Being Home

In this message Master Anna (the wisdom of my soul) talks about this beautiful homecoming that so many of us are experiencing right now, and about navigating the issues that come up in our human lives as a result.


Oh, and if you are wanting more, our ongoing group I Am Divinity is proving to be a very deep and profound experience! You can check it out here.

This transcript has been edited from the original recording to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed as clearly as possible.

Being Home

Channeled by John McCurdy on 17 November 2023

Welcome home!And so it is.

Master Anna of Magical Service, also known as John’s soul.


What is soul?

People have lots of different ideas and definitions, and they all have their own element of truth. But for us, right now in these messages, soul means who you are.

Your soul is everything that you are. But, for our purposes in particular, it means the parts of you that the human and its physical senses are not aware of.

For you see, you are so much more than the human you see in the mirror. So very much more!

You exist in what you call the ‘other realms,’ the non-physical realms. You exist—oh, people call them angels, the beings that are basically just like you but don’t have bodies.

Well, you are an angel too, even though you have a body. Not only that, you have many, many, many bodies, spread out across your timeline.

Oh, people call them past lives and there is a certain truth to that, but it’s not really accurate. We can say it’s more like other lives, and they don’t always follow in sequence in your timeline.

You can actually finish this lifetime, and then you can go back and have a lifetime in ancient history in your timeline. And you’ve done that.

The timeline, you could say, is an artificial construct, and the human experiences it as real because that’s what it was designed for. It makes it possible to have space, and with space and time it makes it possible for you to have an experience in a way that simply isn’t possible for an angel who doesn’t live in this human reality. For you see, we don’t have time.

Oh, the human mind isn’t going to be able to grasp that, or to understand it, because the human mind is a construct of this time-space reality. It is designed specifically to function within this time-space reality, and to facilitate this experience. But it is not who you are.

The human, the mind, thinks of itself as who you are, and that also was by design. Because when we created Earth—and yes, you participated in that. It was not created by some grand creator God out there somewhere. It was created by us.


Well, you can call us gods. You are God also, because there is no grand creator being out there that is above you and I. There simply isn’t!

That God that people talk about, oh, no matter what name it’s given, is a construct of human imagination. Humans! Because part of the deal of coming here was to forget, because how could you have the experiences you’ve had as a human if you remembered that you also are divinity?


And so humans created this God. Many gods, and then some of them narrowed it down to one God. But it was created by humans.

There was so much emphasis, you could say, on this being, that it actually became real in a certain sense. But it has no power over you, or over anything, because everything that you imagine that god to be is you. You are the creator!


Then a number of us got together and said, “We need to understand who we are.” And so we created Earth. And over a long period of time—only a moment for us, but over a long period of human time—we learned how to embody ourselves on Earth. And here we are.

Oh, we’ve had an incredible journey and a lot of experience!


Some of it didn’t feel so good, and the human feels guilty for that. It thinks it got things wrong, but it didn’t at all. It’s just experience, and your soul has gathered so much wisdom from those experiences.

Now here you are, and if you are attracted to these messages, it is very likely that you are in your final lifetime on Earth and you have discovered who you are. You might not realize it yet, but many of you do. You have discovered who you are, and you have come to the conclusion of this grand adventure.

And now there is simply the celebration, the celebration of an adventure that turned out so far—so much grander, so far beyond, anything you ever dreamed it could be.


Oh, the human mind questions that, for it doesn’t feel so grand. It hurts a lot. The human body hurts a lot.

You’ve had so many experiences that you didn’t like. And yet, each one of those experiences contributed to your wisdom, to your knowing.

Oh, you now have access to that knowing.

The mind goes, “Where is it? I don’t see it!”

That’s because the mind thinks of wisdom and it thinks of mental understanding, of being able to understand how things work within this human ‘reality,’ which isn’t so real at all. But that’s not the real wisdom.

The human equates it with what you call ‘common sense,’ but that’s only a little piece of it.

The wisdom comes as simple knowing.

When you come to a situation in your life, some little part of you always knows exactly what to do in that situation. But you don’t trust it.

The mind goes, “Oh, that doesn’t make any sense at all! It doesn’t match my experience from the past, and it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with creating what I feel like I need to create in my future.”

