Trust the Flow of Your River

Trust the Flow of Your River

“You have struggled with this river your whole life. In all of your many lifetimes you have struggled with this river of life. You’ve paddled your little boat so hard. You’ve planned out your course and you’ve worked so hard to make your little boat go upstream, and to go where you thought it needed to go… You can let that go now, because I, your soul, am here. And with me here you don’t need any paddles, because what you are going to discover is that, well, I am that river!” —Your Soul Read more…

Getting It Wrong

Getting It Wrong

As masters, sometimes it’s hard to smile when chaos is all around and our bodies hurt, and when our minds take that opportunity to tell us we’re hopeless schmucks who can’t get anything right. Could it be that the secret is in allowing ourselves to get it wrong? Read more…

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

As Divine and Human blend together it changes everything, and that is where we are. Like the butterfly emerging from the cocoon, so many of us are discovering the beginning of a whole new life. Are you ready for yours? Read more…

It’s Time to Tell the Truth of You

It’s Time to Tell the Truth of You

The news is in, for masters everywhere: Everything you perceive is YOU. Everything you perceive is your own energy, serving you by conforming perfectly to your perceptions of you. Including the illusions that you hold. Want to change something in your life? It starts with telling yourself the truth about you. Read more…