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This message from my soul is dedicated to those of you who are experiencing the joys and the intense challenges of the greatest transition ever. It is exactly what I needed to hear, and I hope you enjoy it too. Read more…

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Have you ever wanted to have a chat with your own soul?

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It was so natural and “unspectaculous” and at the same time awesome and beyond words. —Claudia from Germany

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Divinity In Experience

Divinity In Experience

What does it mean to be divinity in human experience? Plus some exciting announcements about our new classes, and a special gift: because of its relevance right now, we are making the full text transcript of this message available to all newsletter subscribers. Read more…
Your Divinity is Waking Up

Your Divinity is Waking Up

Your divinity is waking up, and that changes everything. So what does that mean, and how do you navigate the issues of life now? Read more…
What Is Divinity?

What Is Divinity?

So, what is divinity? It is all that you are. And that means all that you perceive, whether dark or light, or good or evil, or right or wrong, or loving or hateful. It is ALL your divinity. Read more…
I Am Divinity

I Am Divinity

When you begin to recognize your own divinity, that’s when life becomes, oh, so magical! That’s when you begin to discover the flow of your own divinity. Read more…
The Seed of Hope

The Seed of Hope

As divine beings we came to Earth to answer that grand question, Who am I? In order to do that we needed to forget what we already knew about ourselves, so that we could dive fully into the experience. In that forgetting we lost hope, and without hope it became almost impossible to find our … Read more


“Allow, allow, allow!” they say. “It’s the key to everything!” And life goes on, and the human gets tired of hearing about it… So, what is allowing, and why is it so important? Read more…