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Where Is My Transformation?

Where Is My Transformation?

If you can ask that question, then it is already here. Here is my soul’s take on how you can begin to experience it. Read more…

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Due to my overactive and masterfully distracting mind, my soul and I rarely had the pleasure to communicate for longer than about two seconds. John did a beautiful job in connecting us, and I was finally able to hear my soul’s messages fully and feel her love for me.
 —Ranka from Serbia

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The Grand Integration – Part 2

The Grand Integration – Part 2

Why do you still have so many problems, issues, and aches and pains in your life? Maybe they are there to draw out the shame you’re still hiding, so that your soul can take it and transform it. Read more…
The Grand Integration

The Grand Integration

Have you been feeling tired and depressed, even hopeless, lately? Is your body going through all kinds of strange stuff? Maybe this is why. Read more…
Facing the Shadow of Death

Facing the Shadow of Death

It’s been two months since Heaven’s Cross began, so why does it still hurt so much? Because you are going through the greatest and deepest integration ever. Read more…
Divinity In Experience

Divinity In Experience

What does it mean to be divinity in human experience? Plus some exciting announcements about our new classes, and a special gift: because of its relevance right now, we are making the full text transcript of this message available to all newsletter subscribers. Read more…
Your Divinity is Waking Up

Your Divinity is Waking Up

Your divinity is waking up, and that changes everything. So what does that mean, and how do you navigate the issues of life now? Read more…
What Is Divinity?

What Is Divinity?

So, what is divinity? It is all that you are. And that means all that you perceive, whether dark or light, or good or evil, or right or wrong, or loving or hateful. It is ALL your divinity. Read more…