What Is Divinity?

So, what is divinity?

It is all that you are. And that means all that you perceive, whether dark or light, or good or evil, or right or wrong, or loving or hateful. It is ALL your divinity.

And when you own it, when you can say, and mean it, I am that also, then you will be free.

—Master John

And that is just one part of this profound message, where Master John (my soul) talks not just about what divinity is, but about why it matters to us and why the recent opening on March 22 is so very significant.

For myself, I am still reeling from this message! So simple and so profound, and I find so many things clicking into place in my mind and so much more opening up within me. Rather than try to describe it further, I leave it for you to discover in your own way. Enjoy!

Note: The Tobias channel mentioned in this message, The Darkness is Your Divinity, is Shoud 12 of the New Energy Series, available here for free.

This transcript has been edited from the original recording to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed as clearly as possible.

What Is Divinity?

Channeled by John McCurdy on 25 April 2023

Hello everyone!

I want to thank you for your warm responses to my video messages so far.

Since our last one, I Am Divinity, oh, that’s been quite an opening for me! And in the past few days my soul, Master John, has been talking to me about it a lot. Or, feeling to me, since it usually doesn’t happen in words, but communicating with me a lot about what that means: I Am Divinity.

Well, what is divinity?


Master John has some things to say about that, so I’m going to open up and let him talk.

So, let’s begin with a little breathing.

Oh, we don’t do anything fancy for breathing. We just take a couple minutes and just breathe, consciously.


And maybe drink a little water. [John takes a drink]


And just breathe.



Feel the energies gathering.




Feel your own soul.


Ah, John wanted to say “coming in,” but your soul doesn’t come in. It’s already there. It’s already in.

Just feel it.


Feel as it joins its awareness with yours.





Hm. Feel the dragon!

Your own dragon. It’s part of you.

Oh, and it’s coming in to be part of this message.



To help clarify you. And me.



Oh yes, I am that I am!

I am divinity, and so are you!

I am Master John of Magical Service, here to show you the magic of your own divinity.


What is—hm, we’re already choking John up…

What is divinity?


Well, let’s start out with the obvious: Divinity is you. Divinity is everything that you perceive. And everyone.


Oh, we’ve talked around the details of that in many of our earlier messages, and you can find them on our website. We want to talk about some deeper things today, about what divinity is for you in practical terms.

It’s you. It’s everything that you are. And it is also everything that you think you are not.


Many years ago, it was in July of 2004 actually, John, along with me, attended a gathering of those of you who call yourselves Shaumbra, a gathering of the Crimson Circle, in New Mexico. Oh, Tobias, the ascended master and dear friend of ours, did a special channel. A shoud, it’s called, because what he really did was gather together the consciousness of all of you and focus that through the channeler, Geoffrey Hoppe, into a message from you to you. And in particular, this very important message that you really wanted to express. That I really wanted to express!

And so, with the help of Tobias, we gave a beautiful message about the darkness, and about how the darkness has served you. And in the end Tobias said, we said, “Your darkness is your divinity.


Oh, it was shocking! So shocking! And there was such joy!

John left that day jumping for joy, because it was such an opening. Such a beautiful opening!

Your darkness—oh, how many of you have fought against your darkness! Humanity has been fighting against the darkness for as far back as it can remember.

Your darkness is your divinity.


Well, then of course the question is, What exactly is your darkness?

Well, we knew. The darkness gets equated with evil, and indeed it includes what you call evil. That too, is your divinity.

Can you let that in? That which you call evil is indeed your divinity. We’ll get to why in a little bit.

Well, that was too much for a lot of people. Ha! Some of them are still trying to backpedal on that and to say, “No, it’s not really evil. It’s, uh, the unknown.” And that is true too, but it’s a cop out to say it’s not also the evil.

All the things you think are so bad in the world, they are all part of your divinity!


Humans have these ideas about the divine. You call it God, this grand being in the sky somewhere. Ha! An old man, usually, and you think that is the divine, the divinity. But that, dear friends, is nothing more than the imagination of humans.

You are divine. Nothing else.

Ah, words get so confusing sometimes.

You are divinity!

Whatever God you imagine out there is a projection of human imagination!

Why do you think it’s so confusing? This God that is supposed to be good, that is supposed to be love, the personification of love and goodness, and yet in your histories, in your Bibles or your books about God, he behaves worse than some of your worst human tyrants! He’s hateful and vengeful. He’s supposed to stand for justice, and he’s the most unjust being in all of creation.

It’s because he comes from the imagination of humans who forgot who they were, and who lost hope. So that was the best they could imagine, someone who loved them but hated their enemies. And that is what you call divinity.


Well, now you are beginning to understand that you are divinity, and where you find your divinity is in your darkness.

