Receiving You

In this beautiful and meditative message my soul, speaking now as Master Anna to signify a new balance, talks about the reunion of feminine and masculine and about what it means to receive every part of self.

She also introduces a new class, and you can find out more about that over here.


This transcript has been edited from the original recording to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed as clearly as possible.

Receiving You

Channeled by John McCurdy on 19 August 2023

I am that I am!

Master Anna, of Magical Service.


I am the soul of this one whose voice is speaking these words, this one you call John. I am his soul.

Oh, I have spoken before as Master John, because we needed to … well, it was appropriate for that time. But this work, for John and for I, his soul, has always… [John chokes up a little as he feels the energies]

Hm, we’re overwhelming John just a little bit. And that’s okay.

This work has always been about what you might call the divine or sacred feminine, speaking through a masculine body in order to bring a kind of balance.

And so I come to you now as Master Anna, as the combined essence of this one you call John and all that he is, and all that I am. And as a representative, you could say, of the sacred, divine feminine.

But you see, we are going beyond that duality of feminine and masculine.

Oh, it has served us so well, but you are not one or the other. And we are going to be exploring that in this message and in messages to come. Because oh, you are living through this most incredible time of transformation! Your world is transforming, and you are transforming, in ways you cannot even imagine.

So, I come to you as Master Anna.

The name, oh, it doesn’t matter. It’s just a name that resonated with John, that he liked, and that he chose for me.

I come to you as the feminine perspective of John’s soul.

Oh, there are other words, like facet or aspect, but we feel that perspective comes closer because that is all it is. Feminine or masculine, it’s all just a perspective. A way of seeing the world around you. A way of interacting with the world around you. And either way, it is still you.

You have lived many lifetimes in female bodies and in male bodies. But you are still you, and feminine and masculine are simply the two perspectives. Or, should we say, two of the perspectives. There are others, as your modern society is discovering and trying to … understand.

So, this expression of us has been a long time coming.

Oh, you could say that I came to my realization, as you call it, or enlightenment, or whatever you want to call it, I came to mine a few hundred years ago.

I came right up to the edge. I could have stepped into this metaphorical club that you hear of called, The Ascended Masters Club. I could have stepped into it right then.

I was complete. I knew who I was. I was a woman in that lifetime, and I knew some of your [ascended] masters as they were embodied then, in their final lifetimes. But I came to that point and I looked out across the timeline at the rest of me, and I saw this aspect, this one you call John. And I saw the potentials. I saw what was happening in this incredible time, and I said, “You know, I want to come back one more time, as a man, as John, and I want to go through this incredible time!” And so here we are, as this one called John.

Oh, we have come to our realization now. We have fully stepped into it, but we are still here in a human body. We couldn’t do that back then. The energies of Earth just couldn’t handle it. And oh, this project—it’s been called Heaven’s Cross, it’s been called the Apocalypse—that culminated back in March of this year, was still in progress. It wasn’t quite done yet.

This opening, this opening of divinity, this… Oh, John is struggling to find the right words. But we’ll just say, this opportunity… Ha! That’s not the right word either, but it’s okay. This opportunity for your divinity, your essence, to be here on Earth with you.

Oh, what does that mean?

We are still discovering what it means. But here we are, discovering it together.

What does it mean to bring full consciousness, the full consciousness of all of that you are, into this human reality?

Well, that might not be quite the right way to say it, because it’s not possible. There are too many limitations in the current human form, in the current human mind, or brain. But nevertheless, we are bringing in the light of consciousness.

And you, dear human, are learning to receive this light.

Indeed, you’ve been hearing about receiving lately, and that is what you are doing right now: receiving this light.

Oh, it’s not so easy, because you have spent so long blocking the light out, you could say, only letting in a very small amount, because that was necessary for your journey on Earth. It wasn’t a mistake. It wasn’t something you did wrong. It was necessary to block out most of the light.


And now it is time to receive it. To let it back in.

Oh, we’re not talking about your physical light that comes from your sun. That is a very, very dim reflection of the light of your consciousness, of who you are.

Oh, we are going to do a new class sometime soon, early autumn, perhaps. A live class. Three days.

A three-day intensive on Receiving Your Light. [title changed to: Receiving Me]

Oh, John will be posting details as we develop them, and we are going to ask him to put up a sign-up page as he posts this message.

