of what you call time—which was actually part of the setup, part of the illusion. Time doesn’t really exist either. It was part of the illusion that separated you from your soul and that put you in this place where you could have these experiences.

Oh, it was no accident! You look back and go, “Why did we do all of that?” And now we understand that it was in order to fulfill the purpose of Earth, to come to an understanding of how energies work and of who we are.


We’ve gone into that in other places, and we’ll go into it again in other places. We don’t have time to go into the details of that right now. But there was no accident in this, even though so many of you look back on it and go, “Why did we do that?” It was actually necessary, in order to get to here.

So, for eons we searched and searched and searched for a solution. We didn’t understand that power was an illusion. We didn’t understand so many things, and it has taken many, many thousands of your years, many, many, many lifetimes of experience, to find the solution. And now, here we are.

There was this opening on March 22 of 2023. A grand opening, and the solution was brought in. Oh, so many of you are feeling it!


And, you’re wondering what is happening, because right now it’s not feeling very much like a solution.

Oh, so many of you are feeling confused, because, well, everything looks about the same in the world. And it will for a time, and get even more chaotic for a time. But for so many of you, you look inside yourself, inside your own body… Even John is like, “What’s going on here?”

He was yelling at me the other day, saying, “Dear soul, what is happening? What are we doing? Because if this body keeps going like this, it’s not gonna be here very long!”


And I smiled, for I can feel what’s going on, and I just offered him a hug.

But so many of you, oh, you feel the change that happened on March 22. You feel it deeply. Oh, some of you discounted it, and you think you didn’t feel anything, but you did. Most of you feel it so deeply. You know that something changed, something really big. You know that if you look inside yourself, you can feel that it is the solution. The door was opened to a whole new solution.

So then you ask yourself: “It’s been two months. What’s going on in my body? Why am I so tired? Why do I feel like my body is disintegrating and falling apart, and why does it hurt so much?”

John and Romana just moved, and the experience was so exhausting! It took them longer than they expected. Oh, and just half a day of moving things left them so exhausted that they couldn’t do anything for the rest of the day. John feels like he has no strength in his body anymore, and like if it keeps going like this he’s not going to be here very long.

Well, dear John, you’re not dying anytime soon. We’ve got too much fun to have!


Oh, he’s not sure if he believes me right now! But that’s what I want to talk about today.

You see, John’s been reading this book. He likes to read these days, mostly fantasies that have something to do with magic. Yes, it’s usually the old kind of magic, but it’s still fun. And it distracts his mind from all the challenges of life and helps him to relax and let me take care of those things.

And that is so important for you right now. Let go! Let your soul take care of all those things!

Oh, you’ve heard that distractions are a bad thing. Well, the kind of distractions where you think you’re taking control of your life and fixing your life, well, those will make you miserable and have the opposite effect of what you want. They just delay the process. There’s nothing wrong with that and your soul doesn’t care, but they will make you miserable.

But a good distraction for your mind, oh, that’s a good thing! An interesting book, or Romana prefers to watch videos, it doesn’t matter. Whatever helps you to relax, to slow your mind down and stop all its questioning and questing, questing for solutions, those kinds of distractions are actually a good thing.

The mind goes, “Oh, but I need to focus on my soul! I need to focus on connecting with my soul and opening my intuition and feeling and fixing and all these things and…” No, you don’t.

You see, you are your soul. I am John. He doesn’t need to try to connect with me. He doesn’t need to try to feel me. All he needs to do is relax, and remember that I’m right here. I’m him.

We’re going to talk a lot about that in our class on opening your intuition.

We’re going to talk about how the emotions get in the way. You think they are feelings, and they’re not. They get in the way and they block you from your real feelings. All these mental stories… Well, we’ll talk about all of that in the class.


It’s not nearly so hard as you think it is. You see, we gave the mind the job of thinking it’s so hard to connect with your intuition, and with your soul, so that you wouldn’t be distracted by it. But now that job is over. Oh, even the mind knows that it’s over, although it has trouble letting go of it. It’s such a habit. But it’s no longer needed, and the time has come to simply know that you are soul.

You are your soul!

You don’t need to reach out to it. You don’t need to connect with it. It’s already there.

All you need to do is tell your mind to be still, distract it with something, and just let it happen. Your soul is here, and it is already managing your life. When you let it. And you let it simply by giving your mind something more fun to do.


So here we are, two months after the great apocalypse. And that is, indeed, what it was, or what it is. It was the beginning of the great apocalypse that’s been prophesized for so long. It was the second coming of the Christ, the Christ spirit within you.