Many of you have heard of ‘shadow work’ in self-help and psychological circles, one of the most profound forms of therapy that humans have yet discovered. To go into your shadow, into your darkness, and bring that part of you forward, oh, it is so empowering! It’s so beautiful, what can come from that, because what you are doing is bringing your divinity forward.


This recent event on March 22, 2023, has been called Heaven’s Cross. It has also been called the Apocalypse, the Great Revealing. That’s what the word ‘apocalypse’ originally meant: the Great Revealing.

It has also been called the Second Coming of the Christ, because the one you call the Christ, the one who lived two thousand years ago as Yeshua Ben Joseph, also known as Jesus of Nazareth—oh, so misunderstood!

He didn’t come to save you from your sins. He came to save you from your hopelessness, by showing you who you are. By showing you that you are divinity itself.


[a pause]

Hm. John is confused because he lost his train of thought.

That’s because I wanted him to pause for a moment and just feel.

I wanted you to pause for a moment and just feel.

Feel your own divinity.

Don’t look outside of yourself for it. You won’t find it there.

It is you. It is all that you are.

And yes, it is your darkness. However you want to define the darkness, it is all of that.

It is everything that you consider evil, whether inside or outside of you. It makes no difference, because it is all you.

It is what you know and what you don’t know.

It is the light and the dark, the good and the bad.

Is it any wonder that this part of you that you have pushed away for so long, that you have fought against, that you call evil or bad, is it any wonder that when you allow that part of you to come home, you find yourself?


We want to bring in another concept for you to consider.

At this point, most humans are aware that the very matter that you think is so solid is mostly empty space. The cells that make up your body, the cells that make up the chair you’re sitting on, that make up the walls of your home, are mostly empty space. They’re made up of atoms, and the atoms are made up of even smaller particles. And when you get down to a certain point, even those particles can’t be found. Scientists can only find their interactions.

When it comes right down to it, you realize that the space between those atoms, between the particles within those atoms, is comparable to the space between the stars in your sky. You are, almost entirely, empty space!

Well, there is no such thing in all of creation as empty space. How can there be? Because all that exists is consciousness. Your consciousness. So, what do you think is in that seemingly empty space?

It is your divinity. It is your consciousness, which is another word for your divinity.

Let that in!

Feel into your body. Oh, it seems like this solid, or semi-solid, machine. It walks around, it has all these functions, it talks, it hears, it sees, it does all these things. It seems like a somewhat solid object, and when you look at it, that’s all you see. That human object.

Now, I want you to look deeper. Remember, every cell in that body is made up of atoms, which are made up of many other tinier particles, and the space between them is like the space between the stars in proportion. And all of that empty space is your divinity.


John heard that said the other day and he thought, “Oh, wow! That’s a whole different perspective on my light body!”


Because, what do you think your light body is?

It’s not a bunch of bright shining physical light. It is your divinity. It is the light of your consciousness.

Now, here’s the thing: Everything you see is your own consciousness, your own creation, or imagination. But at some point you focused in and you said, “I want to have some very detailed experiences.” So you focused in on certain specific parts of your consciousness, and in your focus you brought those parts into a special kind of awareness. And that includes your human body, and the cells that make it up and the atoms that make up those cells.

You also created this thing that you call mass consciousness, which is nothing more than a template, or a pattern, so that other beings can create something similar to your creation, so you can have something to talk about. To compare to, and to have a somewhat common experience. You can even interact in it.

The problem was, you got so focused into it that you forgot most of what you were, and you lost hope. And you lost trust in yourself.


So this thing, this event of the apocalypse, the revealing, is something that so many of you have been working on for so long. Oh, and I’ve been in there in the middle working on it with you, on a way to—hm, we’re looking for the right words.

You see, all of that ‘space’ that you are, far, far, far more space than you are ‘something,’ seems dark. It seems empty. Because in order to focus in on this experience, you could say that you had to turn off that light. Oh, you didn’t really turn it off, you just blocked it out for a while.

Now, you can turn it back on at any point, or take down the block. But then, suddenly, there’s no definition anymore. There’s no focus anymore. There’s nothing to focus on, because it’s all light.

Well, that’s what happened to what you call the ascended masters. They came to the realization of who they are, and poof! The barriers went down, the light came on, and they were gone from the human experience. From the human reality.

Oh, in a few cases, somebody saw it happen. They saw that flash of light and they said, “Oh, they ascended to God! Now they’re an ascended master!” And that’s where that term came from.

No, they were just an angel like you who finally remembered who they were and took down the barriers, took down the blocks, and let the light shine.

Well, on one hand it was a beautiful thing. On the other hand it was a little bit disappointing, because this earth experience, this human experience, is so real, so visceral, and once you’re out of it you’ll look back on it and go, “Wow!” Even the worst experiences you can imagine, you’ll look back on them and go, “Wow, what an experience!” And you gain so much wisdom from them. Your soul gathers in that wisdom.

So, you had two things that you wanted. You wanted to find a way that you could come to your realization and stay within this experience, for a time, in your full awareness of you.

