Allowing Embodiment Part 1: Why it Hurts

Allowing Embodiment Part 1: Why it Hurts

As more and more people come into their realization, or enlightenment, many are surprised to find their bodies hurting and struggling more than ever. Wasn’t realization supposed to fix all that? Where is the long-promised Light Body? How can I be realized and still hurt so much? In this message Soul talks about what is happening, why it often gets worse before it gets better, and what you can do to support this natural process. Read more…

Surrendering to Soul

Surrendering to Soul

“So many of you, including John, have been feeling somehow disconnected from your own soul. You are not. It is just that our relationship is changing every day. I am coming in more fully and you are not used to that, so you cast about in your awareness, looking for me in the old places, and I am really so much closer.” —Divinity Read more…

Lifting the Veil Between Human and Soul

Lifting the Veil Between Human and Soul

The number one question my clients ask in private channels is some form of, “Why can’t I feel my soul?” Or, “How can I connect more deeply with my soul?” That’s been the biggest question in my life too, and I think that’s true for just about everyone I know. In this beautiful and very personal message, my soul discusses why we feel that way and how to deepen our experience of divinity. Read more…

Relaxing Into Soul’s Dream

Relaxing Into Soul’s Dream

Who is responsible for what happens in your dreams at night? Certainly not that little part of you that walks around in the dream. So why would the human part of you feel so responsible for what happens within the dream of your soul? Maybe it’s time to relax so that Soul can dream in the new life you’ve been fighting so hard to create! Read more…

Dark Days of Enlightenment

Dark Days of Enlightenment

We think of enlightenment, or realization and embodiment of our divinity, as this grand and wonderful thing all full of light and joy. And it is. But in the transition from human to embodied divinity we lose everything the human ever thought was real, and the dragon confronts us and forces us to face and accept what we consider the worst of ourselves. And sometimes that leaves the human feeling confused, afraid and despairing that it can ever get it right. Everyone on this journey has had those days, and in this channel Divinity talks about what is happening and how to cope with it. Read more…

Nature Speaks

Nature Speaks

It’s difficult to let go of the battles in life when we see the beauty of nature being destroyed all around us. Here is what Nature herself has to say about that, and about why you might want to consider it. Read more…

The Way Out

The Way Out for Humanity

The world seems to be going crazy. Corrupt leaders abusing their power, people protesting and the protests turning violent, leaders who should know better fanning the flames and grabbing for more power, and on and on. How do we get out of this mess? Divine Feminine says there is a way and it begins with us, but it isn’t like anything we’ve tried before. Read more…