And so you discount it. You ignore your own wisdom, your own knowing. And the result is that your life continues on, simply repeating the same old patterns over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.


Whereas if you are willing to let in that wisdom, ahh, you’ll find your life changing. If you are willing to trust that little feeling inside of you that says, “Ahh, that feels good!” or “Hmm, that doesn’t feel so good, even though my mind says it is necessary.” Or you feel that good feeling and the mind says, “That’s crazy! There’s no way we could do that!”

Well, then you just shut it off. You shut off your own knowing.

If you want that wisdom, oh, it’s yours. It has been collected over hundreds and hundreds, sometimes thousands of lifetimes, and it is all here and available to you right now, because your soul has distilled it.

And your soul brings it to you now, if you are willing to let it in. If you are willing to trust it.

Oh, if you don’t, that’s okay. Your soul just stays in the background and keeps on collecting wisdom from your experiences. But if you want your life to change, you need to let that wisdom in! That knowing!

You are not ever going to understand it. Oh, you might look at it—at some point you will look at it—in hindsight and go, “Wow, that seemed so crazy at the time, but it was exactly the direction I needed to go and look where it got me!”

But you are never going to understand your wisdom, or your knowing, when you need it. You will simply feel it.

Ah, the feeling will often show up in your body. Your body will simply feel lighter as you contemplate one choice, and heavier as you contemplate the other.

Sometimes you won’t be able to feel a difference when you’re trying to make a choice, and that means that choice isn’t really important. Just choose something, because your soul is going to make it the right choice no matter what, if you let it.

Or, you can trust your mind’s understanding, and keep on creating the same old patterns over and over and over and over again.


This wisdom, oh, it’s like this golden nectar.

It’s here now.

It’s available to you, but you do have to trust it.

And that means that you are going to have to step off the cliff, over and over again.

You see, every person we’ve ever watched going through this process, including John, has come to a point in their life where the mind says, “We have to do this.”

And the heart, the body, and the wisdom say, “That doesn’t feel good anymore.”


Well, you can keep doing it.

John came to that place many years ago. He had a job, and the job was perfect for him for a short time while he needed it. And then a point came where he realized he wasn’t getting anywhere and that he was making just enough money so that he could continue working hard, and it was feeling horrible.

And he was opening up to himself. He was discovering himself, and he was starting to realize that this job just didn’t feel good anymore. But he was like, “How am I going to pay the rent if I quit my job?”

And I said to him, “Maybe you could reduce your hours and take part of the week off.” And I filled him with this urge to write, to write about things he was discovering about himself and about life.

And I said, “John, take some time. You have to trust me now. Oh, you don’t have to, you can continue how you are, but you are not going to be here on Earth very long if you don’t.”

Because once you wake up—most people are going through life sound asleep, just going through the motions the way they’ve been programmed to do, and they are sound asleep. They don’t feel very much. Oh, they feel some. They feel enough to have these experiences, to go through their life and have the experience. And it’s a beautiful thing. Their souls are collecting those experiences and distilling the wisdom, and at some point they will wake up, just as you have if you are here.

If you are resonating with this you have woken up, and you have begun to realize that you are so much more than the human. You have begun to let in your soul.

You see, in order to have this experience on Earth, you had to—oh, it’s been called the veil. You created this veil that keeps you from knowing your soul, that keeps you from experiencing your soul. It was necessary, so that you wouldn’t be distracted from your human experience, but when you wake up that veil begins to dissolve away.

Your veil, at this point, is gone. Oh, you’re still holding up an illusion of it. That’s really all it ever was, an illusion, but a very real illusion. And now you’re still trying to hold it up, but more and more your soul is here with you.

Your soul, and your soul’s awareness, is coming to the fore. Your soul senses—oh, your human has five senses. Maybe six if you count the connection to your soul, but for humans who are asleep that’s pretty much turned off. Or at least out of their awareness.

But your soul has several hundreds of thousands of different senses, and when you wake up you start to become aware of your soul’s awareness. You start to feel its senses and you become so much more sensitive.