And, you also wanted to find a way to make the whole process more efficient. It took you thousands of lifetimes to find your way through this intensive journey, and that’s just not necessary. So you wanted to find a way where people could come in and not forget so completely who they are, or at least have much easier access to their own light while being here. So that’s what you’ve been working on.

It’s what we’ve been working on for, oh, eons of what you call time. How could we bring in the light of your divinity, of our divinity, and yet modulate it in a way that would allow you to also continue the human experience?


So, that’s what we’ve done. That is the opening of Heaven’s Cross, of the Second Coming. That is the Second Coming of the Christ.

You see, the Christ spirit, the Christ energy, that’s what it was always about. Yeshua was one of many experiments, actually, on how to bring in the consciousness while being human, on how to bring in the light and the knowing while being human.

So, here we are. The second coming is here. It has happened. It’s not some being walking around on the planet somewhere, it’s you. It’s inside of you. That divinity is now available to you the human, and you find it in your darkness.

That’s why allowing is so important, because the only way you can let your divinity in is to stop the battle, to stop the battle with the darkness. It’s you! You are fighting yourself!

That’s what the dragon is here for, to show you those battles and give you an opportunity to put down your sword. And your gun, and your whatever else, and your lightsaber, and whatever you’re using to fight with. Put it down! It is no longer needed, and it is keeping you stuck. It is keeping your light body out.

You see, oh, the Great Revealing is the revealing of your light!

You see, all that empty space inside of you is your divinity, and right now it is being activated. It is waking up. It has been asleep for a long, long time so that you could have this experience, and now it is waking up.

That is your light body! That is your divinity! And it is waking up.

Oh, it’s creating a little havoc as it does. And it’s being modulated, because if it happened too fast, well, you’d just be another dead ascended master. But that’s what is happening. That empty space, the space between the space, is waking up. It’s activating.

Feel it in yourself.

Feel that emptiness between your cells, between the atoms in your body.

Feel it coming awake.

Feel it.


Feel it beginning to glow.

Gently, slowly, and also very quickly.

It’s creating a little havoc in your body. That’s why all the aches and pains lately, because your body doesn’t know what to do with that. “Where is all this light coming from inside of me?” it asks. It’s disrupting the way your body has always functioned.


But this will pass.

Over the next weeks and months, be aware of that light coming from the empty space within you. That is your divinity. That is your light body. That is the magic coming into your life. And there is nothing for you to do about it, except to let it happen. That’s all!

Put down the sword.

And especially, put down that lightsaber! You are not a Jedi.

In your Star Wars metaphor the Jedi were as stuck in duality as the Sith, the dark ones. It was all about power, all about the light battling the dark, and it is time for that battle to be over. Neither side can ever, ever win that battle!

So, put down the weapons. Stop fighting.


You are afraid that darkness will strike you down if you do. Well, let it! Because in that emptiness, you will find you.

And the truth is, at this point it’s not going to strike you down. It can’t, because as you truly end the battle, then there is nothing for the darkness to battle. And it knows what it is, and it will say, “Ah, finally, I can come home!”

And then everything in your life begins to change. Not instantly, but over time.

You start to feel that glow.

And oh, along with that comes all the things you wanted. It comes your abundance. It comes your health.

Because, you see, we found a way. Together, we found a way to let in the light without— [John chokes up here]

Oh, this is a new realization for John: We have found a way to let in the light without destroying the dark.


You see, you dove into the dark in order to experience all that you are. And you’ve been fighting it ever since, which has only accentuated the experience, because you were just trying to destroy a part of yourself. Now, we have found a way to let in the light without having to destroy the dark.

It was always there, and now we are doing it. But you need to put down those swords, and those lightsabers, and anything else that you are using to battle the darkness.

Whether you call it evil, or unknown, or just what’s scary, the scary monsters out there, put down the weapons. Stop the battle. And you are going to find that those scary monsters, whether it’s a bear in the woods or another human trying to get power over you, when you put down your sword and stop the battle, you are going to find that they can’t touch you. That they lose interest.

And then you will find a part of you coming home.

So, what is divinity?

It is all that you are. And that means all that you perceive, whether dark or light, or good or evil, or right or wrong, or loving or hateful. It is ALL your divinity.

And when you own it, when you can say, and mean it, I am that also, then you will be free.


And so it is.

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2 thoughts on “What Is Divinity?”

  1. Hi John! I love your channels. I sent you a paypal contribution but cannot access the text. Can you Help? there are some intensely profound words that I’d especially like to review. Big hug and thank you.

    • Hi Julia,

      Thank you for your kind words!

      In order to receive the text transcript you need to subscribe to the paid version of the newsletter. However, since you already made a contribution, please subscribe to the free version using the box above, and I will give you a complimentary upgrade for the amount of time you paid for.

      And a big hug back to you!


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