So here we are, two months after that opening, and your body is falling apart, or so it seems, and you are wondering, “What’s wrong with me? What didn’t I get?”


So, John’s been reading this book. It’s a book he read years ago and enjoyed it, called A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin. It’s about this fantasy world where there are wizards and sorcerers, and this young man saves his village. Without realizing that he even had the ability he saves his village from invaders, and that attracts the attention of a mentor, a wizard, who takes him on as an apprentice and then sends him off to the wizard school.

While there—he’s just a teenager—he gets into a competition with another boy that he doesn’t like, and in a fit of anger one day he tries to prove himself by performing a spell that he doesn’t really understand at all. He knows just enough to open the realms, and this creature, this dark shadow, comes through and attacks him. It almost kills him, until the master of the school comes along and stops it. But oh, this creature is in the world now!

Then all the teachers at the school get together, and they tell this boy, “We don’t know what this is, but we do know that you are going to have to face it. And until you do, until you find a solution­—because we don’t have one—until you find a solution to this monster, until either you destroy it or it destroys you, you are stuck with it. You are going to have to deal with it. It can’t touch you here at the school, but as soon as you leave it will find you.”


So, he goes through a couple more years of school, always in fear of what he’s going to have to face. Finally it’s time to leave, and sure enough, this monster, this shadow, comes after him, and it almost succeeds in taking him over. And the fear is that if it takes him over, it’ll take over his body and become a very great evil walking around on the earth. So he fights it as best he can, it almost destroys him, and finally he gets away.

Oh, it’s a beautiful story, actually.

He gets away and goes back to his former master, the wizard whom he apprenticed to, and recovers from his injuries and his exhaustion. And the mentor tells him, “I don’t know what your solution is. Only you can find that. But I can tell you that you need to change your direction, because as long as you are running from it, it has the power. You need to turn and hunt it, until you find the solution.”

So he did, and the next time he found it he went toward it, instead of running away. Well, the shadow immediately turned and ran, for it wasn’t expecting that. So then he became the hunter. He met up with it a couple more times and it almost destroyed him, but not as close as the times before, because this time he had more of the power. But he still couldn’t touch it. He couldn’t defeat it. It would simply run, and it tricked him into things that almost killed him.

Then he ran across a friend from school, his best friend, who was now a wizard for a group of people in his own homeland. So this young man found him, and they were talking about their experiences, and this wizard offered to go with him to the end of the journey, whatever that was. They were talking about how it worked, and Ged, the hero of our story, began to sense something about this creature, this shadow. So they went off hunting it.

At this time he could feel the connection and he knew where to go, so they went off in their boat across the ocean. Finally they caught up with it, and this is where the story became so meaningful for John. He was just reading this part last night.

So Ged caught up with this shadow. They couldn’t avoid each other any longer and they knew that this was it, and they faced each other.


And Ged called it by its name, its true name. He called it Ged, and he reached out and gave it a hug.

And in that moment Ged was reunited with his shadow, with his darkness. And instead of taking him over, it integrated with him. And he became one of the greatest, most kind and loving wizards of the era.


You see, this is what you are doing right now. This is what John is doing, what I am doing. We are facing our shadows.

Oh, the opening two months ago, it opened the door so that we can do this.

You’ve heard for years that the darkness is your divinity. Well, this is what it means.

Oh, in that experience, Ged almost died. Many times in the lead-up to it he almost died, and when it came to the time for the actual integration, it almost killed him. It took him a while to recover, to rest from the experience and to recover.

Because, oh, you’ve pushed that shadow away for so long! And indeed, it is made up of all the things you didn’t like about yourself. It’s made up from the shame, from the confusion, from the fear, from all the things where you think you failed. And oh, yes, if you run from it—as you have been for most of your lifetimes on Earth and for most of this lifetime—you’ve been running from that shadow of yourself, and when you run from it, oh, it comes and it takes your power. And if it gets enough of your power it takes over and destroys your life, and the lives of others around you, and it becomes evil. Or what you call evil.

But you see, all it really wants is to come home. You banished it away. You drove it away from yourself, in a sense, and it just wants to come home.

In another sense, it agreed to hide away, to take all these things you didn’t like about yourself and hold them for you, so that you could have your experiences. But you both knew that at some point you were going to have to face all these things, and that point is now.


Oh, you heard this grand statement years ago, when through the ascended master Tobias you said, “Our darkness is our divinity.”