Oh, and as John found many years ago, you come to a point where you simply cannot do those things to yourself anymore. You’re not asleep anymore, and you can’t act like you are asleep anymore. You can’t do things that are demeaning. You can’t do things that don’t feel good.

John found that the hardest thing about the job was the schedule. He didn’t mind working, he likes to work sometimes, but the schedule—always having to get up early in the morning, be on the job at eight o’clock in the morning and work all day, five or sometimes six days a week, he couldn’t do it. He felt it killing him and he realized, “I can’t do this anymore, but if I don’t, how am I going to pay the rent? How am I going to pay all the bills? How am I going to even have food? How will I take care of my wife?” So he struggled with that for quite a while.

Finally one day he realized, “I have to do something different!” So he went in to work and went to his boss, planning to tell his boss that he needed to reduce his hours. Well, his boss felt it coming. He didn’t realize it, but he felt it, and before John could say anything he handed John the specifications for another project and asked him to work up a quote on it.

So John took a breath and went and worked up the estimate, handed it back to his boss and wanted to say, “I need to take some time off.”

But before he could, his boss handed it back to him and said, “Go get started!” and John walked out of his office feeling so horrible inside.

Well, it was a job for wiring a new house, putting in electrical wiring, and he went and did the job. And on what would have been the very last day of that particular project, he was walking through this house that was under construction and he tripped over something at the top of a couple of steps, and landed at the bottom. And he heard something pop in his arm.

He stood back up and reached for his tools and his arm didn’t work, and then he had to sit down on a roll of wire to keep from passing out from the pain. And he started laughing at himself. Or maybe it was that he felt me laughing at him. Oh, with the greatest of compassion!

And in that moment John knew exactly why this happened: Because he hadn’t been trusting his knowing, and it finally came to the point where his body said, “I can’t do this anymore. I’m feeling too much, and I simply cannot do this anymore!” And so it fell, and dislocated his right shoulder. It stretched some nerves and some muscles so that though he healed up okay, it took about three months before he could use his right arm again. And he’s right handed, so he couldn’t work.


And as he sat there on that roll of wire he got it, and he said, “I will never, ever again, do something that doesn’t feel good just because it’s the only way I can see to pay the bills! It’s time for me to trust my knowing, and I am going to do the best I can to do that!


Well, by the time he got well enough to go back to work, he knew that he couldn’t. And there were more adventures along the way, and somehow he and his wife were fine. The things that needed to get paid somehow got paid. We won’t go into the long story, but everything got taken care of. It was right on the edge, but it got taken care of.

Well, that was the last real job that John ever had. Oh, he’s done lots of things since that have brought money, but never on somebody else’s schedule. Always self-employed, so that he could set the schedule. Always on his terms, not somebody else’s.

There have been many times where he had no idea where the money was going to come from, but it always came for the things that were needed. Some things didn’t get paid for along the way, but when he trusted that, he discovered that it was time for those things to go.

He was living in an apartment a few years later, and at some point the money just wasn’t there to pay the rent. And after he was getting a month behind and wondering what was happening, he realized that it was time to move. It was time to go on the road. And once he made that realization and started putting things in motion, selling things or giving away things he didn’t need anymore, well, then the money came to catch up on the rent. And he got rid of everything that wouldn’t fit in his little pickup truck and went on the road.

He had a grand adventure, a beautiful adventure. He went home to the place where he grew up, and got to be there when his little niece was born. He got to watch his sister and her family waking up. It was a beautiful adventure, and then it was time to go back. He lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the time, and it was time to go back there and get a new place to live.

And then a computer business just kind of started itself. He knew something about computers, and somebody asked him if he could fix a computer at this person’s job, and he did. And suddenly he had all these people calling him, and willing to pay him good money to fix their computers.

Well, that became a profitable business. And John kept thinking, “The money is still kind of on the edge. I need a little bit more profit, and I need to do something about that!” And it never worked. Because he knew that this job, this business, was secondary to his real job, which was about connecting with me, his soul.


And that, dear friend, if you are here, if you are resonating with the things we’re talking about, then that too is your job. You have woken up, and your job now is to connect with your own soul.

Oh, those words, the human words, let’s try to say it different: Your job is to build a new relationship with your soul.

