You Are So Worthy!
The Apocalypse, the Second Coming, is here. Can you allow your own worthiness? Read more…
And so are you! – Exploring the Magic of Who We Are with John McCurdy
The Apocalypse, the Second Coming, is here. Can you allow your own worthiness? Read more…
The great revelation of Divine and Human to each other is upon us, along with the chaos that comes with great change. In this simple message Master John talks about how you can make this incredible transformation easier for you. Read more…
In this beautiful and meditative journey, you are invited deep into your own essence where your own divinity, along with the future you who ‘has it all together,’ can show you how beautiful and worthy you are. Read more…
No introduction I can think of feels right for this message, so I will let it speak for itself. Read more…
This short and profound message from Jeshua came as a surprise to me, and I am still in awe… Read more…
You’ve noticed the chaos in the world and in your own life and body. But did you know that, far from being the end of the world, it is the direct result of the opening and change you’ve been longing for, and working so hard to create, for so long? Read more…
This deep, beautiful, and multi-dimensional experience is the promised follow-up to our last message, The Roots of the Pain. Read more…
Why do our bodies hurt so much, especially now that we are integrating our light-bodies? Why is there so much suffering and violence in the world? My soul’s answer is that we are still falling for a very old misunderstanding. Read more…
In these times of intense and confusing chaos, are you willing to let your soul carry you? Read more…
“You have struggled with this river your whole life. In all of your many lifetimes you have struggled with this river of life. You’ve paddled your little boat so hard. You’ve planned out your course and you’ve worked so hard to make your little boat go upstream, and to go where you thought it needed to go… You can let that go now, because I, your soul, am here. And with me here you don’t need any paddles, because what you are going to discover is that, well, I am that river!” —Your Soul Read more…