Oh, it’s going to be a very special intensive workshop! Three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It will be daytime here in Europe.

We will have space for up to a dozen or so live [in person] attendees, if you happen to be in Slovenia or wish to come to Slovenia. It will be in John and Romana’s home, and there are hotels in the area if you need accommodations.

It’s not going to be cheap. Five hundred dollars, or euros, whichever way John sets it up. It doesn’t really matter.

This is going to be a life-changing intensive! Oh, for John, as well as for those who choose to attend.

Receiving Your Light!

Receiving all that you are, right here on Earth.


You could say, receiving your feminine. And that is part of it, but only part. This is about receiving you. It is about receiving your essence.

You see, there was a point—we won’t call it a time, because time hadn’t been invented yet. There was a point where you simply existed. You were consciousness.

You were not a thing. You were not a person. You were not an angel. You definitely were not a human, for they hadn’t even been dreamed of yet!

You were pure consciousness. Simple awareness. And that is all!

That is all there was.

There wasn’t a universe. There wasn’t anything. There wasn’t even a void, because that is something.

It was just consciousness. Awareness.

Where did that come from? It simply was.

It simply was, and it was you.

And this awareness asked that question: Who am I?

It wanted to know who it was, just like you want to know who you are.

Well, it is the nature of existence that when a question is asked, the answer must appear. In fact, a question cannot even be asked unless the answer is already present. It might take you a while to recognize it, but it is always there. And that is important, because it is true in your human life as well. The answer to your question is always there if you are willing to recognize it, to let it in.


So, you asked that question: Who am I? And instantly, you saw in front of you a mirror image of you.

Oh, it was still you, but now you could see it.

You could say that you were the question, and it was the answer. Rather crude human words and metaphors, but it’s true.

You were the question, and you received the answer.

Again, these are crude human metaphors. They don’t even come close to doing justice to the true reality, but these are the words we have to work with so don’t take it too literally. It’s a metaphor.

But there you were, the feminine, in a sense, looking into the eyes of the answer to your question, the masculine.

You, the receiver, looking into the eyes of the masculine, the giver.


And what an incredible moment that was!

And this masculine mirror of you said, “I am going to go out, and I am going to show you who you are, who I am, and who we together are!”

And you said, “Okay, I will receive your answers. I will receive what you show me.”


And so you went out.

Oh, human words don’t do justice. But you began a long, long journey. This masculine expression of you began a long, long journey.

And yet, it was all inside of you! This journey was entirely inside of you, inside of your imagination.

You are the imaginer.

This mirror image, this masculine, was the one who went into… It’s like you painted this painting within your imagination. Oh, it’s much, much more than a painting, but for purposes of the metaphor it’s like you created this incredible painting, and this mirror of you went into the painting to explore it, to experience it, and to send you back the essence of it so that you could distill the wisdom from it.

Along the way you wanted to know every part of you in every way, so you went through so much. This experiencer part of you went through all these experiences. You were the creator. You imagined them into being, and this experiencer experienced them for you.

Along the way, in order to go deeper into this experience, Earth was created and was brought to life. And again, this was all within your imagination.


This thing you call mass-consciousness was created, because you discovered there were others like you.

Oh, John is asking, “Where did they come from?” And we will say, they simply were. And the answer to that question simply doesn’t fit within the human mind.

So, they simply were. Each one sovereign, whole and complete unto itself, and each one asking that same question. And each one within their own imagination.

But you began to hear their song. They began to hear your song, and you began to blend your songs together so that your imaginations came into harmony with each other.

And then, oh, incredible creation! Then you had this ability to have a shared experience, to create similar things so that you could share an experience together and, seemingly, bounce off of each other.

It was like one of your online computer games where you create this avatar that runs in this program on your computer. But you have a communication connection through the internet that connects with many, many other computers running the same program for other people, with other avatars. And so those avatars all appear within your computer, and you can interact with them in whatever way you choose, or the game allows.

So, you created this mass-consciousness in order to share experiences with others, but it is still your creation. It is still your imagination, and nobody else can touch your reality.

Oh, you think they can. But that is only because you are connected to their song, and you believe what you see instead of what you know.


Now here you are, deeply, fully embedded into this mass-consciousness that you call human reality, and it isn’t real at all. It is entirely an illusion.

But it is a beautiful, beautiful illusion! And you are so embedded in it, so invested in it, that you think it’s real. You think it is more real than your own knowing!