You see, your soul is you. There is no connecting with it. It’s here. It has always been here. But you have had this construct of a veil between you. You couldn’t feel your soul, and your soul couldn’t come in and participate in your life. It wasn’t allowed.

And that was by choice. It was very important, so don’t judge yourself for that. It was very, very important, but it is no longer needed. Now that veil is gone. It no longer exists.

Oh, you keep imagining it. You keep thinking you have to reach out somewhere and connect with this soul that is outside of you.

Some people call it the “Oversoul,” or the “Higher Self.” But we don’t like those terms, because it is not higher than you. It’s simply bigger than you the human. But it is you. It is all that you are. It is not higher or lower.

It’s you! It’s your essence!

Indeed, it is your divinity. And your job now, above all else, is to rebuild that relationship.

Oh, it’s happening. You the human don’t have to actually do anything about it, other than to let it happen. Oh, but the human fights it! When this knowing comes in the human mind goes, “That doesn’t make any sense at all! It doesn’t match what I’ve learned in this human journey!”

Well, dear mind, what you learned didn’t include your soul, because you were here to have a human experience. And that has all changed.

In particular, this past March, 2023, something happened in the other realms that took that veil away. It no longer exists, except in your own imagination. And you can now let it go completely.

And now, for the first time ever in all of your many lifetimes and experiences, your soul can come in and be part of your life. In the past it could only watch, and at the end of your lifetimes it would take the essence of your experiences and distill the wisdom from them. But now it can come in and actually participate in your life.

And oh, it’s excited about that! It’s having a blast while the human is going, “Soul where are you? Help! I have all these problems I need to solve, and I don’t know how!”

Well, what you need to understand is that you don’t need to solve them anymore. All you need to do is be here now and allow your soul to solve them. All you need to do is look in the mirror and imagine that it’s your soul looking back at you.

The mind goes, “Oh, I don’t see anything. I just see me, the human.”

Stop it, mind. That is not your job anymore.

No, look in the mirror and imagine your soul looking back at you.


You see, your imagination is real. So many of you, you see other people having all these psychic experiences and doing things like channeling and feeling all these other entities around, and you wonder, “Why can’t I do that?”

Oh, John wondered that for so long, until I started showing him that you just imagine it.

You don’t trust what you feel, because you think you just imagined it. But the truth is, dear human, you don’t have the power to imagine anything.


It is all real on some level, and when you start connecting with all that you are it feels, at first, like your imagination. And you have to start trusting that.


How do you tell the difference between real imagination and a story in the mind?

Well, in a very real sense there is not a difference. The mind can kind of make up stories, but they are all based on the past. They are all taking experiences from the past and trying to project them into the future, with perhaps a few minor changes.

You can also tell because your soul has no judgment, and when you allow yourself to imagine your soul, you won’t find any judgment there.

Oh, the mind will throw up some of these stories and say, “Oh, I don’t deserve my soul. My soul thinks I’m a schmuck.” But it doesn’t.

That’s one way you can tell the difference between the mind’s stories and the true voice of your soul.

Your soul, oh, it is so thrilled with you! It only has love for you. It only has appreciation for you.

Oh, you’ll find your mind making up stories about how big you are or how smart you are, and things like that, and that’s your mind. Your soul is going to show you a kind of grandness that is so far beyond any of that, that isn’t a comparison with anybody else. It is simply a knowing that there is no being anywhere that is grander than you.

And with that knowing comes its companion, which is the knowing that there is no being anywhere, in all of creation, that is less grand than you.


And then you will find out what true compassion is: to allow each of these beautiful beings. Even the ones that make you crazy in this life because, well, at the human level there is so much foolishness there. They’re still playing power games, trying to build themselves up with an illusion of grandness instead of feeling into their true grandness.

So that is your job, dear friend: Feel into your grandness.

Your real grandness has nothing to do with being smart, or being skilled, or having money, or anything else human. It has to do with who you are.

Oh, you are such a grand being!


So, let’s have a little experience now.

We invite you to feel back in time.

Oh, let your imagination play.

As we go back in time…

Oh, there really was no time.

You could say we are going back before time, before it existed.


