Nature Speaks

Nature Speaks

It’s difficult to let go of the battles in life when we see the beauty of nature being destroyed all around us. Here is what Nature herself has to say about that, and about why you might want to consider it. Read more…

The Way Out

The Way Out for Humanity

The world seems to be going crazy. Corrupt leaders abusing their power, people protesting and the protests turning violent, leaders who should know better fanning the flames and grabbing for more power, and on and on. How do we get out of this mess? Divine Feminine says there is a way and it begins with us, but it isn’t like anything we’ve tried before. Read more…

The Nature of Good and Evil

The Nature of Good and Evil

How can good and evil be the same? That’s the question some of you asked after our recent messages from the Divine Feminine. In this channel Divinity Itself, the archetypal being that some would inaccurately call God, comes in to address that question with a story. Read more…

Divine Feminine on The Chaos of Change

Divine Feminine on The Chaos of Change

All around the world chaos is rampant and people are grabbing for power. Is this a giant leap backwards for mankind, or is it just the chaos that comes with the change we asked for? Here, with the help of a very real swarm of ants in the middle of John’s channel, Divine Feminine creates a beautiful metaphor of what is happening and how to deal with it. Read more…