And the time has come for that to change.

You have woken up. If you are here, opening up and resonating with this message, then you have woken up. You have realized that there is more to you than this human, and you are starting to let that in. And now it is possible—in the past it wasn’t possible—to fully let that in while you are on Earth.

The ones you call ascended masters were simply the ones who, after many lifetimes on Earth—and yes, every single one of them went through many lifetimes on Earth—came to their realization. They woke up. They realized who they are, and poof! They were gone from Earth, because it simply wasn’t possible at that time to stay on Earth for more than a short time with that level of consciousness, of light. So they popped out.

Some of them just left their bodies, and the bodies died as humans do. They weren’t there anymore. It was just a body and it no longer had a purpose, so it died. Others took their bodies with them, and in a flash of light they were just gone.

So, now here you are, coming to the end of your human journey after many, many, many lifetimes. And something is different now, something that so many of us have been working on for so long.

Now you, dear one, dear soul of this human that is listening to these words, you can come here now.


Oh, you already are here, because this is all inside of your imagination. Even this one you see on your screen, called John, is an avatar speaking to you from within your own imagination. But now you can wake up.


You, the feminine—oh, we need to distinguish between the words feminine and masculine, and the words male and female: Male and female are human biological attributes. Masculine and feminine are the perspectives within you that created this entire reality.

Oh, there’s been so much talk about the wounds of the feminine and the masculine, of Isis and Adam. And indeed, there were experiences that were painful, and there is a great deal of shame within your being because of those experiences, and because you didn’t understand. But it is time for us to go beyond all of that, and that is what we are going to do in our class.

It is time to let in the light!

And the light of your consciousness, oh, it transcends all the wounds. It transcends all the pain. It transcends all of the shame, all of the fear, all of the issues that you the human have struggled with for so long. It simply transcends them.

It doesn’t conquer them. It doesn’t invalidate them. It doesn’t heal them. It simply transcends them, as you come home to you. As the masculine and the feminine perspectives within you reunite, and you come here now as a whole being.

That is what we are doing.


A whole being who knows, now, who it is.

I am that I am.

I am… Oh, I am.

There are no words that can describe it, but you know. Within your heart—for lack of a better metaphor, for even that is limited—within the heart of you, you know who you are. And you are the receiver.


And now this masculine facet, or perspective, of you blends back into you, for it is no longer needed as a separate experience. Now it blends back into you, and you, the whole being, go forth in all of your light.

And you still have this whole playground to play in, within your imagination. You still have your soul-net, the communication network through which you can share the experiences of others. You can still play here, but without all of the limitations and without all of the fear and suffering, and in full consciousness of who you are.

Oh, but it changes things.

It changes things for you, because you are disconnecting from this mass-consciousness. And while you can still interact and communicate, you are no longer limited in your creation.

You see, you set it up so that you limited your creations to this mass-consciousness template, so that you wouldn’t destroy it and so that you wouldn’t invalidate the experience of anyone else. And so you simply came to believe it was real, that it was who you are, and that it was your reality. And it never was.

And now you know that, so now you are changing it. You are changing—or beginning to change—your creation. It no longer needs to match everyone else’s creation, so now it can be yours. And you can expand beyond it into creations that no one else can even imagine, because they are yours.

But this is still part of your creation, and you can come back to it. You can play in it, and not be limited by it.

You can let your body go. You can be in some other entirely different … imagination … and then you can come back to this one and project a new kind of body into it. One that looks and feels pretty similar to everyone else, and that lets you experience deeply within this game for however much you want to and in whatever way you want to.


Oh, you already do this. For all of your existence you have had many different imaginations going on, but you have never been able to bring any of that into the human realm, or into the human awareness. And now even that is changing.

It’s all changing. Your body is changing.

Oh, your human is confused right now. Your body is confused. Your mind is confused. Because it is all changing!

You may have noticed things just not working the way they used to work for you, and that is because it is changing.


So feel, right now, into yourself.

See yourself in that moment, so long ago in human terms, and yet it was only a breath ago.

Feel yourself then, as pure awareness.


If you feel like you are not feeling anything or seeing anything, just imagine it.

Make it up!

It’s all made up anyway, so what is the difference?

Make it up!

Allow your mind to make it up, instead of questioning it.

Your mind’s job has been to question everything. It just needs a new job, and that is to make it up. To imagine it.