Feel yourself back to the point where you first became aware of yourself.

You were pure consciousness, pure awareness.

That’s all you were.

Funny thing was, there was nothing else at all.

There was nothing to be aware of.

You didn’t know anything.

You had no experience, because all there was, was this awareness.

Oh, don’t try to figure that out. Just let yourself feel it.


You could say you were floating in the void, except there was nothing to float. And there wasn’t even a void.

There was just you, awareness.


You felt yourself, because that was all there was to feel.

And you said, “Wow, who am I? What am I?”


Well, in the nature of who you are there cannot be a question without an answer, so suddenly you saw yourself.

It was like this other being suddenly appeared in front of you.

It was you. It was a mirror image of you.

You looked in its eyes, and it was so beautiful!

Oh, you didn’t even know what eyes were at that point. But we have to put this into human words, so allow the metaphor.


So you found yourself looking in your own eyes.

And this other part of you said, “Oh, I am going to go out, and I am going to show you who I am, who we are together.”


And so this part of you, in the metaphor, it went out. It turned away. It went out, into experience.

Oh, this experience was all within your own imagination.

You were the one who stayed behind and opened your imagination, and this other part of you didn’t actually go out, it went in. Into that imagination, into that—oh, the grandest painting that has ever existed! It went into it.

Oh, it’s been called the Wall of Fire, because as this imagination unfolded you felt yourself shredded into so many fragments.


They were all just experiences. That’s all.

And this part of you, the part that now identifies as human, went out, went in, to that imagination, and began to explore.


So many experiences! So many adventures!

You began to realize that there were other beings out there doing the same thing, and you couldn’t touch them, because they were just pure awareness. But they had a song, and they were attracted to your song. You didn’t even realize you were singing, but you were. And so were they.

You felt their songs and they felt your songs.

In a sense, you could say, they showed you some of what they were creating, and you showed them some of what you were creating. And you began to create similar things. And more and more joined in, and pretty soon you had this whole construct that we call mass-consciousness.

It’s just a pattern, a blending together of songs, that allows you to have a shared experience and allows you to imagine similar things.


So you went through so many experiences, and eventually Earth was created. Once again, it wasn’t created by some grand God that was above all of this. There is no being that is above you! None, ever, anywhere! It simply doesn’t exist.

You are God, also.


So, in your many adventures in this construct of mass-consciousness, we got together and said, “We need to find out some more about what’s happening here.” So you created Earth, this place where everything could be slowed down and replayed over and over again, and you had all these adventures here.

Oh, some of them were beautiful, incredible. And some of them were incredibly difficult and painful. But from your soul perspective, they are all so beautiful! So much wisdom came from them! And this part of you that you call your soul, this part that stayed behind to hold the tether, to hold the balance for you, it collected the essence of those experiences and distilled the wisdom from them.


Oh, such a long, incredible journey! And now here you are, at the conclusion.

So I want you, in your imagination, to feel once again.


Feel—we’re not going back in time again, but feel that same place.

It’s here now. It always has been here now.

And here you are, back home, looking in the eyes as this grand, grand being.

Oh, you’ve been through so much.

So much life.

Gritty, messy life!

And now, here you are.

Right where you’ve always been, but you didn’t know it.

You are looking in the eyes of you.

And you say to you:

“This is who I am. All of this.

“The good, the bad, the light, the dark, the masculine, the feminine, the up and down, the pleasurable and the painful.

“It is all who I am!

“I am that I am.

“I simply am.

“It is all me.”

And now, this grand being in front of you opens its arms to you.

And as you allow yourself to enter into its embrace it says:

“Welcome home!

“Thank you!

“Thank you for showing me who I am!”


And you blend together.

Oh, it’s much more than a hug!

You blend together.

You are now, once again, this one being. This oneness of you, blended back together with Soul.

And your soul says:

“I love you so, so much!

“I missed you.

“I know you missed me.

“And now here we are. The journey is complete.

“We are home.

“Even in this body that’s still walking around on Earth, we are home.

“Right here, right now, I am home.”



Allow your awareness to come back to your human body.

Feel this presence within you.

Allow yourself to feel your soul.