And you said, “Oh, yeah, finally. Finally, we get that. Such a beautiful concept!”  But that’s all it was at that point, a concept. And yes, a very beautiful concept.

Well, now it’s getting real!

Now there is no more time for it to be a concept.

Now, it is real.

Now, it is standing there looking at you, and you are looking at it.


You see, it’s not just the darkness of you. It’s not just what you might call the evil parts of you. It’s not just your shame. It’s something even bigger than that, even deeper than that.

It is the shadow of death.

Oh, death. This thing—oh, you began to experience it when you first came to Earth. You’d come into a body, and something would eat that body. Or it would fall off a cliff and die, or whatever. All these things would happen to it, and you would die.

You saw your friends die, and you knew you were going to die at some point, and that there was no way around it. And as far as you knew, that was the end. That was it. You couldn’t remember your soul, because it was blocked off, so death became the big evil. The biggest darkness of them all. And that is what you are facing right now.

You are looking in the eyes of this death monster, and you are having to come to terms with it. You are having to realize that it is you.

Oh, you know at this point that there is no death, and that you are so much more than this body. And the body is like an automobile: you drive it around for a while until it wears out or gets smashed, and then you get another one.


Except that you are in the process right now of going beyond that, of changing that whole dynamic.

But in order to get there, and we don’t have any good descriptions yet of what that means, because we’re doing this together, a great group of us, and nobody has been here before. Even the ascended masters haven’t been here before. They haven’t been through this before, to have your enlightenment while staying in the body. Oh, most of them saw that monster and they integrated it, and it was too intense. They lost their bodies, in a way.

You are at that place right now.


You are integrating death itself, and all of those dark shadows that have collected over, oh, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, well over a thousand lifetimes for most of you. You are integrating that right now.

You are staring it in its face. You are coming to terms with it. And that is why your body feels like it’s falling apart right now.

How could it not? It’s staring into the eyes of death, of the grim reaper itself, and your job right now is to look back into those eyes and realize that it is you. And call it by your name.

It is you.

And allow the process to happen.

Ged didn’t have a choice. He expected that he would die on this journey, this experience. He fully expected that he would die. He only hoped that he could somehow die in a way that would not unleash this horrible evil on the world, but he didn’t have much hope of that either. But he didn’t have any hope at all of surviving. And yet he went to meet his monster, because he didn’t have any choice.

And, at this point, you don’t really have any choice either. If you are here, if you are listening to this message, you don’t really have a choice. You know there is no going back. The jig is up, so to speak.

Now comes the integration, and that is the only solution there is.

Now you have to look into the eyes of that darkness, of your shadow, of your death, and you have to call it by your name. You have to own it as a part of you. And you have to give it a hug. Even though you know that hug is going to destroy you, you have to give it a hug.

But the thing is, just like Ged, it won’t destroy you. It’ll give you back your life, in a whole new way. In a beautiful, amazing way.

So, in this time of Heaven’s Cross, in this time of the apocalypse, of the grand second coming, this grand opening, allow the shadow.

It’s you, and it has to integrate. There’s no way around it, and it may take you right up to the edge. It probably will.

Let it happen.

Even if it takes you over the edge, it will be different than any time before. And if that is your journey, then that is your journey. Let it happen.

When you fight this shadow, this seeming evil, oh, it makes it hurt worse. That’s all.

And at some point, in order to go forward from here, you have to let it in. You have to embrace it. You have to own it.


John keeps thinking there’s all these things he should be doing. He should be preparing these classes. He should be working on his website. He should be doing all these things, and I keep reminding him: It all comes to you. It all works itself out. And your job right now is to nurture yourself as best you can, to nurture you human as best you can.

This is a traumatic experience. It might be the most traumatic experience you have ever been through. Let it happen.


“Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.”


To quote the great poet, King David, from long ago. (Psalm 23, The Bible)

Well, he was thinking of this God out there in the sky, but he knew there was something deeper than that. He didn’t know what it was or how to express it, but he knew. He was actually talking about your soul. His soul.

Your soul is seeing you through this. It doesn’t need the power of a rod or a staff, for those are simply focus points for power. It just needs you to let go.

Nurture yourself. Take a warm bath if you are drawn to that. Read a book, preferably a silly story, a fantasy.