So, imagine yourself now, as this pure awareness.

You ask yourself the question, Who am I?

And suddenly, in front of you is this incredible being. And it is you!


It is you.

It is not some other being. It is you.

But its perspective is different, because it is looking at you. So of course it is different from yours.

It is looking at you in order to answer that question of, Who am I?

And it is all in your imagination.


Suddenly there is this tension between you, between your two perspectives, and you begin to imagine.

This being begins to show you all these experiences of who you are.

And the imagination gets more and more complex, more and more intense, and you go deeper and deeper into it.


Earth is created.

Oh, even before Earth was created you joined into this “soul-net” as we call it, connected your song with that of so many others, and created this incredible experience. All inside of your imagination.

Every “other” out there has their own imagination.

This is yours.

You went through all of these experiences as an angel, discovering yourself and creating realities, many, many realities culminating in this human reality on Earth. And then you went through many, many lifetimes and many different bodies, here on Earth.

And now, here you are.

Your human in this incarnation is the ultimate, deepest expression of you, and here you are looking in its eyes. And it is looking in your eyes.


This journey has come to completion.

Oh, that doesn’t mean it is going to disappear. It can’t, for it is part of your experience now.

It can’t disappear, but now you get to be in it by choice when you choose. You get to be in it in a whole new way, and only when you want to be.

So, here you are.

And you, oh, from your human perspective you are the feminine, and it is the masculine, no matter what kind of body you have.

Whether male or female, human bodies are basically all the same. The human body was intended to be a representation of this masculine and feminine split, but it is still primarily the experiencer, the giver.

The giver of experience to you.

The giver of wisdom to you.


You are the receiver, dear Soul.

You are the receiver of experience.

You are the distiller of experience, and of wisdom.


You could say that you are the light. You are the consciousness.

Oh, this human has been to the darkest of the dark, and it embodies that.


So now, in your imagination, see it standing in front of you.

Oh, it is you, and it is time for it to come home.

Or, is it time for you to come home to it?


Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. It’s all the same.

You are coming back to each other.

You are a part of each other, and now is the time for the reunion.

Now it is time for the blending together of the masculine and feminine.


Now it is the time of receiving.

You, dear Soul, are receiving all of this experience and all of this wisdom.

Oh, and you are receiving the dark, because it is you too.


Dear human, you are not used to receiving. But now, as you blend back together with your soul, you are discovering what it is like to receive.

You are receiving the light.

You are receiving your divinity, your full consciousness.


Let it in.

This is your job now.


Dear sovereign, divine being, you are no longer masculine or feminine.

You are way beyond that.

Oh, you still have those facets within you, and you can play with them however you choose, but it is going to be different now.

Now it is all about receiving.

Receiving you, in every way there is to receive you.

Receiving your darkness as well as your light.

Oh, there is so much beauty in that darkness! So much experience! So much wisdom!

Receive it.

It is you now.


You are not receiving from outside of you. It may look like that sometimes in your human life, because, well, it is the nature of the game. But it is not really outside of you.

It is you.

It is within you.

It is your imagination.

It is your own energies.


The masculine was the doer. Oh, and he tried so hard!

But he forgot about the receiver. He forgot about receiving.

He thought he had to do everything, to push everything.

Oh, it led to some incredible experiences. Many difficult and painful experiences, and many beautiful ones also.

But now it is time for you, dear one, as the whole combined being, to receive.

Just to receive.

You don’t need to figure it out anymore.


You see, your reality is all imagination, and it can be changed in an instant simply by imagining it different.


Well, the masculine goes, “Okay, how do I do that? How do I imagine more money, better health? How do I imagine something different?”


But dear masculine, that is not your job.

Your job is to experience whatever experience you are having right now, and to do whatever there is in front of you that needs doing right now.

Not to figure it out, and not to try to change your imagination. You can’t!

That is the job of the feminine perspective of you, and she doesn’t do it by figuring it out or by conjuring up some new image. That is not how imagination works at all, except in the human brain.

She simply receives.

And that is your job now: to simply receive.

Oh, it makes the human crazy!

Again, the human is the ultimate expression of masculine, no matter what kind of body it is.

And it makes it crazy. It’s so used to figuring it all out. It has thought for so long that it needed to figure it all out. And that was useful because it created some incredible experiences, but it doesn’t need to figure it out anymore. And in fact, trying to figure it out gets in the way.