Allow yourself to feel home within you, filling you up. Filling up your human body.


Allow yourself to feel the grandness of who you really are.


Allow yourself to look across the timeline of you.

Oh, some of those beings that you’ve been, that you are, are so grand!

Grand leaders!


Beautiful experiences!

Dark ones, too, and they are all part of your grandness.

They are all part of this wisdom.


As you go forward in your human life, hold this feeling.

This feeling of home, of reunion inside of you.


You will never, ever again, find your soul ‘out there’ somewhere.

It is here.

It is you.


As you look through its eyes—again, just imagine it.

As you look through its eyes you’ll start to realize that everything you see around you is part of you, part of your soul.

The other people are avatars of you, built by you, created by you, just like the avatars in a computer game, based upon the song coming from that other being. But what you perceive is still you.

You no longer need to fight anyone, because they only ever had power over you because you imagined it that way. You let them have it, and now you don’t need to anymore.

All you need to do now is come back to you.

Allow this reunion, this homecoming, to be inside of you.

When you get confused, when you have to deal with the human challenges, just come back home.

It’s no longer your job to fix the problems. Your job is to simply be home.

Oh, at first it does feel like stepping off a cliff, because the human can’t see anything but those rocks down at the bottom.


But you are the creator.

And when you take that step, when you say, like John did, “I will never again do something that feels yucky to me, that feels bad to me, that makes my body hurt, that makes it feel weighed down; I will never again do that just because I think I have to to solve my problems.”

No, it won’t solve your problems. It will simply perpetuate them.


Some of you feel that way about your jobs, the same way John did.

Oh, we’re not talking about the kind of pain that comes from hard work or challenging adventures, or that kind of thing. We’re talking about that weight inside of you that says, “I really don’t like doing this!”

If you’re feeling that… Oh, so many of you, you feel that and you go, “Yeah, but I can’t change it because nothing else is here yet.”

Well, those are the points where the new cannot come in until you are willing to trust yourself and your knowing, your soul’s knowing, enough to say, “No more! I will not do what doesn’t feel good anymore!


It’s difficult. It’s terrifying for the human. And when you make that choice…

Oh, we have no judgment here about jobs. If they feel good to you, great. Enjoy it!

But if you are having that yucky feeling inside of you that says, “It just doesn’t feel right to me anymore. It feels heavy. It feels difficult. It makes my heart hurt. It keeps me feeling depressed.” Then it’s time to let it go.

It’s time to step off the edge of that cliff and discover…

Oh, somewhere, John wishes he could find it again, but somewhere he once saw a video clip of the Goddess stepping into the void, and everywhere she stepped the ground appeared beneath her foot and flowers and trees and butterflies and life all blossomed around her.

That’s you, dear friend.

When you are willing to take that step into your knowing and out of your understanding, that is when life will change in ways you cannot imagine.

Oh, there are all these ideas going around that you have to imagine the future you want so that you can manifest it, and it’s time to let that go.

The future that is available to you if you will simply allow it to happen, is beyond your ability to imagine.

Oh, that’s what John learned. He started realizing that everything good that ever happened in his life came out of what he called ‘the clear blue sky.’ Suddenly, he just found it there!

Oh, back in his days of jobs he would look in the newspaper looking for a job. And he found a few that way, and he tried them out and they didn’t work at all.

But every now and then, when he really needed one but he was too busy with life to focus on looking for it, suddenly a job would just be there. He’d run into somebody, and they’d offer him a job!

The good ones just came to him.

Oh, up until it was time for him to go beyond the whole concept of jobs.

And that is how everything in his life has worked. The good things just show up, and they are not anything you could have imagined before.

So, what you have to trust now is that knowing.

And you have to trust that you are the creator. Your soul is the creator.

And when you step off the edge of the cliff because that’s what your knowing tells you to do, life will spring up all around you. And you will be supported and guided.



Welcome home, dear friend.

Keep coming back to that home within you, to that embrace, to the melding together of your soul and you.


Talk with your soul

You can do that. Just imagine it.

Ask your soul a question and imagine your soul talking to you, and write down what you imagine. You’ll be surprised!


Welcome home!

And so it is.

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