Oh, it’s been years since John could read a “good” book. You know, the ones about all the problems in society and in yourself and how to fix them. Oh, he read those for years when he was first waking up, but a point came where he couldn’t. He just can’t read those anymore, because I won’t let him!  Because most of them are—oh, they served a purpose in their time, but now they are just nonsense for him. But a good fantasy, a good story to distract the mind, that is a good thing. Or movies, or whatever. Whatever feels calming and relaxing to you, whatever distracts your mind so that this incredible integration can happen.

And the thing about dying is that, at this point, it’s up to you. If you have chosen to be here, trust that. Act on that choice. Let the death happen because it has to, but know that it is not going to take you out like it would have before.

Oh, it is going to change everything in your life!

Let it.

But you don’t have to leave the planet, or leave this human experience, unless you want to.

Oh, you are welcome to come home! You have completed your journey. If you are here, you have completed your journey and you are welcome home any time. But you don’t have to go that route, and it is your choice now.

So, let it happen.

This integration has to happen, and it is indeed a death.


Divinity In Experience. That’s our next class, as you know, and people are already signing up for that.

DIE—Die, because as the great one, dear Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth, said, “Unless you die and are born again, you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

Well, that doesn’t mean your body has to die, but it is going to come very close. Because it is changing. It has to change. It cannot hold your divinity the way it is, the way it has been, so it is changing. No wonder it hurts! No wonder it’s so tired and weak!

Let it happen.

It is not something wrong. It is not something that you need to find a drug or something to fix. It’s you, integrating your shadow. Your darkness. Your death, the deepest, greatest shadow of them all.


When John was a child his parents were Christians, and they would go to the library. They didn’t have very much money, so they would go to the public library and they would get out this record album, the old [new at the time] vinyl records of a beautiful performance of Handel’s Messiah. And John and his sister would get into that music. They were surprised, John was surprised, at how much he got into it. There was just something about it that felt so deeply for him.

Oh, he’d listen to the Christian teachings and preachers and try to understand, and he couldn’t. Yet something about that music, Handel’s Messiah, just called to his soul and to his heart, and he would listen and listen. And he and his sister listened to that music so much that, over the course of a year or two, they literally wore out those vinyl records!


Apologies to the library, but it served a purpose.

And then, oh, years went by, and around the time of this Heaven’s Cross, as it’s been called, a couple months ago, John started to realize the significance of what was happening and how this, this, is what the Messiah was all about.

People didn’t understand. They thought the prophecies of the Messiah were about a man coming to be the king and to save them from their enemies, and that wasn’t it at all. Yeshua came to show us who we are, to try to bring some hope back into the world that said, “You are so much more than what you think!”

Well, people couldn’t hear it at the time, but a seed was planted. A seed that has been growing ever since. And now that seed has blossomed. Now it is fulfilled. And that…

Oh, John happened across that performance on the internet, of Handel’s Messiah, that same performance from so long ago. And oh, he got into it again! And suddenly—oh, there’s plenty of the Christian distortion in it, but if you feel past that there is so much meaning in that music and in the words that were put to music! So much meaning, and it is all fulfilled now.


Death has indeed been overcome. Not by defeating it, but by bringing it home.


What a grand time to be here! What an incredible time to be alive on Earth!

What an incredible time to be a soul of a human who is alive on Earth! Because oh, for the first time ever, I get to be here. You see, that veil went both ways. It distracted the human from me, but it also kept me from being able to join in the experience of the human.

Oh, at the end of a lifetime I would take the memories and the experiences of that lifetime and distill the wisdom from them, but that’s not the same as being in the experience with the human, as the human. And you see, I can do that now.

I am in this experience with my human, John. But I am here with my wisdom, and I know not to fight this experience. I know to just be with it, and I’m helping John to just be with it.


Yes, it hurts.

It does hurt, but that is not something wrong. It’s a part of the experience. It’s not something that you need to fix.

Just take a breath.

Allow your soul to share the experience with you.

It’s not going to make it go away immediately, so you are not doing anything wrong if you keep on hurting for a while. But hurting, pain, is actually a mental perception, so it’s not going to kill you.

Let it hurt.

It will be over. At some point soon, it will be over.

And the other challenges in your life, they will be over too.


And yes, John is not going anywhere. We have a lot of fun to have, a lot of you to meet and interact with, and perhaps have some live in-person classes here and there. We’ll see.

But we have a lot of life still to live, in full consciousness! In full, integrated consciousness, with the shadow an integrated, valuable part of who we are.

Ahh… Such a grand time to be here! Don’t miss it.

And don’t try to miss it [the shadow, the pain]. That just makes it hurt worse.

Just be with it.


And so it is.

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