So, if there is something in your life that you feel needs to be changed, receive it.

Just receive it the way it is.

Open up.

Open your hands.

Open your heart.

And receive.

That’s all there is to it!


Oh, the human goes a little crazy when it sees all these things that need to be fixed. When there isn’t any money in the bank and the rent needs to get paid in a couple of days, the human goes a little nuts.

Receive it!

Take a breath and receive.

That is your job right now: To receive with passion!

Don’t label the receiving. Don’t say “I’m receiving money!” Or “I’m receiving health!” Or “I’m receiving love!” Or whatever.

Don’t put a label on it, for that just blocks the flow.

It limits it.

Instead you just take a breath, and you receive.

Receive life.

Receive you.

You receive your light.

Oh, don’t even think about it like that. Just open!


We’ve talked a lot about allowing over the years, but that is just the precursor to receiving. We were getting you ready, because the next level of allowing is receiving.

And that is how you receive: You open up, and you allow.

You allow life.

You allow you.

You allow the little inspirations that come in the moment.

Maybe they make sense, maybe they don’t. But you allow them.

You do whatever is there to do, right in this moment, that feels good.

In receiving, you no longer do things that don’t feel good just because it is the only way you know to receive a little bit of money.

You don’t eat things that don’t feel good just because you think that is how you maintain your health.


You just open up and receive, and experience what comes.

And you do what feels good to do, in the moment.


Oh, so often, John will have all these ideas about the things he needs to do. The work he needs to do on the website, the work he needs to do around the house, and all these different things. And he is learning, in receiving, to just let it flow.

One minute he’ll be working on something on the computer, and he’ll go off to the toilet or something and come back, and notice something in the house that he’s been thinking needs to get taken care of, and he’ll find himself taking care of it. And then something else. And a part of him is going, “But I need to finish what I was working on!”

No. It will get finished in the right time.

You just need to be in the moment, John, and receive!


Receive the inspirations, and trust them.

Flow with them.

And everything that needs to get done will get done.

And everything that you need will come to you, in the appropriate moment.

Oh, that doesn’t mean it’s what the human thinks is appropriate. Sometimes the rent might be late. That has happened to John in the past, and [sometimes] it helped him realize that it was time to let go of this place where he was living, and to move on. And then he knew what to do about that.

Sometimes there are other factors going on that the human has no way to be aware of. It doesn’t matter, you just receive.

You keep receiving.

Oh, the human might feel embarrassed, but that is that old shame to go beyond.

Give it to your soul!

Just keep receiving.


There are things happening that the human cannot possibly see, but that your soul knows about, so everything that happens as you receive is in divine perfection.

Can you trust that?

Can you trust that enough to open up, right now?

Open your hands.

Open your heart.

Just receive.


The human says, “Oh, that’s so passive! There are all these things I need to do!”


No, just receive. They will get done.

You are a human being and you can’t sit still for a long time all at once, so at some point something inside you is going to push you out of your chair and you are going to find yourself doing things, and the things that need to get done will get done.

Remember, you are changing your entire reality, right now, so you don’t actually know, at the human level, what things will actually be important in your future!

Can you trust your soul to manage that?

Can you allow yourself to simply receive?

Whatever it is, whatever is in your life right now, receive it.

And receive beyond that.

Just open up.

Don’t try to receive specifics.

Just open up and receive what comes, because then your soul can take over from your mind.

Then your wholeness can come into play.

And what you receive…

Oh, when you allow yourself to receive, what comes to you will be so different!

Some of it might be so different that it scares you.

Receive it!

And you will find that it is the best thing that ever happened to you.


Receive it.

All of it.


And if you want to take a deep three-day dive into receiving you, into receiving your light, sign up for our new class!

We’ve done a couple of live classes now. We did the one on intuition, and we’re in the middle of Divinity In Experience. It’s this beautiful class, and so much is coming from it! Oh, for John and for me! I am coming to new awarenesses along with John.

Part of it is because we are doing the class live with other people. They are adding their energies and their consciousness into it. And just in opening up and receiving the messages, it brings so much new awareness!

This will be a magical and beautiful class. So sign up, if you dare!


If you are concerned about the money, feel again.


Let it flow.


If it is your choice, it will be there.

Trust the feeling inside of you, and receive.


Receive YOU.

Receive your light.

And so it is.

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